Covid19 shut down restricted outdoor activities. Got inspired by some of the youtuber making manipulated images on YouTube and take this free moment opportunity to learn and explore more in photoshop editing tools. Thank to the owner of the images given the permission for downloading and using their images for learning.

Varanasi (India) - In India everything is subject to photography. In addition, Indians love to be photographed. In 2018 after 3 weeks, I no longer had much pleasure in accumulating photos on a daily basis. The exercise was too easy.

How To Download Photos On Flickr

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It was also the first time that I had stayed so long in the same Indian city. I knew all the beggars on the main ghats. As I was offered all the photos, I began to "steal" them so as not to make the same images again. With this technique, which is not one, of taking pictures without aiming, the waste rate is close to 100%.

The new "recent activities" (or at least new to me, as I'm not very perceptive of such things), informs when someone has left a comment or note or responded to your comment[s], but it doesn't update you when someone looks at your pictures.

If you go to "my photostream" you see above your first couple of pictures the number of how many pictures you have and how many views you've gotten. For example, mine says 759 pictures / 1,553 views. A few days ago it was at 1,444 views. So that's 9 views in a few days. I'm curious as to know a) which pictures were viewed and, if possible, b) who's looking at my pictures?

As someone who once wrote a blog, I know that certain counters will tell you how many visits you get in a day and how many pages viewed by each visit for free--to find out which pages were viewed you usually have to pay--I was just wondering, as someone who pays the Flickr pro rate, if I could get information like which pictures were viewed or if another member, pro or not, viewed them.

I find myself browsing plenty of other people's accounts and wouldn't mind them looking at my stuff--I've probably found their account by searching interests we may have in common (eg.: polar bears, Sisyphus, bicycles, Photoshop), so it might be nice if they were to see that I searched their stuff, looked at whatever specific picture, and they were able to determine some things about our connections.

I can understand that this might sound stalkerish, but I'd at least like to know what picture or pictures increased my viewership by 9 in as many days or less. I don't need to know who, but that would like icing on the cake that is which pictures, you know?

Anyway, I've searched the forum and haven't been able to find an answer so maybe I'm just blindly missing something, or maybe I found a flaw Flickr could update.

If anyone has any information, it'd be much appreciated.

Posted at 11:47PM, 14 December 2008 PST(permalink)

Since Flickr is a community photo sharing site, and not a private personal blog or web site, they have to weigh the value of info to show each of us about our photostream's activity, with the privacy of the members as well. They don't want members feeling that their every action is being monitored, probably because it might change the behavior of us in a negative way. Some anonymity is precious to many of us. That's why Flickr makes actions such as commenting or favoriting an image, a measurable thing. So it's our choice if we want to be "seen".

So Flickr lets you look at the stats for your images on the "stats", as far as views and where they came from (what pages the traffic to your pages came from). But that's it.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Bear in mind also that if your photos are public they can be seen by anyone regardless of whether they are a flickr member or not. 

So your 9 views could have come from 9 strangers that flickr couldn't identify if it wanted to. There's no reason why non-members should be afforded a degree of anonymity that members are denied.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

> I can understand that this might sound stalkerish

Hence a possible answer to the question, why doesn't flickr do this? I know some sites tell you who has viewed your photos (I think iPernity does, for example), but I don't think they're in the majority. Smugmug tells me how many views my photos get, but not from whom. With my page running under TextPattern, I get the dotted quad of viewers, but not specifics on who it was, but that's my personal domain.

Your question is fair, but the problem is that the various hosting sites get to make the decision. If you think flickr should provide that information (and others have posted that request, too), then maybe it's an idea and should be posted there in one of the threads already requesting it. It's up to you.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Wolf Woods: I'm sorry, but you may not understand the concept of "community". This site isn't just for you the photostream "owner", it's for the rest of us the photo "viewers", too. So Flickr has to weigh the features and compromises to make sure everyone has enough of what they want, if not everything that they want.

That's why they let us use whatever "handles" we want for our names. That's why they don't require us to display our names publicly on the site anywhere. And that's why they give us communication options, such as comments and favorites, so we can choose what level of "exposure" we want to give.

If you want to build in-depth dossiers on your viewers, you'll need to find a site that's just for display, and doesn't also serve the viewers, too.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

I really messed up this time. I had over 9,000 photos on flickr. I was playing with my I phone and clicked on flickr. It went to camera roll photos. I thought I was deleting photos strickly out of my phone, but when I went on flickr on my PC, my photo stream shows only 275 photos and the camera roll shows 5000 +. I guess I deleted half of my photos on camera roll and almost all on my photostream. Are they all gone for good, or is there anyway I can restore them? I have 818,000 views before this and I was shooting for a million, but I think I messed things up for good. Anybody have any GOOD news for me, or should I go in a corner and cry my eyes out. Regards, Gary

Posted at 4:09PM, 27 January 2018 PST(permalink)

Possibly related to the issue on my account, where it says 1.3M views as logged in, but when I view my account as logged out it says 692.4K. Obviously all the views on my private pictures (only me, and Flicr F&F) are excluded by the system which treats those views as if they do not exist unless the content behind them becomes public.

So then, in the case of OP, the count drops, seeing the content is missing.

EDIT: I reported this in the thread about the new About page and was told the discrepancy between views as logged in and as logged out was a bug:

Thus I am speculating the drop in views for OP could be a bug.

So far so good, but in any case the 'bug' has not been fixed.

Posted 72 months ago.( permalink) 

 MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest edited this topic 72 months ago.

When viewing the Camera Roll by "date taken", it is not showing all pictures. Right now, for instance:

- It is not showing any of my pictures taken after January 25th

- There are gaps in other years, such as September 18, 2020 through October 16, 2020. There are gray squares where there should be thumbnails and Camera Roll controls/icons.

If I close my browser and reopen Flickr, sometimes the missing content re-appears. But sometime when it does, gaps appear in other time periods.

The content that doesn't show up in "date taken" does seem to be there for "date uploaded", but it's harder to verify that.

The pictures are on Flickr - I can see them in the Photostream and in Organize.

I have the same problems with the Camera Roll in the Android app.

(In other news, I re-uploaded hundreds of files because I thought they were missing before I figured out it was a Camera Roll problem. Ughh, what a mess.)

Is this a known problem and/or is there something I can do about it?

Update: I received a reply to the request I submitted at -us/requests/new:

 "The issue you are experiencing with the Camera Roll missing photos when sorted by "date taken" has been reported to us by a small number of members.

I apologize for any trouble this is causing. Our engineers are aware of the issue and working on a resolution, and I added your name to the list of affected members. 

I'll reach out to you once I have any major updates."

So if you are having this problem, too, you should submit a help request and get your name added to the list, too.

Posted at 1:02PM, 4 May 2023 PST(permalink)

sarahebourne edited this topic 8 months ago.

Flickr doesn't have a ticketing system, at least not public-facing with the concept of multiple members adding on to any item. All you can do is email them through the link on the Help pages:

Posted 8 months ago.( permalink) 

One of my four paintings, with which I am currently participating in the exhibition of our painting group. At first it was supposed to be just an abstract color mood (without the bird), but when it was done, our painting instructor allowed me to paint the heron as well. As a template, I used one of my photos:

I'm trying to find out where high numbers of views are coming from, and thought it could be because some of my photos were in Explore on those days. But it seems difficult to go back to those days for Explore, and anyway when I have done I can't see any of my photos.

What's the most likely way there would be big spikes in views for several of my photos just on some days but then big gaps before it happens again?



PS (All views are shown as source Flickr)

Posted at 4:50AM, 27 January 2020 PST(permalink)


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