How many can you power directly from the arduino nano? I've checked posts online that each led takes about 60mA on full brightness. Going by this, if I want 8 RGB leds, the maximum current draw will be 480mA (just under the maximum current that can be drawn from a usb powered arduino, which is 500mA from what I've read).

I'm just really trying to add RGB leds on my controller (Edit: arcade stick), that's why I was thinking I can get away with not using an external power supply. Kinda weird having a controller with an external power supply aside from the USB power.

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I just really started working on arduino projects. Watching YouTube gave me inspiration but most never explained the full idea behind what they're doing. Had some background in electronics but that was just an intro class.

If, for instance, you were to power the Nano with 9V to its VIN pin and then power the LEDs from its 5V pin, the current available would be limited by the capacity of the voltage regulator on the Nano

If, however, you were to power the Nano with 5V to its 5V pin and the LEDs from the same 5V source, which seems to be what you are doing, then the voltage regulator on the Nano will not be supplying current to the LEDs or even the Nano. In that case the current available would be limited by whatever the 5V source could provide but be aware that drawing current from it could make its voltage vary according to load and thus affect the Nano

So I'm running a 43 WS2811 LED strip at almost full brightness (250) powered directly from an Arduino Nano, with a color wipe animation (LEDs are never at full brightness all at once) and it's working as a charm so far.

Yes, BUT, I would be drawing directly from the 5V supply, before the Arduino if you are looking at Amps of LED current.

The Arduino PCB tracks may not be happy with that much current and you could damage/destroy the conducting tracks.

Hello, I recently purchased an Arduino robotics kit. The robot works flawlessly and is awesome, however I bought the Arduino to learn to program. I wish to be able to upload a different sketch to the arduino and be able to restore the robotics server program. Is this possible. Thanks

2) I went to start->controlpanel->system->hardware->device manager. Check out Ports(COM& LPT). In my laptop I can see USB Serial Port (COM4). Now I know inLabview I have to read serial data from COM 4.

I have slightly modified the basic serial read write VI.. I haveattached the block diagram used with comments. Basically I tried to readserial data, divide by 1023 and multiply by 5 in order to graph voltagevariations from the voltage divider circuit. However Im not gettingthe correct voltage output values . The voltage value just keeps goingto 0 and coming again as shown in the pic.

This tutorial explains how to migrate from an Arduino board to a standalone microcontroller on a breadboard. It's similar to this tutorial, but uses an Arduino board to program the ATmega on the breadboard.

Once your ATmega328P has the Arduino bootloader on it, you can upload programs to it using the USB-to-serial converter (FTDI chip) on an Arduino board. To do, you remove the microcontroller from the Arduino board so the FTDI chip can talk to the microcontroller on the breadboard instead. The diagram at right shows how to connect the RX and TX lines from the Arduino board to the ATmega on the breadboard. To program the microcontroller, select "Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/ ATmega328" from the the Tools > Board menu (or "ATmega328 on a breadboard (8 MHz internal clock)" if you're using the minimal configuration described below). Then upload as usual.

Hi, Can anyone advise me how to upload sketch from arduino board to the ide? Sometimes it would be useful to upload the code from the arduino board to ide to see what sketch is programed on the chip.



Reverse assemblers (aka dissassemblers) used to be pretty common, we used to use them to reverse engineer DOS programs. But reverse assembly is a relatively simple procedure, to generate C/C++ from binary is a world away in difficulty.

There sure are clever and smart people around and I have benefited a lot from user contributed sketches and libraries. However a 'reverse compiler' would again take a extream effort in time (should it support all PC OS platforms?) so I will go out on a limb here and say it's just not something that's going to happen. It doesn't really solve a great need of many people Vs the time and effort required.

What you get from a disassembler isn't what the original source looked like, but rather an optimised version of this (see remark about compiler optimisation).

Interesting to see what sort of pranks the compiler pulls to squeeze efficiency from your code, but not too helpful in discerning the methods used to create the application (and the reason for using those methods).

Interesting idea. The IDE could automatically compress the source code with a bunch of methods (e.g. gzip, bzip2, 7z), see which produces the smallest result and store it in the flash space along with the actual machine code.

