Importing your source code to GitHub makes it easier for you and others to work together on projects and manage code. GitHub helps you collaborate, track changes, and organize tasks, making it simpler to build and manage projects. For more information, see "About GitHub and Git."

Warning: Never git add, commit, or push sensitive information, for example passwords or API keys, to a remote repository. If you've already added this information, see "Removing sensitive data from a repository."

How To Download Files From Github Using Terminal

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If you have source code stored locally on your computer that is tracked by Git or not tracked by any version control system (VCS), you can add the code to GitHub by typing commands in a terminal. You can do this by typing Git commands directly. Alternatively, you can use GitHub CLI or GitHub Desktop.

GitHub CLI is an open source tool for using GitHub from your computer's command line. GitHub CLI can simplify the process of adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line. To learn more about GitHub CLI, see "About GitHub CLI."

If you're most comfortable with a point-and-click user interface, consider adding your project with GitHub Desktop instead. For more information, see "Adding a repository from your local computer to GitHub Desktop."

If your locally-hosted code isn't tracked by any VCS, the first step is to initialize a Git repository. If your project is already tracked by Git, skip to "Importing a Git repository with the command line."

To create a repository for your project on GitHub, use the gh repo create subcommand. When prompted, select Push an existing local repository to GitHub and enter the desired name for your repository. If you want your project to belong to an organization instead of your user account, specify the organization name and project name with organization-name/project-name.

Alternatively, to skip all the prompts, supply the path to the repository with the --source flag and pass a visibility flag (--public, --private, or --internal). For example, gh repo create --source=. --public. Specify a remote with the --remote flag. To push your commits, pass the --push flag. For more information about possible arguments, see the GitHub CLI manual.

Create a new repository on To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files. You can add these files after your project has been pushed to GitHub. For more information, see "Creating a new repository."

Files that you add to a repository via a browser are limited to 25 MiB per file. You can add larger files, up to 100 MiB each, via the command line. For more information, see "Adding a file to a repository using the command line." To add files larger than 100 MiB, you must use Git Large File Storage. For more information, see "About large files on GitHub."

If a repository has any protected branches, you can't edit or upload files in the protected branch using GitHub. You can use GitHub Desktop to move your changes to a new branch and commit them. For more information, see "About protected branches" and "Committing and reviewing changes to your project in GitHub Desktop."

Your repository may have push rulesets enabled. Push rulesets may block creating a new file in the repository based on certain restrictions. Push rulesets apply to the repository's entire fork network. Which means that any push rulesets that are configured in the root repository will also apply to every fork of the repository. For more information, see "About rulesets."

Your repository may be secured by push protection. With push protection, GitHub will block uploading a file to the repository if the file contains a supported secret, such as a token. You should remove the secret from the file before attempting to upload the file again. For more information, see "Working with push protection" and "Pushing a branch blocked by push protection."

In the "Commit message" field, type a short, meaningful commit message that describes the change you made to the file. You can attribute the commit to more than one author in the commit message. For more information, see "Creating a commit with multiple authors."

Below the commit message fields, decide whether to add your commit to the current branch or to a new branch. If your current branch is the default branch, you should choose to create a new branch for your commit and then create a pull request. For more information, see "Creating a pull request."

To download a GitHub repository, you must first start by navigating to the repository in GitHub. If you know the name of the repository, you can enter the name in the search bar on the left of the top nav at the very top of your GitHub user interface.

Once you have your desired repository open, click the small arrow on the green Code button at the top right of the repo contents. From here, select Download Zip. This will download the entire GitHub repository as a zipped folder.

Regardless of which path you choose, cloning a GitHub repository is extremely easy using a Git Client, like GitKraken Client, that not only makes the process of cloning the GitHub repo intuitive, but also provides crucial visual context for interacting with the repository after you have it cloned to your computer. Learn how to clone a GitHub repository with the most popular, free Git GUI + terminal for GitHub.

Conversely, if you only want a few individual files from a repository, the easiest way to download them from GitHub is to follow the process outlines in the section above and download each file individually.

To download a folder from GitHub, navigate to your desired repository, select the folder you want to download from GitHub, copy the URL, navigate to and paste the URL into the text box, and hit enter.

With its GitHub integration, GitKraken Client can streamline the process of managing GitHub repositories. This integration facilitates actions like cloning directly from GitHub repos, adding remotes for and GitHub Enterprise repositories, and more. Users can log in to GitHub directly within GitKraken Client to manage all GitHub issues and pull requests easily.

Additionally, the GitHub SSH feature enhances security, allowing users to generate and add a GitHub SSH key directly within GitKraken Client. This integration makes GitKraken Client an even more powerful tool for teams using GitHub, providing an efficient and secure method for repo access and management.

Want to easily manage your source code and collaborate with others? Git and GitHub are the tools you need! And with Visual Studio Code, you can set up and use them in a snap. Even if you're a beginner, VS Code's user-friendly interface guides you through common Git actions like pushing and pulling code, creating and merging branches, and committing code changes. And if you're a pro, you'll love the ability to perform Git actions directly within the editor, saving you time and effort compared to using the Git command line. Plus, the seamless workflow between VS Code and Git means you can stay in your editor and get more done.

To use Git and GitHub in VS Code, first make sure you have Git installed on your computer. If Git is missing, the Source Control view shows instructions on how to install it. Make sure to restart VS Code afterwards.

Additionally you can sign into VS Code with your GitHub account in the Accounts menu in the lower right of the Activity bar to enable additional features like Settings Sync, but also cloning and publishing repositories from GitHub.

For other Git providers, enter the repository URL, select Clone, and pick a folder on your local machine to clone the files into. VS Code opens the folder once the repository is cloned on your local machine.

You can also initialize and local repository and publish it directly to GitHub. This creates a new repository on your GitHub account, and pushes your local code changes to the remote repository. Having your source code on a remote repository is a great way to back up your code, collaborate with others, and automate your workflow with GitHub Actions.

Use the Publish to GitHub command button in the Source Control view. You can then choose a name and description for the repository, and whether to make it public or private.

Once the repository has been created, VS Code pushes your local code to the remote repository. Your code is now backed up on GitHub, and you can start collaborating with others with commits and pull requests.

GitHub Codespaces lets you open a GitHub repository in a fully configured cloud-based development environment, enabling you to develop in a browser without having to install any software on your local computer. GitHub Codespaces allows free usage for individuals, which makes it easy to get started working on open source projects.

VS Code's remote repository support allows you to browse and edit a GitHub repository without cloning it to your local computer. This is useful for quickly making changes to a remote repository without having to clone the entire codebase to your machine.

You can access the Source Control view from the Activity Bar to list all changed files in your workspace. You can toggle between a tree view or list view by using the tree/list icon in the Source Control view header. 152ee80cbc

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