The game features 52 playable characters (53 with first print bonus), ranging from Phantom Blood to JoJolion. It was announced as a sucessor to All-Star Battle in the January 15, 2015 issue of Famitsu and was presented at Jump Festa 2015. A demo was presented at Jump Festa 2015 with 7 characters: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Rudol von Stroheim, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Josuke Higashikata, and Diego Brando. It was released afterwards on PSN for PS4 only.[3]

The format of the game involves four characters in a 2 vs 2 battle. Players pick a single character to control as well as a second character that may be controlled by either a CPU or a second human player if playing online to fight the enemy team. While the game allows for four players to battle each other in teams online, there is no local multiplayer.

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During a match, each team's goal is to deplete the enemy team's health gauges first before the end of the round. Characters have three health gauges which are depleted in succession until the character is "Retired", and removed from the fight. Offensively, the characters have access to basic attacks and their own special skills. For basic attacks, all characters have Normal Attacks used to string basic combos up to a maximum of five steps ending in a heavy-hitting finisher, although this number varies per-character. They also have a Powerful Attack used to knock opponents away or deliver specific finishers from Normal Attack combos, and a slow but unblockable Takedown Attack unleashed when Powerful Attack is held, delivering a red-flashing strike that crumples targets and leaves them open to follow-up attacks.

Special skills usually take the form of unique, powerful abilities such as larger scale attacks, projectiles, traps, etc. and inflict greater damage to opponents, but can also prepare/provide a number of advantages and bonuses when used. All special skills are subject to cooldowns during which a character cannot perform them again, though various buffs can increase cooldown speed. Many characters have one skill they can occasionally perform that has notably more potent effects or damage compared to others, but also a greater cooldown. Certain skills have cooldown gauges that also serve to display secondary elements, such as how many times a skill can be used before being placed on cooldown, and the length of an effect or enhanced state.

Defensively speaking, a player can either put up a guard that blocks attacks from the front to greatly reduce the damage taken and potentially counter, or dodge in any cardinal direction or in relation to a lock-on target with a fast but short Quickstep. Beyond evasion, Quickstepping may also be used to cancel out of attacks or certain skills in order to extend ground combos, or interrupt an unsafe maneuver. Jumping can be used similarly to cancel out of combos as well. Although putting up a guard is generally the fastest and safest defensive option and does not expend stamina, it has an innate durability indicated by the color of the guard gradually shifting from white to yellow to red. If too much guard damage is sustained in a short period of time, a Guard Break will occur, and the defender is left completely vulnerable for a few seconds and unable to act. Guards are also vulnerable to the aforementioned Takedown Attacks, which function as the game's equivalent to "throws".

All characters (except Alt. World Diego & N'Doul) possess the ability to Homing Dash, allowing them to charge forward or toward their lock-on targets in short high-speed bursts at the cost of stamina and quickly close distance. Upon making contact, the target will stagger as if hit by an attack, which combined with the ability to cancel out of Homing Dashes using Normal Attacks (known as "Homing Dash Attacks"), grant a relatively easy method of initiating combos. If not locked-on, Homing Dashes may also be used to escape danger and create distance.

Each time a character's health bar is depleted, it will "Break", and they are temporarily knocked down before being able to resume fighting, permanently preventing them from recovering health above that point. However, they are also granted temporary invincibility and therefore a moment to recover from being attacked, signified by a white glow around them. For some characters, special effects may trigger when they are at certain health levels.

Below the health gauge is a stamina gauge that displays how much a character can take action within a given period of time. Actions such as Quickstepping, Homing Dashing, jumping, and executing skills deplete stamina, and stamina is generally lost at a much faster rate than it is regenerated. Once empty, the stamina gauge will turn red and characters are unable to execute any actions aside from Normal and Powerful attacks, and guarding for a brief period until the gauge refills completely. Jump-canceling combos also depletes a very large portion of the stamina gauge, and holding a Homing Dash rapidly drains stamina beyond the initial cost in exchange for extending its distance. While stamina will slowly recover on its own, standing still also greatly increases the regeneration rate (though guarding will inversely reduce recovery rate). Certain passive skills on specific characters deplete stamina while active, and some even require a full gauge to even use. In all, the presence of stamina is both a deterrent for haphazard aggression and a means to limit a given character's ability to maintain an overbearing offensive, such as reckless Quickstepping or Homing Dashing.

