Where I become unstuck is the chromebook that we have in the household as well. This works great for the kids and wife, as Google Family lets me control what they can get onto, and the mrs isnt really a power user so doesnt have the need for addons on her mobile.

When I come to use the chromebook, I either just suck it up and use chrome on it, and end up searching the same things just to find the pages I was looking at, or if things become a pain, I end up opening up Firefox (android) from the play store.

How To Download Firefox On Chromebook

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Im guessing there are other users out there that run firefox as their daily driver.... if so, what exactly do you do when it comes to the chromebook? Do you suck it up and use chrome, or do you struggle with the naffness of Firefox android on chrome, or use the slow and out of date linux firefox LTS?

When using the chromebook duet with the keyboard and touchpad, scrolling with 2 fingers doesn't work as it should. All it does is highlight things on the page. Along with the fact that there is no scroll bar, the only option is the arrow keys or touching the screen. Not only this issue, the tablet mode is completely gone for some reason. Having the tabs on the top like an actual browser would be great to use when using the chromebook as a laptop, but we can't. Will there be any fixes for these issues?

So I am new to using Chrome OS and one of the items I have notice is that Chrome is the default browser and there does not appear to be a way to install something else in Chrome OS. I like to use Firefox. I think you can install the android firefox, but I think there may be more app limitation if I use android apps, so I am going to install Firefox in costini.

This is the tricky part. I am pretty sure I could just use apt to install firefox, but debian repository are usually kind of outdated. The way to get the latest firefox appear to be flatpak, which I am not familar with, so I had to poke around. My initial install failed because apparently I had to enable nested containers.

Now if you type firefox from chrome, the icon for firefox should come in. You can install it on the shelf by right clicking on the icon and pinning it to the shelf. The first time you run it, it may take a while but then it should come up fast afterwards.

It appears that there is significant performance reduction between firefox in a container and chrome on native. I am not entirely sure why. In practice, the difference in performance isn't that noticable. I may experiment a bit to understand this issue better.

Playing around with it somemore, I concluded that I can get actually fairly good performance from Firefox, except when I have to play videos, then the videos have a noticable lag. Keep in mind in most cases, it just has to work well enough. In this case, I may have to rethink using a chromebook as a daily driver since Chrome browser has its share of privacy concerns.

I have a new install of lubuntu 22.04.1 on an old Samsung chromebook xe500c13-k01us. All seems good but chromium and firefox lock system up after a short operation time. In chromium the hot keys will highlight different things but a hard reboot is needed to get moving. Both of these browsers are "snap". Could this be snap or something else?

Once the Flatpak setup is complete, you can install Firefox from a Terminal by typing $ flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox. It can take a little while, and on my Chromebook it put some garbage characters on the screen, but it completed and now Firefox is avaliable from 'Linux applications' in my Chromebook launcher.

I am trying to upload .txt file using firefox (also tried chrome) and popup window is opened( this window seems like from local system).Thing is , the script is able to enter the file path in the browse field..Now, the popup remains open and its not clsoing as this is not recorded.

the fact that firefox is way behind in adopting web standards speaks more that a few missing functionalities. firefox has become the new IE as far as web devs see it. Spent some time on caniuse.com and most browsers keep up with the standards, not firefox. So it's death is iminent e24fc04721

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