Play as a member of an elite Fireteam and complete paramilitary operations before the Predator finds you. Or, play as the Predator to hunt the most worthy prey, choosing from an array of deadly alien tech to collect your trophies, one by one.

Hunt the Predator as Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer with this premium Fireteam skin. Features the legendary character, 38 years after his first encounter with the Predator, aged, battle-scarred and ready to hunt. VO voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How To Download Predator Hunting Grounds For Free

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From the hunting grounds of feudal Japan, this demon from legend once hunted skilled warriors who protected their island nation. Now you can stalk the jungle as the Samurai Predator with the new premium Predator class. This DLC pack also includes 16 armor tints and early access* to the new melee weapon, the Predator Katana.

This DLC pack includes the City Hunter Predator class and 16 armor tints, as well as early access* to the Classic Combistick and Wrist Launcher weapons and 9 weapon tints so you can hunt the Fireteam in fearsome style.

Viking raiders consumed lands far from their own borders, and by doing so managed to draw attention they never imagined. Over centuries, the strongest and bravest warriors would seek this legendary hunter, luring it into ritual combat. Now you can send your foes to the feasting halls of Valhalla as the fearsome Viking Predator.

To have your trophy claimed by the Valkyrie Predator was seen as a great honor, said to guarantee your passage to Valhalla. Many fought against her in search of glory, but none could best her cunning speed and the force of her god-like weaponry.

Now you can play as this mythic hunter with the new Valkyrie Predator DLC pack. This DLC pack includes the premium Predator class with armor tints and early access* to the mighty two-handed Predator weapon, the Norse Hammer.

*Norse Hammer unlockable to all via gameplay by April 2021.

Join the hunt as one of the deadliest hunters that the Predator has ever faced, with more confirmed Predator kills than nearly any other human. Play as the elite sniper Isabelle, a fan-favorite character from the 2010 Predators film, featuring the look and voice of Alice Braga.

From a land of ancient sands rises the only Predator known to have defeated Dutch in combat, sparing his life as a message to all hunters that dare cross her path. Her power, unmatched for centuries, will leave the most seasoned hunters in the fight for their lives.

Now you can make your adversaries tremble at your prowess as this ruthless Predator. This DLC pack includes the Cleopatra Premium Predator class and includes early access to a new weapon skin for the Smart Disc Predator weapon. *Smart Disc weapon skin unlockable to all via gameplay by October 2021.

Banished under mysterious circumstances, this Predator has adapted to hunt undetected in the far reaches of Yautja territory. This deadly Predator is infamous for hunting legendary warriors on the chains of the Pacific Islands, studying them and adapting its armor and weapons to match their strength out of a deep respect.

Become a ruthless hunter and stalk the jungle with a variety of hunting styles, giving you a line-up of premium Predator classes to customize your appearance and play style to become the most fearsome predator in the jungle. This DLC bundle includes the premium Mr. Black Predator, Falconer Predator, and Captured Predator classes.*

*Cosmetic masks shown on Falconer Predator and Mr. Black Predator may also be purchased in-game with earned currency.

So this past Friday I was finally able to play Predator: Hunting Grounds, a game I have been looking forward to for months. Created by developer IllFonic, Predator: Hunting Grounds is an asymmetric multiplayer game where four people play as human commandos and one person plays as the ultimate alien hunter, the Predator.

Now this one I honestly see working more, even though it would have to be its own mode. In Predators, the human protagonists were not part of a cohesive team. Instead, each was their own agent. Sure, they banded together to fight a common enemy, but it was always an uneasy truce. More than once, they tried to kill each other.

I think it would be vital that the human players distrust each other (maybe turn off friendly fire and give one player a traitor objective set) and that all three teams be in constant battle. The AI predators should be a challenge but have limited weapons and the inability to heal. This should stop them from being too much of a force.

The predator could also take out the human AI to cut off the alien respawn supply chain, but doing so would require prioritizing hunting relatively harmless AI over dealing with the serious threat of four aliens.

I remember the Predator film well. I had it on VHS and my brother and I must have watched it a hundred times growing up. It is up there as one of the greatest movies of the '80s, an absolute action tour de force. It launched two governorships and an entire big game hunting alien franchise that has been around the block so many times, it frankly has begun to grow stale. If it didn't jump the shark with the disappointing Alien vs Predator crossovers, the latest two attempts to reboot it with Predators and The Predator both fell flat despite large budgets and star power behind them. If there is one thing Predator: Hunting Grounds does right, it is taking the franchise all the way back to its roots in the South American jungle. The concept is back to its core, be the hunter or be the hunted in the best setting for either to take place.

