In Windows it's relative to what drive your current working directory is at the time. If your current directory is in the C drive then C:\ would be the root. If the current directory is the D drive then D:\ would be the root. There is no absolute root.

At the filesystem level the Win32 API has no root folder, but as others have pointed out the Shell API does, ie. the Desktop. The Shell namespace is browsed with the (graphical) shell, which happens to be Explorer.exe.

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At a much lower level, the Windows kernel also has a root folder, and the registry and filesystem are subfolders of it. This is relevant if you are writing a device driver. The Object Manager namespace can be browsed with a tool called WinObj.

If you're running Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 then the closest equivalent is the partition containing files NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI, and BOOTFONT.BIN. The BIOS and MBR find this partition by finding which drive to start booting, scanning the MBR, and looking for the active partition. Microsoft calls this the system partition. I'm not completely sure how a program can find which partition this was. Anyway, when you find which drive letter this is, say letter L, then you could say that L:\ is the root directory. 99% of the time this will be drive letter C:.

Also if you're running Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 then you also have a partition which contains the Windows system files, such as directory \Windows or others. Microsoft calls this the boot partition. You can get the drive letter from the symbol %SystemDrive% as someone else said. If this is drive letter Q then you can say that Q:\ is the root of the system drive.

In Windows 95/98/ME the BIOS and MBR would look for files IO.SYS, COMMAND.COM, and some others, in the active partition. This would usually get drive letter C: so the root partition would be C:. As always, the Windows system files could be installed in directory \Windows or others on any partition.

Addendum: In the second-to-last paragraph, about Windows 95/98/ME, I typed "so the root partition would be C:." That is, letter C, a colon, a backslash, and then a period for the end of the sentence (not part of the directory name). When viewing the page, the backslash isn't showing. But when editing this answer to add this addendum, the backslash is there exactly as it should be, exactly as I typed it.

Windows doesn't share the UNIX concept of a root folder. Instead, each partition or device with file storage has its own root folder. Given that the C: partition/drive is (almost) invariably the home of the operating system, however, you may consider its root folder to be the same for Windows.

Unix uses the file system to represent almost all parts of the system, from top to bottom, which means the root file system folder logically also represents the "system root". But in Windows, the file system is not tied to the system so intimately, so within the file system there is no concept of a "system root". Hugh explains it in more detail.

I currently have a laptop running Windows 10 and want to know how to go about installing Root on it. I know that there are other blog posts about this particular topic but I find it quite confusing as there are a lot of different methods of installing root such as using cygwin, partitioning my hard drive with linux, using other archaic methods, etc.

To avoid having to source every time one needs to use ROOT, it is typical to add the command to.bashrc, .profile or analogous configuration files.Note, however, that sourcing might interfere with ROOT versions installed with different methods.

To use ROOT from Python, the Snap package bundles its own Python 3.8 interpreterthat knows where to find the ROOT libraries. This is done to avoid interferencewith other system packages. You should use pyroot rather than python to makeuse of the PyROOT features with the Snap package:

Why I need it : 

Today, while developping a UWP app, Visual Studio managed to create a duplicate copy of my app in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps. I could no longer deploy my app for debug. It did not appear in the start menu so it could no be uninstalled. I could not remove the duplicate app in this folder in command line even with Remove-AppxPackage. I was stuck. I only managed to fix it by forcing reinstallation from the store. 

For your information, I also develop on MacOS and I can tell you my developping experience is a million times better on MacOS than on Windows. I always run into impossible problems when I code on windows. You really need to do something... That's it for the feedback.

I have the isrgrootx1 file downloaded from your previous suggestion, but do you know what he means by "and put it on "Third Party Root Certification Authorities"". I couldn't find that option when I click on the file. Thank you for your help!

The default is usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot. If you want to know definitively load up the IIS MMC (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services) and open up the Sites tab. Find the "Default Web Site" (which is probably the correct one for your purposes) and right click and select Explore. That should open the directory for you. If not, try drilling into Properties.

