The ability to accept online payments simplifies the process of getting paid for your work. Invoicing and payments with The Hub gives you an integrated user interface for issuing invoices and managing your payments.

After a few steps to set up a GoDaddy Merchant account, you can access the invoicing and payments tools from the unified interface in The Hub. There is no cost to create or send invoices and there is a simple, industry-low transaction fee to process online payments.

How To Download Invoice From Godaddy

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The paid registration period of the domain [domain] expired. It is necessary to pay for the prolongation of domain name within a day from the date of having notice. We would like to inform you that if payment is not made within the specified time frame, domain delegation will be terminated. The domain will be deleted from the registry and can be accessible for registration to other customers.

It is apparent from past evidence that threat actors (TAs) utilize social media platforms to demonstrate their technical expertise to attract potential allies or customers interested in acquiring or leasing malware families such as Stealers, Ransomware, RATs, and similar tools.

For our analysis of Invicta stealer capabilities, we obtained a 64-bit GUI binary of the malicious Invicta Stealer from the wild. Its SHA256 hash is 067ef14c3736f699c9f6fe24d8ecba5c9d2fc52d8bfa0166ba3695f60a0baa45.

After confirming the presence of the targeted browser within the system, the stealer initiates the process of extracting data from it. The extracted data is then stored in memory, preparing it for the subsequent exfiltration stage. The figure below illustrates the code snippet the stealer employs to steal login data from the Edge browser specifically.

Following the enumeration of installed applications, the stealer advances towards stealing files from the Desktop and Documents folders. Specifically, the figure below depicts the routine employed by the stealer to target and extract text files from the Desktop folder.

well no I will delete my website on godaddy and create a new one on Webflow, so basically I wanna end all my relationship with godaddy ( will keep just the domains ) and move on with webflow, I was just looking for a way out to find the best solution.

working with wordpress after years and using godaddy for my clients I am so glad that I have met with Webflow, it changed all my view and ability for web-design, I am really looking forward to be party of this community !

You could scrape your site off of webflow hosting with CMS content and then upload that as an alternative. There is are reference in the forums to a OS X tool called sitesucker. I have used that to rescue a new client from a locked out account (designer died and had the keys).

Hi folks,

Received a 'PayPal Invoice' for $46 that had the GoDaddy logo in the upper left corner. It referred to a inactive domain that I registered but haven't used as the 'invoice number'. Among the oddities is the fact that it states it is an invoice from Shestakov (albeit written in Cyrillic characters which are not permitted here) and the associated email address is 

Given that I have not (to my memory) ever had a 'PayPal' invoice from GoDaddy before - I was naturally curious. Seems clear that this is a case of deceptive billing fraud. I'm being invoiced by a 3rd party superficially pretending to be GoDaddy (showing the GoDaddy logo on the invoice, albeit the other identifying markers point elsewhere). 

I'm posting this for two reasons:

#1. Members of the community should watch out for 'odd invoices' that superficially look like they come from someone like GoDaddy but the 'Invoice from' name doesn't compute. 

#2. Risk management should be proactively investigating this relatively new (to me) scam and provide a link to dispute/call attention to presumably fake invoices users may receive. I suspect eastern European criminal activity here - I have had experience in these matters, have done battle with the various hackers etc. doing work in the data security field and managing payment processing over the years. 

The math looks like this (hypothetical instance) - 

If they send out 1000 well executed fake $46 invoices per day and score on 3% of them, that's $1,331.10 net (after paypal fees) revenue per day, $9,317.70 a week. close to a half million a year. The criminal gangs/teams in eastern Europe/Russia/Ukraine would cheerfully kill for that kind of money! Creating 'fake PayPal accounts' or spoofing after successfully phishing and finding some relatively inactive by verified accounts they could hijack would seem to be a brilliant move in those circles. They probably have several dozen accounts already 'in place' - risk management needs to focus on the first report of a 'fake invoice' and look at the traffic being generated by that account and for similar invoices showing up with an abrupt increase of activity from relatively inactive hereinbefore accounts. 