To distinguish the compressed source code "file" from actual code, the former could be stored "starting from the end" of the flash memory space.

That's just some random idea off of top of my head...

From following this tutorial here: -tutorial-integrating-bluetooth-le-ios-swift I am able to control a servo through an iPhone app. It sends data from the iPhone to the arduino board. What I want is to be able to also send data FROM the Arduino to the App, basically the other way around, but I am confused as to how exactly I would send it using the Arduino.

I never used the Black Widow BLE Shield, because normally I use a simple HM-10 BLE 4.0 module, but the logic will be the same. To send data from Arduino to iPhone you should writing .... "write" :

I recently needed to get the temperature from an analog temperature device; my first attempt was the LM35C which worked great except that it didn't go into the negative temperature ranges. So, I threw some greenbacks at the LMT84LPM with the expectation that I could pretty much just swap out the two devices and change the math to come up with the temp. Well, that was a no go. Did a good bit of research on-line and read the data sheet, all of which lead me nowhere. In fact, no matter what I do, the value returned from the Arduino's Analog pin is 186. If I pinch the LMT84 between my thumb and forefinger I can get it to change, downwards, which is typical of the response to an increase in heat. However, I am never able to get results that are in the range of the data sheet.

Yes, and thank you again!


 The voltage is 0.918VDC, whether I use the Arduino's 5.0 or 3.3 VDC supplies. If I hold the LMT84 the voltage starts to drop from there.

 I'd say that the value measured by the multimeter, if multiplied by 1000, is almost spot on with the table in the data sheet. Which I guess it should be. At the same time, the Arduino UNO pin is reading 186.

Update: I changed the Arduino program and added the analogReference(INTERNAL) statement just prior to the loop to begin reading from the pin connected to the LMT84. I now get values in the 856 range, close to the 914-916 range of the multimeter value of the Vout pin (x1000).

There's a new warning from cargo clippy. I must be fixing it wrong since my program run without handling it, and when handling the error my program reads some lines and then stop telling me the Err I added to the code.

Arduino can be viewed from many angles. First, there is the hardware (HW). There are many versions of Arduino compatible hardware, and the only things that are common among them is they all have a microcontroller and a USB port.

5) User code can be downloaded to be run on the board directly from the Arduino IDE. This means it has a board HW definition in the Arduino IDE. In turn, it means that the Arduino IDE has information about the clock frequency, memory layout, IO port mapping, and other details about the underlying microcontroller used in the board.

For example, the USB-to-UART chip used on the Arduino Uno can consume an extra 20mA of current when active. For a product running from a small battery this can have a significant impact on battery life.

Finally, note that since the Arduino IDE is still Atmel-centric, it does not list device programmers for non-Atmel microcontrollers such as ARM Cortex 32-bit microcontrollers from ST Microelectronics.

The exceptions are the Arduino Due, Zero, MKR1000, and MKRZero all of which are based on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M architecture microcontrollers from Atmel (ARM Cortex-M is a very popular architecture implemented by many microcontroller manufacturers).

U5 is a dual op-amp (operational amplifier) called the LMV358IDGKR from Texas Instruments. One of the two op-amps (U5A) is operated as a comparator since it has no feedback. This comparator is used to determine if the Arduino is being powered by the DC input or via the USB port.

If the 6-20V DC input voltage is present then the 5V supply is generated by an on-board linear regulator (as I discuss in detail shortly). On the other hand, if the 6-20V DC input is not present then the 5V supply voltage comes from the USB port.

So, if there is a 6-20V DC input voltage supplied then the positive input of the U5A comparator is higher than the negative input (3.3VDC). In this case the output of the comparator will be high, and PMOS transistor T1 will be turned off. This disconnects the internal 5V signal from the USB supply voltage.

The power circuit for the Uno is based on an NCP1117 linear regulator from ON Semiconductor. This regulator generates a 5V DC voltage from the 6-20V DC input voltage and can source up to 1A of current.

On the Uno a LP2985 linear regulator from Texas Instruments is used to create a 3.3V voltage. The LP2985 is rated for 150mA of load current. This type of linear regulator is also called a Low-Drop-Out (LDO) regulator because it requires very little differential voltage from the input to the output. e24fc04721

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