In Windows Vista, mapping the root of a server doesn't seem possible. I have to go "Map Network Drive" from 'Computer', then enter the address, but it will only let me map to specific shares (sub-folders off of the server root) and NOT to the server root share.

Why can I easily map a network drive to the server root in Windows XP, but not in Vista? Is there something fundamentally different in the networking across the two OS's? Or do I need to do things a different way?

From a machine running Windows XP Professional 32-bit, I attempted to map a drive to a machine running Windows Server 2008 R2 named FSDC-SERVER27. I was logged on to the XP machine with an account that has Administrative rights on both the local and remote computers. As shown here I was unable to map a drive to the so-called "root" of the server:

Consider this: If it were possible to map a drive to the root of a server, there would be settings exposed to configure permissions for the "root" share. No such settings exist (at least in Windows). Indeed, all settings for controlling access to and the behavior of shares exist on the share definition itself.

On Windows machines, the closest one gets to mapping to the "root" of a server is to map to the root of a specific volume. For example, on non-home editions of Windows, the automatically-generated shares known as Administrative shares include shares of the root of all fixed disk volumes (e.g. C$, E$, etc.). It's also possible on all versions of Windows to manually create a share of the root of a specific volume.

You will need to define a new share which points to the root of the server,which in Linux is /. A better share may be to the folder containing thesub-folders of music, photo, and video, whose location you will need to find.

I have managed to mount the "root" of a SAMBA server to a network drive. It's essentially a workaround, But it works well. I have tested this workaround in two Windows 10 machines, the one as samba client and the other one as samba server.

Servant Salamander (shareware) has a "Change Directory" command (Shift+F7) that allows you to enter something like: \\NAS which does take me to the root of the NAS. (I cannot confirm that this works on W7 at this time, cause the NAS is on an XP system, though it does work on XP & I seem to recall it working on W7.)

Hello everyone, my name is Daniel Metzger and I am a Senior Premier Field Engineer for Secure Infrastructure based in Switzerland. Lately I have done quite a few Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) migrations for customers mostly because their certification authorities (CAs) were running on Windows OS versions which were approaching end of support. Other customers had their root CA installed on a domain controller which needed to be replaced with the CA being migrated to another host as a prerequisite for demotion.

While talking customers through the migration process during scoping, in each of this cases we established the fact that the existing PKI did not match Microsoft's recommendations. Several customers just had a 1 tier PKI with the root CA and its private key being exposed to the LAN while others had a 2 tier PKI with a standalone root CA attached to the LAN, too. So each time the question was raised how to build a truly offline root CA following best practices.

To access the host for the offline root CA, a minimal number of local accounts need to be created. Only these accounts are permitted to log on and to operate the guest VM. The same applies to the VM itself.

I recommend initiating a backup of the CA configuration and database each time a new certificate or revocation list is created. The private key is backed up once each time a new root CA certificate is issued and stored on a secured removable storage device as are the CA backups. The physical CA host and backup storage devices are then stored in a safe and protected location with very restricted access. This could be a safe.

In the X Window System, every window is contained within another window, called its parent. This makes the windows form a hierarchy. The root window is the root of this hierarchy. It is as large as the screen/display surface, and all other windows are either children or descendants of it.

Since every window covers the part of its parent it is staying on, all other windows appear to be above the root window. As a result, the root window is visible as the part of the screen that is behind all other windows. In other words, the root window forms the background of the screen. An image can be used as the wallpaper of the screen by setting it as the background image of the root window. This can be done for example using the xsetroot or the xv programs.

The direct children of the root window are called top-level windows. These windows are usually drawn with a decorative frame and a title bar (which are actually added by the window manager). The top-level windows are, informally, the regular windows in the terminology of most GUIs. The windows that are not top-level are used for buttons, textboxes, etc. 006ab0faaa

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