I just got my phone and, after setting it up, tried to restore it from a backup. It kind of worked, but most of the music was still missing. Since I didn't want to go through the thousands of songs I have and redownload them one by one, I decided to sync my phone on iTunes. After syncing, Music shows one album, but every track is duplicated under the same album. Two track ones, two track twos, etc. I checked to see if one was a cloud file and the other was actually on the phone, but every one I tried, both songs were on the iPhone and I didn't have to download anything. I tried restarting both the computer and iPhone and resyncing, that didn't work. I checked the duplicate songs on iTunes option in iTunes and yes, those are duplicated, but there are thousands more that don't show up on iTunes as duplicates but was put onto the phone as a duplicate. If it comes down to it, I'll remove all of the music and just resync and hope it doesn't duplicate again. But if it happens in the future, it would be nice to have a solution. Thanks for any help you can give me!

You would think, but no such luck. I do the same thing, backing up to the PC. I just have more info on my phone than the cloud would allow me to back up, so I just do it on the computer. I think I found a way around it though. I unchecked the "sync all music" box and synced my phone. Then I went to Settings-General-iPhone Storage. I hit the Music section and there's an All Music section and a thing for each artist. Next to the "Music" label above the all songs part is an edit button. I hit that and deleted all songs. They still showed up on the phone, but as downloadable songs rather than actually being in the phone. I synced my phone again after I deleted all of the songs and it put the songs in the right places with no duplicates. None that I've found anyway. I have over 10k songs, so I didn't check one by one. It put the songs in their rightful place instead of downloading them or putting in a duplicate where one is there and the other is a download. Give that a try and see if it works. I don't think you have to uncheck the sync music box since you don't have to sync it before you delete everything. Unless you have songs on there that you purchased but aren't on iTunes yet. Otherwise, just go into your settings, delete all your songs then resync your phone to iTunes. Its not ideal, but by that point, I was desperate and figured I'd give it a shot. Lo and behold, it worked. Hopefully it works for you!

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When I got my new phone, one of the reasons I did was I went from 256GB to 512GB, so I could get my whole music library into my phone. So I followed this process -us/HT210216. That got my entire music library from my old phone copied to my new phone. Probably 70% of my total library.

I have the same exact issue. It's maddening. I think the solution is going to be syncing the phone with the "sync music box" unchecked and then re-syncing with that box checked so it removes all the music files on the phone and then reinstalls everything from the iTunes Media folder. I don't back up to the cloud, I back up onto my PC. This happened to me once before years ago and I recall this is what I had to do to get things back in order. You would think there would be some type of check so this can't happen. The most frustrating thing is the time involved. I can't leave without the phone so I'm stuck while this all happens. Continuing my love/hate relationship with technology...

Give my solution a try. I had the exact same problem. I'd uncheck sync music, but it would show I still had all of my music on there. Thing was, the listing of the song was on there, but I'd have to download it. Give it a shot. Next time you sync, uncheck the music you want to sync and sync your phone. Unplug your phone from the computer if its plugged in, delete all the music on your phone, recheck the music you want to sync and sync your phone. That should do it. Fingers crossed, of course.

Glad it worked for you! I do both. A lot of ripped songs, a lot bought on iTunes. It doesn't seem to matter whether its in a folder or from the iTunes store, it duplicated. I have no idea why, but at least there's a solution out there now. It would've been a massive headache going through song by song to get rid of them and then risk having them duplicated again when you sync..... Oof. Not sure why it hasn't been fixed yet on Apple's end. First time for me, but I've seen it happen for a while. Anyway, I'm rambling. Luckily its not too complex of a solution, just time consuming depending on how much music you have.

Also-I tried deleting the Music app. I was thinking I'll delete the app and reinstall it -then sync all my music from my PC back into the phone with a clean slate. I deleted the app-no problem. But then I reinstall it, and it has all my old music (with duplicates) in it just like before I deleted it.

A couple of quick questions. Which iPhone are you using and when you deleted the music app, did you delete it from the icon on your home screen or in settings? If you delete the icon from your homescreen, it doesn't get rid of the info, just the icon itself. Like all the other apps that comes packaged with the iPhone, you're basically "hiding" the icon and not deleting anything. If you're on iOS 14.whatever, There should be an option in the same area that says "Delete App" in red. You can reinstall the Music app, then resync your music to your phone. It'll take a while with 400GB+, but that should do it. Looking at it now, there's a warning that says it "can't be undone". That's true, you can't just reverse it, but you CAN resync your iTunes library to your phone. Deleting it from your phone won't just delete it from iTunes because, as far as I'm aware, Apple doesn't have any wizards on the payroll. It could also be that your phone sees the 400GB, thinks about it for a minute and just "nope"s out. Start simple and work your way up. Restart the phone. If that doesn't work, do a soft reset. If THAT doesn't work, delete the music app from that same screen: Genereal-iPhone Storage-Music-All Songs. If you have any downloaded music on your phone that isn't on iTunes yet, download it to iTunes first. Otherwise you'll have to go through and download it on your phone and I would imagine hunting those down would not be fun either.

Huh. We have basically the same phone, so it should be working. I'm thinking maybe a soft reset would help. A soft reset is like force restarting a computer. Not sure how much you know about computers, but it basically clears the memory so whatever junk is in there gets dumped out. Nothing gets deleted or changes, it just gives your phone a...."cleaner", I guess, way of working so its not having to work passed all the stuff that might have built up in the memory. After you delete your music, is there music still there but with the cloud icon to redownload it or is your library just empty? Sorry if I end up asking any dumb questions. Since I can't see the screen, I just want to make sure I don't miss something on my end. You can try a soft reset and try deleting your music again to see if that clears anything up. If not, the only thing I can think of is, when you plug into iTunes, uncheck your music, sync it (which might take two attempts or more since that happens to me when I try to put new music on it), eject your phone then try deleting again. Or at least check the storage to see if its gone. If it is, plug it in and try resyncing your music. As a last resort, (and I mean LAST if we can't figure something out), would be to do a full reset of the phone. Back it up, reset, then restore it from the backup. But again, that's a hail mary, can't think of anything else, I'm going to punch a wall soon type option. Let's try a few other things first.

For some reason, there's a handful of albums that show grayed out duplicate songs on my iPhone in the Music app (picture attached). The albums this happens with seems to be completely random, and it's maybe 5-10% of the albums on my phone. By the way, all the music is synced from my Mac.

There's a temporary solution, which is to delete the album from my phone and resync it from my Mac, that fixes it for a little while. But randomly for no discernible reason, a week or two later all the duplicate songs will be on my phone again. At this point I've gone through this process over 5 separate times, and each time the same duplicate songs show back up on my phone after several days.

High Quality, Lossless, and High-Resolution Lossless use significantly more cellular data than High Efficiency, which may incur additional charges from your cellular carrier. Songs may also take longer to start playing. e24fc04721


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