I started a note taking project with vue-cli and vuex. I have setup everything correctly and everything works fine besides when I add a new note in the vuex store - notelist, it gets added which is fine but when I change the value in the input field my vuex store value also gets updated without committing anything.

If I set the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your .plist file. like the image below, can I still publish my app to app store using http connection ? (without https)

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These tips are awesome, Anne Marie! One trick I have if I see herbs going south is to chop them up finely and stuff them in an ice tray then fill up the tray with water. You can store them as cubes in the freezer. This works great for cilantro. Not as good as fresh but it makes you feel less guilty about wasting a big bunch.

@Gregory Bologna I was wrong, there is a way to get the app installer offline. You go to the offline business store Microsoft Store for Business. Under settings just make sure to toggle the "show offline apps" to on. Search up the desktop app installer, and then you can download the offline app installer.

I am trying to create a store page without images as the "products" are actually services, none of the products have images but the store page just displays a large white block with the text at the bottom, is there a store style that can ignore images and just display the text?

@KarenG2 Have you considered hiding the Store page and using Product Blocks instead? These blocks can be used to add an Add to Cart button to any type of page, allowing you to create very flexible page layouts, with or without images.

Can I install Microsoft To-DO without accessing the Windows Store? Currently the Windows Store is banned in my work laptop due to cooperate security policy. I had to end up using the web version, which is pretty bad at notifying. I was just wondering if I could install the windows native version without accessing the Store.

Storing apples long term without them going soft or starting to dry out requires two key things: cool temperature and some moisture (humidity) in the air. Living in Montana we definitely have plenty of cool temperatures but humidity is usually lacking (which makes us really happy in the hot days of summer!)

I am new to this but after some research as an experiment I stored a few dozen granny smiths which are not delicate flesh and are thick skinned. I wrapped them individually in newspaper (which I read is good to do because the apples never actually touch each other) . I put them in one flat layer in several cardboard boxes and stored them in our attached unheated garage in Illinois. The temperature variation was considerable from winter to spring but it never freezes in there. It certainly exceeded 60 degrees in recent days. It is July 1 and I just today used the last two to make glazed apples. They were still perfect, firm and delicious. I will try a red variety (probably jonathans) next fall in addition to more granny smiths. If one were storing bushels of apples I realize the newspaper wrapping step might be onerous- but I really do believe that that step was a key to my long term successful apple storage.

I know I can download the app from other app stores, side load the app etc. Can I purchase the app within the app? Can I purchase the app from Malwarebytes if I have it installed? Can I download the app from Malwarebytes, pay for the app from Malwarebytes? Or again, do I need Google, Google Play, GCM etc. to process the payment and for it to function correctly?

We have not tested the app on phones without Google Play on it because it's an unsupported scenario. So it may work, but if any issues arise, we would unfortunately be unable to assist. We do use more than just the Google Cloud Messaging feature of Google services.

Hello. I'm a long time Poweramp user (bought it ages ago on a SonyEriccson phone with Android 4). Lately I'm trying to de-google my life as much as I can, but there is one problem, my favourite music app (Poweramp of course) was bought on Google Play. Using LineageOS on my main phone with no Google I wasn't able to use it (and if I installed Google Play and then removed it, Poweramp V2 at the time, would deactivate after a while) so I just used other players for a few years now. Now I got a new phone from my employer and even though I could probably mod this one as well, I'd rather keep it stock. Having Google and everything already on the phone, I could reinstall Poweramp from Play store using my original Google account. So I did to try out V3 on the new phone (it was still at beta last time I actually used it).

In theory the licence won't need to be checked again, but there are lots of situations which could trigger a re-check (system resets, updates, etc) so I wouldn't rely on a Play Store purchase continuing to work forever without the Play Store being present.

As you say, you can purchase from the website as that's not connected with the Play Store and can work without gapps. They are not linked though, you can't migrate from one to the other. Website purchases are for a single device at a time by the way; if you install on a new system the old device's licence status is revoked.

@MRK17 When license is stored on the device (you can see this status in Poweramp Settings / About) you free to remove Unlocker and Google Services (this will also disable Chromecast casting). The license will stay until Poweramp is completely reinstalled without data being kept or you otherwise reset Poweramp data.

Actually, once license is "stored on the device" (which happens for the website version immediately after entering correct data in "Already purchased?"), it's possible to update with the next Google Play Poweramp version over website version as license is on the device and recognized by any Poweramp version.

Yeah, if you sideload the Play Store distribution build without "purchasing it on Play Store", it's possible to make Play store automatically update PA. But you won't be able to install unlocker from Play Store unless you repurchase it from there.

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

I had an online store set up with Square before Weebly came along. I wasn't taking orders on it (long story) but I am now ready to start taking orders. When I signed in it switched me over to Weebly. I know nothing about it. It gave me a list of my items from Square but I realized that I didn't want all of the variations on my website. I called someone at Square and they told me to go ahead and add the item and then I could delete the variations. So I added the item Birthday Cake. Now it is the only item I can add and it has all the variations on there I don't want. I have no idea what to do next?? Nowhere can I find a way to delete it and I don't know how to add more items. They all say unavailable except the one I already added.

I need to get everything back to how it was. I also want Square & Weebly completely disconnected & my entire online store deleted without deleting my Square inventory BUT deleting whatever the hell Weebly did to increase my inventory.

Currently we have no way to revert your online store to the version before Weebly was introduced. If you require assistance on getting your inventory sorted out and unsynced, please reach out to Weebly Support and they can walk you through your options step-by-step.

Without editing LauncherInstalled.dat I found that it would allow me to launch the game directly from the button in the Epic Games window, but it caused the start menu and desktop links to just open the Epic Games store and not actually launch the game.

In the example below, lines 34-41, they are concatenating the existing qvd to the new rows. My issue is, it is a large qvd (over 60 million rows) and I was wondering if there was a way to store the new rows into the qvd without having to load the existing qvd into the app. I think the answer is no, but figured I would ask.

It's not possible just to append any records to a qvd without loading them because Qlik doesn't use a linear row-storing else it's a column-based storing-format which only stored the distinct values of each fields and creates a bit-stuffed pointer to link the values with the records. This logic/structure needs to re-created by each change.

Our Shopify App Store is a great place to find many different add-ons for your Shopify account. This includes multi-currency, email marketing, store design and more! I've noted some multi-currency apps below that may be of interest to you.

For Example, if a customer has selected USD then it should allow the customer to pay in USD, but right now even with these apps, the payment needs to be done in the stores default currency and not USD.

shame...shame really shameful that after so much time Shopify still can't give Shopify payments for every country and we can't sell in a different currency at the checkout. You are really hurting our businesses... I'm thinking of moving my store to another platform because I have REALLY high abandoned carts because of this.

Yes exactly, this is terrible on the part of Shopify. We are also based in Indonesia. We just launched our store on Shopify without any knowledge of this major issue. On top of this issue now we are facing the fact that if we switch to IDR (currently we have our prices listed in USD) we cannot use Paypal! ff782bc1db

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