Say you are having a wedding. You create a group and invite only those people you want to view or add photos to the group. At the wedding, these people take photos and upload them to the group as they go, creating a kind of timeline of shared photos of the event. Anyone invited can add comments to the photos. For the next event, you just create a new group and invite people to the group.

Gallery View allows you to view all the photos at once. There is a small icon in the corner of the photo to tell you which images have comments, but to read them you have to click on the image. Gallery View also allows you to sort images in a few simple but limited ways.

How To Download Photos From Cluster

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I have been using Cluster for about two years. It works as a means to share casual photographs with family and friends. But the interface clumsy and is not at all intuitive for a new user. Honestly, it is crappy design and interface. Also, the inability to rearrange the order of photographs is a limitation. But it is free and is easier than setting up an account on some other sharing sites. And it saves you from the Facebook cesspool and its lack of security.

I usually upload:

1. jpeg photographs directly from a mobile phone;

2. jpeg files resized to 1600 pixels on the long dimension if using a computer.

I have not tried uploading 16-bit TIFF files, and regardless, they are much too large.

Would Synology Photos be able to help me out? Essentially, could I just import everything into photos and rely on it to eliminate duplicates, sort pictures by time, location and so on and so forth. Perhaps, even reorganize the folder structure based on a custom criteria? Not sure if there's a way to import photo libraries into Synology Photos but I'd like to do that too.

Those of you with iOS devices + a Synology drive, what is your workflow? If possible I'd like to avoid paying for iCloud because keeping my ever growing collection of photos there just seems to be a very expensive option.

Other features include the prominent arcs in this field. The powerful gravitational field of a galaxy cluster can bend the light rays from more distant galaxies behind it, just as a magnifying glass bends and warps images. Stars are also captured with prominent diffraction spikes, as they appear brighter at shorter wavelengths.

For those without the app, you'll get a link that will let you view the photos in Safari with a button to take you to Cluster's page in the App Store. If you share a cluster with someone who already has the app, the cluster will simply appear in his or her feed.

Five navigation buttons run along the top of Cluster. The settings button on the left lets you edit your profile and tweak how and when the app will send notifications. The "+" button on the right lets you create a new cluster. The three buttons in the middle show you the three views. The home button displays your feed of clusters -- shared albums you created or were invited to share. The people button displays a feed of public albums you or your friends created. You'll see a button to join a public album to which you have yet to be invited. The phone button shows you a feed of all of the photos on your phone, neatly organized by date and location. These automatically created groups of photos of your Camera Roll can quickly be turned into a cluster to share amongst friends.

When viewing a cluster, you can tap the upload button in the upper-right corner to add photos to it. Tap the speech-bubble button or just pull down on the cover photo to view the cluster's activity -- who created the cluster, who has joined and added photos, and so on. Double tapping on the cover photo lets you view the details of an album and, if you are the creator of said album, you can edit the details (basically, the title and privacy setting).

Open a cluster and you'll see a grid of thumbnails. Tap the Sort button in the lower-left corner to sort by upload time, time taken, photographer, or favorites, which moves all favorited photos to the top. Tap on a thumbnail to expand the photo. From here, you'll find buttons to comment on the photo or mark it as a favorite. There is also a button to remote the photo from the cluster, save it (download as either a low- or high-resolution shot), set it as the cluster's cover photo, and share it (e-mail, text, Facebook, or Twitter).

This release features a composite image of a cluster of young stars looking decidedly like a cosmic Christmas tree! The cluster, known as NGC 2264, is in our Milky Way Galaxy, about 2,500 light-years from Earth. Some of the stars in the cluster are relatively small, and some are relatively large, ranging from one tenth to seven times the mass of our Sun.

In this release, the festive cluster is presented as both a static image, and as a short animation. In the animation, blue and white X-ray dots from Chandra flicker and twinkle on the tree, like the lights on a Christmas tree.

