The NGA-East database constitutes the largest database of processed recorded ground motions in Stable Continental Regions (SRCs). It was developed as part of a large multi-disciplinary research project coordinated by PEER. The NGA-East database includes the two- and three-component ground-motion recordings from numerous selected events (M > 2.5, distances up to 1500 km) recorded in the Central and Eastern North America (CENA) region since 1988. The database contains over 29,000 records from 81 earthquake events and 1379 recording stations. The database includes time series and pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) for the 5%-damped elastic oscillators with periods ranging from 0.01 to 10 sec. Additionally, the NGA-East database includes Fourier amplitude spectral (FAS) of the processed ground motions.

NGA-East was jointly sponsored by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

How To Download Earthquake Data From Peer

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The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) ground motion database includes a very large set of ground motions recorded worldwide of shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes. The database has one of the most comprehensive sets of metadata, including different distance measures, various site characterizations, and earthquake source data.

Since its release, the PEER Ground Motion database has proved to be very popular among engineers in the earthquake-related disciplines, who are increasingly using it for selection and modification of records to analyze computer models of buildings, bridges, and other facilities. The database is now cited as a primary source of ground motion records in the latest revision of the Building Seismic Safety Councils NEHRP Recommended Provisions.

For many years, PEER has spent considerable effort in collecting and organizing ground motion databases to assure data processing consistency and accurate metadata retrieval. Previous versions were released in 2005, 2000, and 2010. These old database versions are not accessible.

Modern approaches to assessing seismic performance of infrastructure rely on good information about likely ground shaking at a site. Historically, access to earthquake ground motion data has been hampered by difficult access to the large body of data, as well as by the inconsistency in how the data are gathered and stored.

In the late 1990s PEER recognized the need to improve access to earthquake ground motion data and thus embarked on an effort to create a web-based searchable database of strong ground motion data. The first step was to collect the most important ground motion records worldwide. The second step was to ensure that all the data had been processed consistently and reliably. The following step was to gather related metadata such as earthquake magnitude, various site-to-source distance measures, style of faulting, local site conditions at the recording stations, and other relevant engineering parameters. Finally, PEER created the online database to make all the information available to the public. Various enhancements to the database have been made in recent years, and the latest version of the database can be found at the top of this web page.

The PEER research program aims to provide data, models, and software tools to support a formalized performance-based earthquake engineering methodology. Within the broad field of earthquake engineering, PEER's research currently is focused on four thrusts, these being Building Systems, Bridge and Transportation Systems, Lifelines Systems, and Information Technologies in support of the methodology implementation.

ALL downloaded records are UNSCALED and as-recorded (UNROTATED). The scaling tool available on this site is to be used to determine the scale factors to be used in the simulation platform. These scale factors can be found with the record metadata in the download (Scaling the traces within this tool would only cause confusion with file versioning).

Please note that, due to copyright issues, a strict limit has been imposed on the number of records that can be downloaded within a unique time window. The current limit is set at approximately 200 records every two weeks, 400 every month. Abusive downloads will result in further restrictions.

The NGA-West2 ground motion database includes a very large set of ground motions recorded in worldwide shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes. The database has one of the most comprehensive sets of meta-data, including different distance measure, various site characterizations, earthquake source data, etc. The current version of the database is similar to the NGA-West2 database, which was used to develop the 2014 NGA-West2 ground motion models (GMMs).

The objective of NGA-East is to develop a new ground motion characterization (GMC) model for the Central and Eastern North-American (CENA) region. The GMC model consists in a set of new ground motion models (GMMs) for median and standard deviation of ground motions (GMs) and their associated weights in the logic-trees for use in probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA).

The PEER NGA strong-motion databases, the associated flatfiles, reports, and products are subject to future revisions as a result of the review process, as new information is obtained, or as new interpretations are made.

The old NGA-West online PEER ground motion database tool has been taken off line. The users of the PEER ground motion database should use the latest and expanded NGA-West 2 ground motion database at:

Since its release, the PEER Ground Motion database has proved to be very popular among engineers in the earthquake-related disciplines, who are increasingly using it for selection and modification of records to analyze computer models of buildings, bridges, and other facilities. The database is now cited as a primary source of ground motion records in the latest revision of the Building Seismic Safety Councils NEHRP Recommended Provisions.

The 2010 PEER Ground Motion Database Beta Version was developed in the fall of 2010 to improve the usefulness of the database for engineers. A new interactive web-based application was released that allows engineers to search, select, download, and scale records to match a target response spectrum based on the users specific requirements and search criteria. The target response spectrum can be chosen to comply with the ASCE-05 provisions, to conform to the NGA 2008 models, or to match a user-defined spectrum.

Additionally, all ground motion records in the database were rotated to the fault-normal and fault-parallel directions. Records with velocity pulses were also flagged and made searchable in the web application.

The 2005 PEER Ground Motion Database was used for the development of the 2008 NGA West Models. The NGA West Program developed new ground motion prediction equations for the western United States that were released in 2008. The 2005 database was expanded in 2007 to incorporate recent Italian earthquake records and related metadata. This addition represented an important improvement in order to account for regions with shallow seismicity with prevalent normal faulting.

This site provides the results of over 400 cyclic, lateral-load tests of reinforced concrete columns. The database describes tests of:Ā  spiral or circular hoop-reinforced columns (with circular, octagonal or rectangular cross-sections) rectangular reinforced columns columns with or without splicesĀ 

For each test where the information is available, the database provides the: column geometry column material properties column reinforcing details test configuration (including P-delta configuration) axial load digital force-displacement history at the top of the column top displacement that preceded various damage observations key drawings and images (where available) comments (e.g., unusual characteristics) references and links for further information

This database was assembled as a service to the research community in earthquake engineering. The University of Washington, PEER and the researchers who performed the experiments make no warranties to the accuracy of the information that has been collected. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Marc Eberhard at the University of Washington or Debra Bartling at the Universityof California, Berkeley. 152ee80cbc

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