I'm trying to build an application that will use open source maps from Open Street Maps (though the concept should be applicable to any map provider). The application will enable the user to specify a number of waypoints along a route prior to departure.

Because I don't have a data plan for my cell phone (and because rambling in the countryside rarely gives you a good connection), I want to be able to pre-load the relevant map tiles for the waypoints and/or route before departure so that maps can continue to be used without a data connection.

How To Download Google Maps For Offline Viewing

Download Zip šŸ”„ https://urlin.us/2y2F3O šŸ”„

I built a small prototype using OpenStreetMaps for Android. I think it might be interesting to look at the repository and therefore, find a solution similar to mine. I did download the maps before hand, but maybe you can use an online solution for this. This is the repo: and the video of how it could look like:

If your app is running on WP8 then use the built in maps control in the Windows Phone 8 SDK as this already supports offline maps out of the box. If targeting WP7 it is possible to get offline maps to work but takes a lot of work. I created this for a customer a few years ago and I believe that it took me a little over 3000 lines of code to do. Mind you they wanted to also have a framework for adding tiles from various sources such as downloading over and area and downloading zipped files. They way I managed to get the rendering to work was to a canvas to the map without setting it's position. This will be default make it a child of the map but it will not move. I then made the canvas the same size as the map and used the resize event to resize the canvas should the map be resized. I then used the view change event to trigger a method to render the tiles. When this event fired I first calculated all the tiles in view using the code found here: -us/library/bb259689.aspx

Basically, you make a fetcher that reads tiles from the filesystem instead of the network.You build your filesystem database once, from an online resource for instance (see below) and you deploy it with your application for its offline use.

I have gone into the projects that I have completed and deselected the toggle switch for offline maps but this appears to have no effect and when I look to add another offline project my total is still as it was.

Hi Murray,

Yes, that is the way DD told me to remove the offline maps. Make sure you turn off Available off line option, then delete app and reinstall. I have a lot of offline maps cached and I need to delete them as I go along. Flight plans and data are not effected as its held on the DD server. Offline option is in your IOS device. Give your ios device time to sync before re installing. Hope this helps.

Sorry to hear about your maps not un-syncing from the offline status. Some devices have a hard time un-caching flight plans than other.@Kapchaking is correct, you will want to uninstall the app but make sure to allow enough tie for the flight plans to sync. I hope you find that helpful~

This response totally missed the point. Neither of the links mentioned anything about "Downloading" a map for use "Offline". I had already read these before posting my question. I'm going to Paris and don't have an international data plan. I won't be linking to the internet while I'm moving around the city. I need to be able to use a map on my phone while I'm on the move while I'm "offline". Can I do that with Apple's Maps app???

Knowing how to download offline Google Maps is an important skill to know, especially if you're heading off into the great unknown. you don't want to get lost, simply because there's no cell signal, after all.

Fortunately accessing Google Maps offline is easier than ever, and in most cases won't require you to actually do anything. Considering how valuable a navigational tool it is, those offline maps can come in handy. Especially if you plan on doing some traveling over the holidays.

It's understandable if you'd rather download your maps manually, rather than rely on Google Maps functioning correctly all the time. Fortunately this is incredibly easy to accomplish, and can be done in two different ways. The most effective way is as follows:

I tried this, but sadly only 5 pins from two layers were visible. Most of my places from the custom maps on other layers do not show up. I tried it using both KML and KMZ, and also creating separate files for each layer.

Like the others who commented before me, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Despite using the app before, I had forgotten to start off using maps.me from the beginning and had gone deep in Google mapping only to realize I might never have my map offline! This post was a total lifesaver.

I wanted to ditto the above. What a lifesaver. If you have saved bookmarks on google when you get to destined countryand no data and voila, vanishes. Now with maps.me i can actually see what i spent time writing. Xxxxxxx

THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG I spent so many hours over the last several years messing with Google Earth as a workaround or downloading offline maps within google and prepping the layer before hitting the road but these are both crap solutions because the apps automatically force quit after a long period of background activity and make you lose everything. I did not know maps.me had this functionality and you just improved all my trips for the foreseeable future

Not straight forward, but the best way I found for displaying orthophotos offline on different machines, also mobile phones with limited resources is using gdal2tiles.py from the GDAL toolset and let it make a tiled map. That will produce a HTML file that you can just open (no webserver, php etc. needed) and it looks like Google Maps Satellite.

Gdal2tiles.py is your friendĀ 

It uses leaflet to display the map. Functions on any browser and I am hosting a ton of maps generated by gdal2tiles.py . Offline by just double clicking the HTML file and Online by uploading the html file and map folder to a webserver.

This page uses v9.7.0 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android and v6.4.1 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version in the Maps SDK offline documentation for Android and iOS.

With the Maps SDK for iOS v5.3.0 and higher and the Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0 and higher, there is no upper limit to the number of tiles your users can download. You may raise the default 6,000 offline tile limit to whatever value you want, and your offline tile usage will be billed as Vector Tiles API or Raster Tiles API requests. Resources downloaded for offline use are not included in monthly active user (MAU) billing. Since you are responsible for the cost of all the tiles your users download, you may want to set an appropriate offline tile limit. Visit the offline maps pricing documentation for iOS and Android for more information.

The Maps SDKs for iOS and Android also automatically cache tiles and other resources that are requested during normal use of the app. These resources are stored in the same database as offline resources, but unlike offline resources, they are limited to 50 MB of space. When this limit is reached, the least-recently used resources that aren't shared by an offline region will be evicted to make room for newer resources.

With the Maps SDKs for iOS and Android, you can create offline maps, access a list of offline maps stored on the device, and remove offline maps that are no longer needed. When managing your offline regions, remember:

If the device has network connectivity, the Maps SDK for Android or iOS will make periodic network requests to revalidate cached tiles and other resources if the Cache-Control or Expires HTTP response headers have expired. If an updated resource is available, it will replace the older version in the offline database.

When the SDK automatically updates offline map tiles, the offline region is not re-download from scratch. The offline tile update process is the same process as with regular map tiles: The map tile's only downloaded if there's a new version of that tile.

An app can download multiple regions for offline use, but the total offline download is capped at a maximum tile count (or "ceiling") across all downloaded regions. The tile ceiling is 6,000 tiles. The total tile count in an offline region is the sum of the tiles downloaded from each source in your style. For example, if you would like to download a region covering 10 tiles and your style includes one vector tile source and one raster tile source (see sample JSON below), the resulting tile count would be 20.

To estimate the number of tiles needed to download a region offline, use our offline tile count estimator. Note that this only generates an estimate of the number of tiles needed to load a defined region offline. The size of the download will vary according to the location being downloaded and the style being used in your application.

The Maps SDKs for Android and iOS do not limit the download speed of offline regions, nor do they limit the amount of disk space that may be used by offline resources. The effective limits will depend on the storage capacity of the mobile device and the speed of the network to which it is connected.

For versions of the Maps SDK for iOS lower than v5.3.0 and the Maps SDK for Android lower than v8.3.0, there is a default offline tile limit of 6,000 tiles per user (or about the size of the San Francisco Bay Area). This means each of your users may download up to 6,000 tiles for offline use at one time. Beyond that limit, your users must first delete their downloaded tiles before downloading additional tiles for offline use. There is no way to raise this limit for older versions of our iOS and Android Maps SDKs. ff782bc1db

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