Photos (on iOS, iPad OS, and Mac OS) is an integral way for people to browse, search, and relive life's moments with their friends and family. Photos uses a number of machine learning algorithms, running privately on-device, to help curate and organize images, Live Photos, and videos. An algorithm foundational to this goal recognizes people from their visual appearance.

The task of recognizing people in user-generated content is inherently challenging because of the sheer variability in the domain. People can appear at arbitrary scales, lighting, pose, and expression, and the images can be captured from any camera. When someone wants to view all their photos of a specific person, a comprehensive knowledge graph is needed, including instances where the subject is not posing for the image. This is especially true in photography of dynamic scenes, such as capturing a toddler bursting a bubble, or friends raising a glass for a toast.

The face and upper body crops obtained from an image are fed to a pair of separate deep neural networks whose role is to extract the feature vectors, or embeddings, that represent them. Embeddings extracted from different crops of the same person are close to each other and far from embeddings that come from crops of a different person. We repeat this process of detecting face and upper body bounding boxes and extracting the corresponding feature vectors on all assets in a Photos library. This repetition results in a collection of face and upper body embeddings.

After the first pass of clustering using the greedy method, we perform a second pass using hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) to grow the clusters further, increasing recall significantly. The second pass uses only face embedding matching, to form groups across moment boundaries. The hierarchical algorithm recursively merges pairs of clusters that minimally increase the linkage distance. Our linkage strategy uses the median distance between the members of two HAC clusters, and then switches to a random sampling method when the number of comparisons gets significant. Thanks to a few algorithmic optimizations, this method has runtime and memory performance characteristics similar to single-linkage HAC, but has accuracy characteristics on par or better than average-linkage HAC.

This clustering algorithm runs periodically, typically overnight during device charging, and assigns every observed person instance to a cluster. If the face and upper body embeddings are well trained, the set of the KKK largest clusters is likely to correspond to KKK different individuals in a library. Using a number of heuristics based on the distribution of cluster sizes, inter- and intra-cluster distances, and explicit user input via the app, Photos determines which set of clusters together comprises the gallery of known individuals for a given library.

The final assignment of yyy is made to the cluster corresponding to the maximum total energy of the sparse code, xxx. This generalization over nearest neighbor classification provides better accuracy, particularly in two regimes: when the size of each cluster is relatively small, and when more than one cluster in the gallery could belong to the same identity. Photos uses this technique to quickly identify people as someone captures photographs. This enables Photos to adapt more dynamically to user's libraries as new observations become available.

The processing pipeline we've described so far would assign every computed face and upper body embedding to a cluster during overnight clustering. However, not every observation corresponds to real faces and upper bodies, and not all faces and upper bodies can be well represented by a neural network running on a mobile device. Over time, face and upper body detections that are either false positives or out-of-distribution would start appearing in the gallery and start impacting recognition accuracy. To combat this, an important aspect of the processing pipeline is to filter out such observations that are not well represented as face and upper body embedding.

A challenge in obtaining a useful face representation is ensuring consistent accuracy on many axes. The model must show similar performance across various age groups, genders, ethnicity, skin tones and other attributes. Fairness is an essential aspect of model development and must be taken into account from the beginning, not only in the data collection which needs to be diverse, inclusive, and balanced but also in strong failure analysis and model evaluation.

We're constantly improving the variety in our datasets while also monitoring for bias across axes mentioned before. Awareness of biases in the data guides subsequent rounds of data collections and informs model training. Some of the most effective datasets we have curated use a paid crowd-sourced model with a managed crowd to gather representative image content from participants across the globe spanning various age groups, genders, and ethnicities.

Major improvements to model accuracy can also come from data augmentation. During training we use a random combination of many transformations to augment the input image in order to improve model generalization. These transformations include pixel-level changes such as color jitter or grayscale conversion, structural changes like left-right flipping or distortion, Gaussian blur, random compression artifacts and cutout regularization. As learning progresses, the transformations get added incrementally in a curriculum-learning fashion. The model initially learns to differentiate between easier examples and, as training goes on, is taught harder examples. e24fc04721

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