After deleting a few folders in our S3 bucket, I am not able to see any of my folders through the web console. We had around 10 folders and ended up deleting 6 of them. The remaining four show up when I do an 'ls' on that S3 bucket through the CLI but the bucket shows up empty on the web console. When I turn on 'Versions' I see everything (including the 6 folders that were deleted). Am I overlooking something extremely simple?

You don't need Enhanced Uploader (which I believe does not exist anymore) or any third-party software (that always has a risk that someone will steal your private data or access keys from the S3 bucket or even from all AWS resources).

How To Download Folder From S3 Bucket From Console


Since the new AWS S3 Web Upload manager supports drag'n'drop for files and folders, just login to and start the uploading process as usual, then just drag the folder from your desktop directly to the S3 page.

I was having problem with finding the enhanced uploader tool for uploading folder and subfolders inside it in S3. But rather than finding a tool I could upload the folders along with the subfolders inside it by simply dragging and dropping it in the S3 bucket.

In Amazon S3, buckets and objects are the primary resources, and objects are stored in buckets. Amazon S3 has a flat structure instead of a hierarchy like you would see in a file system. However, for the sake of organizational simplicity, the Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept as a means of grouping objects. The console does this by using a shared name prefix for the grouped objects. In other words, the grouped objects have names that begin with a common string. This common string, or shared prefix, is the folder name. Object names are also referred to as key names.

For example, you can create a folder in the console named photos and store an object named myphoto.jpg in it. The object is then stored with the key name photos/myphoto.jpg, where photos/ is the prefix.

You can have folders within folders, but not buckets within buckets. You can upload and copy objects directly into a folder. Folders can be created, deleted, and made public, but they cannot be renamed. Objects can be copied from one folder to another.

When you create a folder in Amazon S3, S3 creates a 0-byte object with a key that's set to the folder name that you provided. For example, if you create a folder named photos in your bucket, the Amazon S3 console creates a 0-byte object with the key photos/. The console creates this object to support the idea of folders.

The Amazon S3 console treats all objects that have a forward slash (/) character as the last (trailing) character in the key name as a folder (for example, examplekeyname/). You can't upload an object that has a key name with a trailing / character by using the Amazon S3 console. However, you can upload objects that are named with a trailing / with the Amazon S3 API by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, or REST API.

An object that is named with a trailing / appears as a folder in the Amazon S3 console. The Amazon S3 console does not display the content and metadata for such an object. When you use the console to copy an object named with a trailing /, a new folder is created in the destination location, but the object's data and metadata are not copied.

If your bucket policy prevents uploading objects to this bucket without tags, metadata, or access control list (ACL) grantees, you can't create a folder by using the following procedure. Instead, upload an empty folder and specify the following settings in the upload configuration.

We recommend blocking all public access to your Amazon S3 folders and buckets unless you specifically require a public folder or bucket. When you make a folder public, anyone on the internet can view all the objects that are grouped in that folder.

In the Amazon S3 console, you can make a folder public. You can also make a folder public by creating a bucket policy that limits data access by prefix. For more information, see Identity and access management in Amazon S3.

After you make a folder public in the Amazon S3 console, you can't make it private again. Instead, you must set permissions on each individual object in the public folder so that the objects have no public access. For more information, see Configuring ACLs.

When you use the Calculate total size action on specified objects or folders within your bucket, Amazon S3 calculates the total number of objects and the total storage size. However, incomplete or in-progress multipart uploads and previous or noncurrent versions aren't calculated in the total number of objects or the total size. This action calculates only the total number of objects and the total size for the current or newest version of each object that is stored in the bucket.

For example, if there are two versions of an object in your bucket, then the storage calculator in Amazon S3 counts them as only one object. As a result, the total number of objects that is calculated in the Amazon S3 console can differ from the Object Count metric shown in S3 Storage Lens and from the number reported by the Amazon CloudWatch metric, NumberOfObjects. Likewise, the total storage size can also differ from the Total Storage metric shown in S3 Storage Lens and from the BucketSizeBytes metric shown in CloudWatch.

If the time to calculate the total size of a large folder is taking too long, consider using Amazon S3 Inventory and Amazon S3 Select as an alternative. First, create an S3 Inventory configuration to include the Size metadata for each object of the large folder in an inventory report. It might take up to 48 hours to deliver the first S3 Inventory report. When the inventory report is published, query the inventory report with an S3 Select SUM expression to aggregate the sizes of the objects in the folder. For more information, see Configuring inventory by using the S3 console and SUMexample.

If you upload an object with a key name that already exists in a versioning-enabled bucket, Amazon S3 creates another version of the object instead of replacing the existing object. For more information about versioning, see Using the S3 console.

The multipart upload API operation is designed to improve the upload experience for larger objects. You can upload an object in parts. These object parts can be uploaded independently, in any order, and in parallel. You can use a multipart upload for objects from 5 MB to 5 TB in size. For more information, see Uploading and copying objects using multipart upload.

When you upload an object, the object key name is the file name and any optional prefixes. In the Amazon S3 console, you can create folders to organize your objects. In Amazon S3, folders are represented as prefixes that appear in the object key name. If you upload an individual object to a folder in the Amazon S3 console, the folder name is included in the object key name.

For example, if you upload an object named sample1.jpg to a folder named backup, the key name is backup/sample1.jpg. However, the object is displayed in the console as sample1.jpg in the backup folder. For more information about key names, see Working with object metadata.

When you upload a folder, Amazon S3 uploads all of the files and subfolders from the specified folder to your bucket. It then assigns an object key name that is a combination of the uploaded file name and the folder name. For example, if you upload a folder named /images that contains two files, sample1.jpg and sample2.jpg, Amazon S3 uploads the files and then assigns the corresponding key names, images/sample1.jpg and images/sample2.jpg. The key names include the folder name as a prefix. The Amazon S3 console displays only the part of the key name that follows the last /. For example, within an images folder, the images/sample1.jpg and images/sample2.jpg objects are displayed as sample1.jpg and a sample2.jpg.

For information about object access permissions, see Using the S3 console to set ACL permissions for an object. You can grant read access to your objects to the public (everyone in the world) for all of the files that you're uploading. However, we recommend not changing the default setting for public read access. Granting public read access is applicable to a small subset of use cases, such as when buckets are used for websites. You can always change the object permissions after you upload the object.

You can use only KMS keys that are available in the same AWS Region as the bucket. The Amazon S3 console lists only the first 100 KMS keys in the same Region as the bucket. To use a KMS key that is not listed, you must enter your KMS key ARN. If you want to use a KMS key that is owned by a different account, you must first have permission to use the key and then you must enter the KMS key ARN.

This example guides you through using classes from the AWS SDK for PHP to upload an object of up to 5 GB in size. For larger files, you must use the multipart upload API operation. For more information, see Uploading and copying objects using multipart upload.

The AWS SDK for Ruby - Version 3 has two ways of uploading an object to Amazon S3. The first uses a managed file uploader, which makes it easier to upload files of any size from disk. To use the managed file uploader method:

So I can see S3 console and can get into my folder with files listing but I don't find way to find total number of files in it other than going thru pagination which does not work considering thousands of files.

I want to grant a user Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) console access to a bucket or folder (prefix). However, I don't want the user to see other buckets in the account or other folders within the bucket.

2. Add permission to s3:ListBucket only for the bucket or folder that you want the user to access. To allow the user to upload and download objects from the bucket or folder, you must also include s3:PutObject and s3:GetObject. 17dc91bb1f

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