'; if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible-core/")) { msg += 'You are reading documentation for Ansible Core, which contains no plugins except for those in ansible.builtin. For documentation of the Ansible package, go to the latest documentation.'; } else if (startsWithOneOf(current_url_path, ["/ansible/latest/", "/ansible/9/"])) { /* temp extra banner to advertise something */ banner += extra_banner; msg += 'This is the latest (stable) community version of the Ansible documentation. For Red Hat customers, see the difference between Ansible community projects and Red Hat supported products or Ansible Automation Platform Life Cycle for subscriptions.'; } else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/2.9/")) { msg += 'You are reading the latest Red Hat released version of the Ansible documentation. Community users can use this version, or select latest from the version selector to the left for the most recent community version.'; } else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/devel/")) { /* temp extra banner to advertise something */ banner += extra_banner; msg += 'You are reading the devel version of the Ansible documentation - this version is not guaranteed stable. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; } else { msg += 'You are reading an older version of the Ansible documentation. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; /* temp extra banner to advertise something - this is for testing*/ banner += extra_banner; } msg += '

Ansible Playbooks offer a repeatable, reusable, simple configuration management and multi-machine deployment system, one that is well suited to deploying complex applications. If you need to execute a task with Ansible more than once, write a playbook and put it under source control. Then you can use the playbook to push out new configuration or confirm the configuration of remote systems. The playbooks in the ansible-examples repository illustrate many useful techniques. You may want to look at these in another tab as you read the documentation.

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Playbooks are expressed in YAML format with a minimum of syntax. If you are not familiar with YAML, look at our overview of YAML Syntax and consider installing an add-on for your text editor (see Other Tools and Programs) to help you write clean YAML syntax in your playbooks.

In Ansible 2.10 and later, we recommend you use the fully-qualified collection name in your playbooks to ensure the correct module is selected, because multiple collections can contain modules with the same name (for example, user). See Using collections in a playbook.

Your playbook can include more than just a hosts line and tasks. For example, the playbook above sets a remote_user for each play. This is the user account for the SSH connection. You can add other Playbook Keywords at the playbook, play, or task level to influence how Ansible behaves. Playbook keywords can control the connection plugin, whether to use privilege escalation, how to handle errors, and more. To support a variety of environments, Ansible lets you set many of these parameters as command-line flags, in your Ansible configuration, or in your inventory. Learning the precedence rules for these sources of data will help you as you expand your Ansible ecosystem.

By default, Ansible executes each task in order, one at a time, against all machines matched by the host pattern. Each task executes a module with specific arguments. When a task has executed on all target machines, Ansible moves on to the next task. You can use strategies to change this default behavior. Within each play, Ansible applies the same task directives to all hosts. If a task fails on a host, Ansible takes that host out of the rotation for the rest of the playbook.

Executing this command will run the playbook normally, but instead of implementing any modifications, Ansible will simply provide a report on the changes it would have made. This report encompasses details such as file modifications, command execution, and module calls.

Check mode offers a safe and practical approach to examine the functionality of your playbooks without risking unintended changes to your systems. Moreover, it is a valuable tool for troubleshooting playbooks that are not functioning as expected.

You may want to verify your playbooks to catch syntax errors and other problems before you run them. The ansible-playbook command offers several options for verification, including --check, --diff, --list-hosts, --list-tasks, and --syntax-check. The Tools for validating playbooks describes other tools for validating and testing playbooks.

You can use ansible-lint for detailed, Ansible-specific feedback on your playbooks before you execute them. For example, if you run ansible-lint on the playbook called verify-apache.yml near the top of this page, you should get the following results:

This feature is still not perfect. The biggest problem I have is that page number is not recorded properly for most books. Instead, you just have link that opens the page in Google Play Books. Meaning, it'll probably work for you personally, but sharing notes and making sense of notes on different devices is problematic.

Either download all or click on the Select Books radio (a popup will appear where you can select none again and search at the top)

After you have chosen your books, go to Next at the bottom

Pick your export options and you're good to go.

May be this github repo Stvad/google_books_highlight_extractor

 will help someone or inspire them to create something more Obsidian specific. I feel that the highlight extractor works bit better than converting the google docs to md - the resulting file is cleaner and easier to refactor more by hand.

I usually adjust the brightness of my screen based on the time of day and opening up Play Books is always annoying in having to manually adjust it. I'd prefer to just have it go with whatever the screen brightness is, rather than having a separate brightness for my books.

Often in ebooks there are links embedded in paragraphs that reference some image or figure in the previous chapters or sections. Once I've clicked on it (and viewed that image), how do I get back to the paragraph I was reading?

With the playbooks tool, you can create interactive content cards displayed in contact, company, deal, and ticket records. When speaking with prospects and customers, your team can reference these and create standardized notes.

The playbook will save as an engagement on the record's timeline with the questions, answers, and any notes. All information entered into a playbook will be autosaved as a draft until you click Log [engagement type]. Once you select Log [engagement type], any properties that are linked to a questionAnswer Question and Answer will be updated with the responses you selected or entered while using the playbook (Sales Hub or Service Hub Professional or Enterprise only).

But the book has a huge, glaring problem: It devotes pages and pages to outlining the ways that inequality harms women. But then it acts as if that inequality comes out of nowhere. Rodsky insists on referring to husbands who benefit from their wives\u2019 free labor and suffering as \u201Cgood guys,\u201D as if inequality is something imposed on them from above, not something they are willfully inflicting on their partners.

Households are unequal because that\u2019s what men want. Rodsky is right that culturally, we do not value women\u2019s time. What she gets wrong is the solution. Pointing out to a sexist man\u2014and let\u2019s be clear, that\u2019s what Rodsky\u2019s partner and all men benefiting from household labor imbalance are\u2014that a woman\u2019s time matters will not change his mind or his behavior.

Household labor inequality is fundamentally abusive because it requires one person to steal time and sleep and labor from the other person\u2014and to do so knowingly. Men are fully capable of observing that someone is buying food, or that they\u2019re playing video games when their partner is vacuuming, or that their partner cries from exhaustion every holiday. They are not incompetent. They are choosing this.

They are sexist assholes treating their partners like servants. Even if it were possible to achieve equality with them, they\u2019ve still taken so much. I don\u2019t think there\u2019s any coming back from years of being treated like a servant without some sort of reparations. Is he going to give you extra time to make up for all he has taken? Put money into your retirement account that you could have been earning if his laziness hadn\u2019t thwarted your career? Because if not, he is not repairing the damage he has done, and not taking it seriously as damage.

But its fatal flaw is its failure to recognize the personal as political. There is a reason so many marriages suffer from the exact same problem: It\u2019s that the man isn\u2019t suffering at all. Sexism generally, and men specifically, have created a world in which women work longer and harder than men, yet still believe they are inadequate.

Written for the stage but just as good a read as any novel, a plays book is a book that contains the script of one or more dramatic plays. Perhaps you haven't picked up a plays book since high school drama, or maybe they remind you of traumatic Shakespeare readings in English class - but many plays books make for an enthralling read. This list of 15 plays books includes well-known classics like A Streetcar Named Desire and Twelve Angry Men alongside modern award-winners including Water by the Spoonful and Wit. Whether you read them quietly in your favorite chair, or act them out with a dramatic flair - this list of plays books will surely entertain.

This playbook will walk you through the procedures for digitally signing a Microsoft Word document for submission to the Office of the Federal Register using your PIV credential or similar digital certificate. ff782bc1db

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