All characters possess a Style Action, a singular special ability that predominantly acts as their main skill or unique gimmick, and is often representative of their Style and/or abilities as an individual fighter. For some characters, such as Rudol von Stroheim or Koichi Hirose, a Style Action takes the form of core abilities integral to their basic playstyle; For others such as Jotaro Kujo or Giorno Giovanna, their Style Actions may be limited-use, tremendously powerful abilities that accessorize or augment their skill set without being necessary for them to function. While all Style Actions have little commonality, as their roles and utility differ between the playable characters, they ultimately share the general trait of being important in how every fighter operates in combat when used to their full potential.

If a character is attacked from behind, it is registered as a Backstab, increasing the damage dealt to them. Similarly, if a character is interrupted with an attack while they themselves are attacking or in the middle of a combo, a Combo Breaker will occur and grant a bonus amount of Dual Heat Gauge to the offender.

Other abilities available to all characters are a Flash Burst and Flash Cancels, which are signified by a purple light and two smaller green lights by the player character's portrait, respectively. A Flash Burst will cause the character to pose with a 'burst' of light, breaking them out of enemy combos by granting them invincibility and sending attackers flying; Flash Cancels instantly cancel a character's attack, including special skills, in order to open up more opportunities to extend combos without consuming stamina. Whenever a Flash Burst or Flash Cancel is used, there is a long cooldown before they become available again.

The battle arena contains interactive items the characters can freely use for a number of goals. These include objects that can be thrown and/or trapped depending on the character and object size, and stage-specific gimmicks such as knocking enemies down onto spikes to deal bonus damage and resting at a caf to replenish health. Among the stage object types are destructible red boxes containing temporary power-ups, such as attack and defense boosts, instantly nullifying any cooldowns to all abilities, and even Dual Combo and Dual Heat Attack charges.

Both teams have a Dual Heat Gauge split into six sections that slowly fill when characters deal or take damage, use special skills and abilities, or perform other tasks such as destroying stage objects. When the Dual Heat Gauge is filled completely, it will cycle back to being empty but is subject to diminishing returns, taking longer to fill each time.

When three sections are filled, a team can then perform Dual Heat Attacks (, Dyuaru Hto Attaku), causing the characters to pose before rushing forward, cloaked in a red aura. If the charging character successfully connects with an opponent, a special cinematic joint attack will initiate, dealing massive damage to the target opponent. Certain match-ups contain special animations and dialogue between two characters, mostly between allies or family members in the form of unique, fully animated and cinematic Dual Heat Attacks. However, these have no effect on gameplay aside from altering the angles and distance opponents are sent when struck by a DHA.

When a member of a team is Retired, their partner will be powered up to balance the number disadvantage under a Soul Succession (also referred to as "Inherited Will" in some descriptions). Soul Successions grant the character in question an extra purple health bar that will slowly deplete over time. While that purple health bar exists, they are given drastic power-ups to movement speed, skill cooldown speed, and attack damage, as well as super armor when attacking. All unused Dual Combo charges are unavailable for the rest of the match, while charges of Dual Heat Attacks are converted into Soul Succession charges. However, in rare scenarios where both fighters are defeated at the exact same time, no Soul Succession will occur and the match will end immediately.

Exclusively in 2v2 online mode, when a player is Retired on either team, that character becomes a "Vision" who cannot receive or deal any further damage, and is only allowed access to one skill from their movelist and no other attacks. Whenever a Vision receives or lands an attack, the respective target is temporarily knocked down, allowing the Vision only to disrupt players on the enemy team. 152ee80cbc

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