But often I write small methods (maybe 10 - 15 lines of code) that need to be reused across two projects that can't reference each other. The method might be something to do with networking / strings / MVVM etc. and is a generally useful method not specific to the project it originally sits in.

The standard way to reuse this code would be to create an independent project for the reusable code and reference that project when you need it. The problem with this is we end up in one of two less-than-ideal scenarios:

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note: My use of the words "Project", "Solution" and "Reference" come from a background in .NET development in Visual Studio. But I'm sure this issue is language and platform independent.

In all, there are about a dozen or so libraries. You can really distribute the code however you see fit, so you don't have to end up with hundreds or dump everything into one giant assembly. I find this approach fits because only some of our projects will need Framework.Data and only a few will ever need Framework.Strings, so consumers can select only those parts of the framework that are relevant to their particular project.

If they're really just snippets, and not actual methods / classes that can be easily reused, you could try just distributing them as code snippets into the IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code Snippets). Teams I've worked with in the past had a common snippet library that made it easier for everyone to follow our standard coding practices with internal code as well.

In my experience, when I see "miscellaneous" libraries like the accepted answer, they're an excuse to reinvent the wheel (or not invented here(NIH)) - a far greater sin than violating Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY).

Sometimes violating DRY can be a reasonable compromise, it is better than introducing tight coupling. Reuse is a secondary concern compared to good object oriented design. A bit (I mean small amount, apply the Rule of Three) of duplication is easier to understand than a spaghetti code base.

Why is the stuff in the .Net Framework not good enough? The Framework is pretty big; many times I've seen code that re-implements stuff that already exists there. Really make sure that your frameworks are filling gaps in the .Net framework and dont just exist for aesthetic reasons (for example "I don't like the .Net framework here" or perhaps some premature optimization)

Introducing another layer into your architecture has a significant complexity cost. Why does the layer exist? I've seen false reuse, by that I mean that, the code is built on top of an in-house framework. It would have been far more efficient to implement it directly on top of standard libraries.

Using standardized technologies (like the .Net framework and popular 3rd party/open source libraries) have benefits that often outweigh the comparative technological gains of building it yourself. It is easier to find talent that knows these technologies and your existing developers will invest more in learning it.

For small bits of code -- say a single class with no dependencies -- we tend to just copy and paste the code into projects. This sounds like a violation of DRY, and I'll admit it can be at times. But over the long term it has been much better than having some sort of massive, multi-headed commons project for a few reasons.

Second, invariably you'll want to make some little tweak to the common code for that project. If you've got a local copy of the source than you can just make the tweak and call it a day. If there is a shared library then you could be taking on tweaking that library and then making sure you don't break all the other apps or creating a versioning nightmare.

The second solution you describe is not that bad. In .NET you also reference an assembly from the GAC even if you just use one single class of it. 'Dragging irrelevant code' is not that a problem as you might think. In this case it is vital to at least keep related methods and classes cleanly organized in different namespaces. Additionally good practices for API design should be applied to prevent this solution becoming a mess.

If it comes to very small bits of code, I think following approach is a good supplement to a common project: Allow them to be duplicated in different solutions. Deal with them like best practices: document and communicate them to the team.

I've only ever worked in "enterprise" environments where this sort of thing has been an issue and each time it's been the second option that's been adopted. For the most part it's worked okay because there hasn't been any constraint on application footprint.

However, having spent the last week with a start-up who are running their own Nuget server I'm inclined to suggest this as a viable alternative. Of course the issues I expect to emerge will be around discover-ability.

I've recently thought about this and what occurred to me was a large library of common methods as has been mentioned thus far, but with a twist. The library project would allow you to configure at compile time which pieces are included kind of like the BusyBox project. With that approach, you can have a kitchen sink style library repo, but only grab the tools you need when compiling.

Depending on the size of the team/project/company this will be rather hard thing to do efficintly, unless it is already built into your environment somehow, and every solution you will find (if you implement it) will cost some money. (It may safe you more, but that you will not be able to measure easily). You'll have to check whether it's worth the price. Keep in mind, too, that reusable solutions tend to become abstract and often will fit many situations but without being optimal.

Then you'll need to make sure you know the scope in which you want to do this. Team? Project? Department? Company? Depending on the answer the kind of code you'll put into such solutions will vary, as will the granularity with which you tailor the dlls. Once you decided on this someone (preferrably with some enthusiasm for the idea - you?) should sit down and start to put some structure into this.

Just creating such dlls will not be sufficient to do the trick, though. In order to make them useful you'll need to advertise them (to users and contributors) and maintain them like any other piece of software, which usually means that you need to put someone in charge for them for a long time. You'll need reliable documentation, as well, which will then need maintenance, too. With some luck and cooperation you may end up with some best practices, but it can as well easily evolve into a project of it's own, depending on the size and number of teams involved. And for that you'll still need management support.

One thing i would recommend- no matter where you keep your snippets, always google stuff up before you use it. things change all the time. saved snippets save time, but also breed complacency.

The system has worked well but like all others it needs diciplin on what is a utility. Requiering high test coverage has worked well for us and tests are also good usage documentation. Discovery is still an unsolved issue for us.

My company uses intranet-local web services. We have a few web services that are set up as common internal web services, and when another project needs access to one of the services it sends an http request with a defined interface. Since it's on the intranet, housed in the same server farm, these requests are very fast.

It's an interesting way to share just your snippets (not entirely libraries) with your team. It breaks the usual point to create common libraries that should be referenced in other projects, and in my opinion this is a valuable vision.

Moreover, there are a lot of scenarios were the use of a common library simply doesn't apply: let's consider for example some Design Patterns like Singleton, Strategy or Observer. You can create libraries to support such patterns but still there's no 100% coverage.

The real need is to have a tool to share common practices among the team. I tried to use Github's gists but I'm stuck with the search of them (really poor) and with the fact that I cannot share them just among my team and not with other...

This game I found to be interesting. Making people happy is easy - give them their dream jobs. This only helps to give you a few extra TowerBux. To make money and more floors, simply build a residential floor, and look at the people in there once you add them in. Lets say 3 have creative personalities or higher levels in creativity. Make a creative floor next. Keep checking the app every 15 minutes or so and keep restocking every store. Having fully restocked floors will give you extra cash and TowerBux.

Don't be afraid to evict tenants who don't offer enough skills, or delete an unprofitable floor to replace it with something better. Both of these actions will take time, but not cost money. I've also found that getting two or three workers on each floor gives me money faster than having more floors, so make sure you build plenty of apartments.

Coins - The fastest way to build up coins, really, is exchanging Tower Bux for coins. Save up 50 Tower Bux and exchange them for 100,000 coins. The lower tiers give fewer coins per buck, so save up for the top tier if you plan to do this exchange.

The other way is to make sure that your shops are well-stocked in higher-priced items. This can be done by either stocking all three items in as many stores as possible or you can stock only the two coin and three coin items. Not stocking in one coin items will give you a higher coin/minute turnaround, but you will be sacrificing "fully stocked store" bonuses (which can be either coins or Tower Bux), so that's something to weigh against it. Keeping only the two items stocked also can create issues if you aren't able to keep tabs on their stock frequently enough, as if one goes out of stock you'll only have the other item to fall back on.

Tower Bux - Early on, the best way to get Tower Bux is by doing "find this person" missions. These will appear randomly and give you a guaranteed buck. This requires giving your tower some attention so you can catch these missions, though. 152ee80cbc

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