Freeciv is a single- and multiplayer turn-based strategy game for workstations and personal computers inspired by the proprietary Sid Meier's Civilization series. It is available for most desktop computer operating systems and available in an online browser version.[3] Released under the GNU GPL-2.0-or-later,[2] Freeciv is free and open source software. The game's default settings are closest to Civilization II, in both gameplay and graphics, including the units and the isometric grid. However, with a lot of multiplayer games being played in longturn communities, rulesets and additional variants have evolved away from the original ruleset. Freeciv is playable online at,, and some temporary private servers.

The Freeciv-web server on was shut down in March 2018, but the project was revived by a group of volunteers on[42] Freeciv-web can be played online at a number of servers such as[3] All the features required to play a full game of Freeciv are in place. Most servers offer multiple varieties of the game: single-player, multiplayer free-for-all, play-by-email and longturn.

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I can't seem to figure out how to log back in the the freeciv account I just made. I saved my game on it, exited, and I can't locate where on to go to log back in so I can resume. Is it not possible to do this in the browser version off the game, or am I missing something?

A quick port scan of my R8000P router found a service named "freeciv" using TCP port 5555 - is this expected? As part of the scan, it did also find ftp (21/tcp), domain (53/tcp), http (80/tcp), https (443/tcp), upnp (5000/tcp) which were expected.

Freeciv can also be played online on sites hosting freeciv-web. This project, created by Andreas Rsdal, has developed a rich web client using AJAX, JavaScript and the HTML5 standard based on the existing Freeciv C codebase.[11] It is playable on most modern web browsers which support HTML5. The project was shut down in July 2011, but resurfaced in May 2013.[12] ff782bc1db

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