2) Let's see if the function is onto (it might not be). If it is, we should be able to choose any $m \in \mathbb{Z}$ and show that there is some $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $f(n) = 3n - 1 = m$.

If this is true, then we will need $n = \dfrac{1}{3}(m + 1)$. The problem is that this might not be an integer! For example, if $m = 1$, then $n$ would need to be $\dfrac{2}{3}$, which is not an integer. Thus, there is no $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $f(n) = 1$ and so the function is not onto.

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EDIT: For fun, let's see if the function in 1) is onto. If so, then for every $m \in \mathbb{N}$, there is $n$ so that $4n + 1 = m$. For basically the same reasons as in part 2), you can argue that this function is not onto.

3) $f : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ has the rule $f(n) = n + 2$. If it is onto, then, for every natural number $m$, there is an $n$ such that $n + 2 = m$; i.e. that $n = m - 2$. Now, we don't have the same problem as we did before, that is, we don't have to divide by anything to solve for $n$. Thus there is always an integer $n$ so that $n + 2 = m$.

To show that a function $f$ is not onto, just find $y$ in the target set of $f$ (that is, the set at the end of your arrow $f:X\to Y$; we call it the codomain) such that there is no $x$ in the domain such that $f(x)=y$.

As Baron pointed out, the function in your second example is not onto... we'll show this as an example that something is not onto. Consider any $y\in\mathbb Z$. In order for $f$ to be onto, there must be an $x$ such that $f(x)=3x-1=y$, or $$x = \frac{y+1}{3}.$$Now, we can see that $x$ is not an integer (as required) for some values of $y$. Namely, if $y=1,3,4,6,$etc., then there is no $x$ such that $f(x)=y$. Thus $f$ cannot be onto.

If not, is there any way to get a program coded on a computer into the calculator to be run? I want to code simple games and that sort of thing onto the calculator to use when bored in class or something, but I don't want to have to code it on the calculator itself.

Hi, I currently own an hp prime calculator and want to make it use usb c. It uses micro usb and I couldn't find much info on such a conversion. I am quite sure there is enough space for the port. is there any somewhat easy way to do this, or would this require a lot of fabrication? Thanks.

The first thing to do is download the TI Connect Software from the TI website. There is also an updated version of TI Connect for the TI-84; if you have any calculator in the TI-84 family you can download TI Connect CE Software. Or, if you have a TI-Nspire, download the TI-Nspire CAS Software.

Thank you so much for the tutorial, this greatly helps me in more ways than cheating, it is nice to be able to have notes to refer to without having to spend countless hours typing them in with the calculators keyboard. Very much appreciated!

I downloaded as recommended. I ordered my usb cords from Amazon. I entered my notes while I waited for Amazon to deliver the cords. Just got it today. Finished the transfer today. It looks great on my calculator. My finance test is tomorrow. Thank you SO much! This will really help me out.

The calculator will quickly find the vector projection and present the resulting vector. For a better understanding, the calculator also delivers a comprehensive step-by-step guide that explains the entire calculation process.

Vector projection is a significant concept in linear algebra and vector calculus. It refers to the process where one vector, often referred to as $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$, is projected onto another vector, referred to as $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$. The resultant vector, or the projection of $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ onto $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$, has the same direction as $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$ and its length equals the component of $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ that is in the same direction as $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$.

To better understand, let's delve into the formula for vector projection. Given two vectors $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ and $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$, the projection of $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ onto $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$ is calculated using the formula:

So the projection of the vector $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ onto $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$ is the vector $$$\langle\frac{5}{2},\frac{5}{2}\rangle$$$, which has the same direction as $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$ and a magnitude equal to the component of $$$\mathbf{\vec{v}}$$$ in the direction of $$$\mathbf{\vec{u}}$$$.

Graphing calculators are useful for doing complex math. But did you know they can also play games? This wikiHow article will teach you how to download games onto your Texas Instruments or Casio graphing calculator.

