A little background: Lunar Republic "employed" the mod's developer, Kit O' Rifty. He basically updated the mod and worked on it for NLR. Then NLR's leader stepped down to go to college, and the servers became less and less populated. Then "Glubbable" picked it up. I left the community for a bit so I'm not sure what happened, but Glubbable's servers became the new official SF servers. Then things got shitty. While SF was kept alive by Glubabble, and the people and admins populating are very friendly, the game itself has gotten shitty. What used to be a fun game where you were hunted by Slenderman and other monsters, like occasionally a weeping angel and an SCP. However, since the transistion to the new owner, there are 66 bosses (at least thats whats advertised, I've seen maybe 20 at most), but you always run into the same ones. And the bosses are usually the same. Being hunted by slender man on the first few maps was terrifying. Now the monsters just chase you around, hitting you a couple times and waiting for you to die. Slenderman does practically nothing now, and I've been killed by him once since I started playing on the servers (a few weeks). One of the absolute worst parts is that there are many maps that have one boss only, making it so you have to face the exact same boss over and over again. The entirety of the map, which can last a while. The only thing keeping me excited is that they're making a FNAF map, which sounds very fun. There are 26 maps, but you very rarely play on any new ones. Usually the same couple over and over. But then comes the worst part: Every single map is plastered with Glubabble's anime persona with advertisements and talking up the server. It's an eyesore. Plus, the chat is flooded with donation beggings, and promises of new playermodels for large donations. Now, that's all fine and dandy but the server also has ads that pop up and are notoriously loud. However, this may have been changed since I recently disabled html mods, which then sends a voice message from the server about how you should enable them. To make matters so much worse, Glubabble himself is an ass. Very recently I listened to him talk to a player who was saying that he was annoyed with the lack of boss variety, only to be sarcastically struck down about how he "won't change the server for one person's complaints".

Using Escape Plan and if you are low hp, Soldier will be most fastest class on Slender fortress 2. (type cl_showpos 1 on console, you can see vel value. If Normal Walk speed is 228, that is Max speed boost from Escape plan.)

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 8. Around the hawk of the people of ireamhin [i.e., Ireland], when his troops are gathered, the slender, smooth satin banner in the field that is an omen of destruction to the Dane [i.e., foreigner].

The town of Ioannina, capital of the province of Epirus, is located by a lake. There is an island in this lake upon which was built the fortress of Ali Pasha, an Albanian warlord who defied several Ottoman Sultans in the early nineteenth century before he was finally beheaded. On the island is a small museum, which I visited in 1987. Among the exhibits, two identical dzamares, lumped together with unrelated artifacts, were identified by the curator as Ali Pasha's "smoking pipes" (see Appendix 1, sketch G). These dzamares had no tone holes, at least as far as I could tell, for a piece of cheap embossed tin plate had been crudely nailed to one side of each instrument, where tone-holes should have been. But they were finely made, slender in the manner of Ferati kavals. Again, they existed as a pair, were faceted at the distal end, and had raised mouthpiece ends. It was impossible to tell what wood they were made from, as they were painted black.

My travels would take me to the inner city one day, a sprawling K-12 suburban campus on another, and, farther afield, fifty miles due north, to the midst of windswept, snow-crusted farmlands where the rural district school building stood like a fortress.

My research examines the production and maintenance of unintended wildlife habitats with a focus on the diverse landscape matrix and everyday livelihood practices of rural people in the Eastern Ghats in India. Conservation efforts, and the fortress model in particular, hinge on a clear demarcation between what is social and what is natural. This ontological binary informs policies and strategies for managing people, wildlife and space. Yet, biodiversity exists in everyday, anthropogenic landscapes where humans and wildlife share resources and co-constitute spaces. In my study area these include several endemic and threatened wildlife species, including the four-horned antelope, sloth bear, wild boar, the slender loris, wild dogs, and migratory leopards. Hence, I interrogate both the physical/biogeographic landscape and social practices that co-produce these spaces in the absence of conservation mechanisms. I use a mixed methodological approach that includes the use of satellite imagery and remote sensing techniques to characterize the landscape matrix, household surveys and semi-structured interviews with forest dependent communities living around these unprotected forests to understand the social landscape and the ways in which humans and wildlife coexist in anthropogenic landscapes. The results point towards an urgent need to acknowledge the value of wildlife conservation in anthromes, and shift the debate and praxis of conservation beyond protected areas. e24fc04721

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