The gameplay largely sticks to the plot. You either team up with there others as commandos or take the role of the Predator in a 4v1 game of cat and mouse, where the mice have an arsenal at their disposal. At first your loadout options are limited but as you play each game rewards XP which will slowly unlock better weapons and perks. You will also unlock new skins for your outfits and weapons via loot boxes. They're called Field Lockers but they are loot boxes by another name and in my experience only contained cosmetics, not effecting gameplay. The boxes can also be bought with in-game currency and every item from them can also be bought directly with that same currency that you earn by simply playing. So as far as loot boxes go, nothing to see here really. I wish they didn't exist in-game because they further normalize a practice that is a plague in modern day gaming but at the same time do not effect the outcome so...meh.

The basic gameplay loop is you load in as a co-op commando and run through a few mission objectives eventually making your way to an extraction, if you survive long enough to do so. Somewhere else on the map spawns in the player-controlled Predator and their objective is simple: slay the commandos and collect their skulls as trophies. Commandos actually end up with a few more options once the hunt is on, for even falling short of the stated objectives, killing the Predator also initiates a win condition. The Predator has the option to go thermonuclear if the commandos can't get a helmet-less head shot in on a downed nemesis in time and then the Commandos get one more choice, try and disarm the weapon via a mini-game or run like Hades to get clear of the blast area.

Beyond that loop, well, there's nothing really. That's it. That's the game. It's $59.99 for a single game mode that feels like the same thing every time. As a Predator, that truly is it. You can level up and unlock a few new gadgets beyond the arm blade and shoulder laser you begin with, but you will never be tasked with anything other than trying to kill the commandos. As the hunted the objectives do change from mission to mission, but in name only. They are all just thinly veiled plots around the basic loop of: run to this location marked clearly on the map, mash Square to initiate something, shoot a few NPC enemies that come ambling up to the objective point and offer little to no resistance, then do it all again a few more times until the Predator or helicopter comes.

It's quick an easy to jump into a game as a commando, 30 second-ish wait times. Trying to be the predator takes much longer. The game advertises around six minute load-in times but I regularly waited much longer. In some respects I found playing as the commando more enjoyable. I might not have been able to enjoy the power fantasy of being an alien most-dangerous game specialist, but even given the same-ness of it all, there was more to do than just run around the trees "Predkour" style and search for heat signatures.

And yet, as much as I am kinda down on the lack of scope and difficulty in the game, it really does stick with you for a spell. I played my first match late one night and wasn't able to jump into my second until the next evening. I was thoroughly underwhelmed on the first bite, yet spent the greater part of that next day looking forward to getting back in, still thinking about. It absolutely nails the licensing and aesthetic of the 1987 film. This is a game that I've probably wanted to play for 30 years now even if I never realized or articulated it before seeing it for the first time. It has great potential and because most of the game is the interaction between the 4v1 and there can be unexpected and surprising moments. Particularly good Predators are actually quite hard to find. Too many lack the patience to even the odds slowly, rush in 4v1 and get taken down rather easily, and given the lengthy wait times I don't see that changing anytime soon until the number whittle down to more dedicated players as it is just too hard to get any good practice in as a Predator.

This is where the game falls flat. It has the licensing and feel down to a tee even if the visuals and gameplay are pretty standard for a first-person shooter. It's not the amazing movement and gunplay experience of the best of breed, but I never felt anything about the visuals or shooting ever got in the way. It's more than adequate, but throw in a few single-player missions to actually allow players to get the basics down. Even if it's just a token five-hour campaign, it would be something to help justify the $60 price tag. Teach us how to spot the enemy with the up button on the D-pad. Teach us how to use mud to cover our heat signatures. Give us an endgame true to the seminal film, let us whittle our opponent down through the missions and showdown int he final act with a trap-laden battlefield where the tables are finally turned. Use more than the look and sounds of the film and actually grab from the plot what made it so great. Bud sadly, this is wholly lacking, an opportunity missed, and not even something on the DLC roadmap to be corrected. Because while Arnie's character "Dutch" is debuting with the first DLC, there are no new modes on that roadmap, just weapons and skins and background exposition in unlockable audio diaries. Turns out the game I have desperately wanted to play for 30 years isn't this one at all. This is simply one good game mode in a larger experience that isn't realized. Shame. 152ee80cbc

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