Combine like terms calculator is a free online tool which can help to combine like terms in an equation and simplify the equation. This is a handy tool while solving polynomial equation problems as it makes the calculations process easy and quick.

There are thousands of programs and applications available for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator that you can use to make your life easier when solving math problems or when taking a standardized test like the SAT or ACT.

Is this actually the right forum for this kind of task :D? Because I don't know if QGIS is capable of doing this, or if I only need something like ParaView for this task. The raster calculator might come in handy I thought.

I've now managed to create a polygon with cell IDs and corresponding water elevations in QGIS. I used a gmsh plugin for QGIS and extracted the elevation data with ParaView into a CSV-File. I then created a table join within QGIs for the Cell IDs and their respective water elevation levels. Now I only need to use the raster calculator. Does anyone have an idea how I could compute the wanted water depth?

After hitting "save to favorites", the calculation will come up, and all of the information is able to be changed. Click on "Favorite Name" and edit the title to change the name of the calculation. This name will be displayed if saved onto the unit as well.

You can use vector projection to determine how much of one vector goes in the direction of another vector. When projecting a vector onto another vector, the result is a vector that is parallel to the second vector.

The amount you will save is: 25% of $129.99 = $32.50 (which will be displayed under the % of Start Value box in the calculator)

The cost of the item after using the coupon is: $129.99 - $32.50 = $97.49 

Click to show this example in the calculator above.

The amount of sales tax is: 8% of $49.99 = $4.00 (which will be displayed under the % of Start Value box in the calculator)

The total cost with tax is: $49.99 + $4.00 = $53.99

Click to show this example in the calculator above.

This vector projection calculator finds the orthogonal projection of one vector onto the other. We start with two vectors, a and b, which are not on the same line. Imagine a light source above the vectors. Now, think of the vector projection of a onto b as the shadow that vector a projects on the direction of vector b.

Since this formula uses the dot product, which can be defined for vectors of any integer dimension, this formula covers vectors of any dimensionality. Its practical applications are for 2-D and 3-D vectors, which is why our calculator is designed for vectors with two or three components.

Also, please be aware that this formula is sometimes called the orthogonal projection formula. If we followed this terminology, we'd have to call our calculator the orthogonal projection calculator. There isn't a big difference. Either way, it'll work the same :)!

Here  is the angle of the hill's slope relative to the ground, and F the force of gravity between the cart and the Earth. Notice that vector F is perpendicular to the ground, not to the hill's slope itself. Note that you can find the slope using math, e.g., in the slope calculator.

The question is, how do you find a vector along the direction of the hill's slope, the one to project the force vector F on? We can use any vector that has the same direction as the hill's slope, so the most convenient one will be the unit vector u = [cos 45, sin 45], marked as the blue vector on the above image. Check the unit vector calculator to find more information about this kind of object. Also, for the force vector F we take F = [0, -400]. The negative sign here means that force F is directed downwards.

Use the vector projection calculator and choose to work with vectors in two dimensions, since we're dealing with a two-dimensional problem. So, the vector a will be equal to the force vector F;

You can find the length of the projection of a vector a onto the vector b using the formula ab / |b|, where ab is the dot product and |b| is the length of the vector b (the one onto which we project).

Those in England who succeeded in making it onto the property ladder in 2016 paid on average more than 198,0005. Would-be homeowners in London faced more of an uphill climb, with the average value paid by first-time buyers over 423,000.

First-time buyers entering the property market typically purchased homes for more than the average entry-level house price where they live. This was the case in all English regions and in Wales, showing that those who did manage get onto the property ladder for the first time could actually afford more than the cost of an entry-level property.

Downloading apps and programs onto your TI-84 graphing calculator can extend its abilities, help you gain an edge over your competition in high-stakes tests, or even let you play games on your calculator.

Step Three: You should now see a list of all of the files on your calculator. Drag all of the calculator files into the list to send them to your calculator (in this example GIF, there is only one file, but send all of them if there is more than one calculator file). ff782bc1db

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