Just my 2 worth.




My solution as well - ignore the invoice. I reported it to PayPal, hopefully someone in risk management will see a growing stack of comparable complaints and chase these hooligans away. 

Apparently, this scam is still alive. I received one these a couple days ago. I talked to a representative from GoDaddy today, and they had no record of this invoice (and were suspicious because they don't bill me that way).

Feel free to suggest portals you receive invoices from to us that we have not added yet. We will check viability at short notice; usually, we integrate new portals within two to three weeks. We connect ten to fifteen new portals every day.

We normally check your portals once a week, but you are able to shorten that interval. Furthermore, our system recognizes when you regularly receive new invoices from your supplier, to intelligently and automatically adjust the download timing.

Pay attention to where the emails are coming from and how you typically pay for your domains. I normally pay via credit card, so the PayPal invoice was a new one. But it looked legit enough that I had to check into it.

These scammers are everywhere, recently i got an email claiming to have rights to images published on my sites which were in fact licensed and bought from stock photos. They threatened me of legal consequences and asked me to pay the amount via PayPal. I never communicated with them ever and eventually after a few days they stopped. One thing to note here is that they are targeting naive people. If you are aware and vigilant you can spot them and dodge them.

there are no errors. its just not sending emails. Invoice Ninja says they are successfully sent, but nothing ever comes. Tried 2 email accounts and yes did check the spam and junk. Everything is configured correctly. The only difference is that version 5.x has a blank .env file and 4.53 had samples, but the software setup had us put the email address, stmp server and security and nothing else. i did get a bunch of cron messages though

/bin/sh: line 0: cd: / No such file or directory when the directly is correct Invoice ninja is installed

yeah already did that. even with version 5.x which had the .ev file it didnt send invoices. both version 4 and 5 did the same thing. Using godaddy and dont know if a cron job was necessary. I misdid the cron job and got 1300 emails in my spam box.

But if you are really wanting to install it manually then drag the uncompressed files from Release Minor fixes  invoiceninja/invoiceninja  GitHub into your public_html directory and configure your .env file accordingly with your domain. Then navigate to your domain via your web browser and you should be greeted with a setup page.

University Technology recently has become aware of a new scam in which fake invoices are being sent via PayPal. Individuals who regularly handle invoices as part of their job may be especially vulnerable to this scam.

These scams most commonly appear as email messages saying you have received an invoice via PayPal. If you then click the link and pay using your PayPal account, your money is then transferred to the scammer who sent the invoice.

The invoices are fairly built out, have a modern design, and give you the ability to create estimates, make them reoccur, collect online payments, and bill for time and expenses. Customers can pay invoices online and also accept quotes online. This means that you will get paid faster and will know when you are getting paid and when invoices are not paid on time. Users can add attachments and use various templates.

I really need some basic help with Azure. I purchased Microsoft 365 for my company (10 users) from GoDaddy (a mistake). GoDaddy support has little to no knowledge of Azure. With Microsoft 365, you get access to the Azure portal, and you get a directory in Azure Active Directory that looks like Then you can create tenants and subscriptions below that directory.

Like many security researchers, I not only run my own mail servers, but I generally do not have spam filtering on many of them so I can see the interesting attacks that come in. Then, dig into them as time allows. Yesterday, I got an interesting take on the ever-present invoice maldocs campaign, this time it was spoofing a DocuSign email suggesting I had an invoice to sign.

The domains themselves have already been returned to their owners (and blocking them would only block innocent and non-infected websites), but blocking the IP address these domains were pointing to when under apparent hostile control would protect against this and future attacks from this adversary.

GoDaddy have an EU prefixed VAT number attached to their invoices. As I understand that means that they are registered for VATMOSS and thus, as a business, technically we don't have to pay VAT (as outlined -vat-rules-if-you-supply-digital-services...). ff782bc1db

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