At work we've been using the Microsoft Wireless Display adapters. We've recently discovered Microsoft unwisely discontinued this product. We've found these adapters work best for our mostly Surface Pro/Laptop environment and are trying to find an alternative around the same price range with the same performance. Here's what we need:

UPDATE: Got the J5Create ScreenCast 4k today. Seems to do what we need it to do. Had to plug it into a USB power adapter (the TV's USB port didn't quite give it enough power). It doesn't need to be connected to the WiFi like other devices and doesn't have a bunch of apps. It's exactly what we were looking for.

How To Download Display Adapter

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Added bonus, this will work with more than just Windows (although I haven't been able to successfully connect an iPhone, but it says it can...I'll keep testing. We might just have that feature blocked via Intune.) I was able to connect my Google Pixel to it. That option is turned off by default, but you can turn it on in the settings. To get to the settings, you connect your device to its SSID and then enter its IP address (it's displayed on the screen) in your web browser. You can also update firmware and other settings on this screen.

The only problem I've found with it so far is with aspect ratios. If mirroring your Surface screen to this device, it doesn't retain the aspect ratio. It stretches to fit the display instead. The two options are Fit to screen and Zoom to screen. The outcome appears to be the same.

Can anyone advise which would be the best option to casually stow away in a backpack for when I'm out and about and I want to show files (mp4's, pictures, powerpoints, etc.) to friends and family? Is it possible to turn off the surface display while a movie is being streamed with either option?

It's most commonly there after a fresh reinstall of the OS and there is no GPU driver, whether integrated or dedicated, detected. If you go into device manager and you have the driver for the GTX 1060 installed, you can go ahead and uninstall the Microsoft Basic Display adapter. That should resolve your issue.

The Windows default display driver only supports some functionality of your graphics card (only some resolutions, 3d graphics hardware etc.) Installing the correct driver for your graphics card usually makes rendering faster, enables power-saving, things like that. It's essential if you play 3d games or have a high-resolution display, but basic computer use is certainly possible without drivers.

When Windows does not auto detect what kind of display adapter is used in a system, it uses a basic SVGA display driver. Every graphics card made for a long, long time will support VGA or SVGA output. With this basic adapter, you may lose color depth and/or certain resolutions, 2D and 3D acceleration will not be supported, as well as most advanced functions the card may have. Its as bare-bones as you can get while retaining minimal functionality.

The Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA, also MDA card, Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter, MDPA) is IBM's standard video display card and computer display standard for the IBM PC introduced in 1981. The MDA does not have any pixel-addressable graphics modes, only a single monochrome text mode which can display 80 columns by 25 lines of high-resolution text characters or symbols useful for drawing forms.

The original IBM MDA was an 8-bit ISA card with a Motorola 6845 display controller, 4 KB of RAM, a DE-9 output port intended for use with an IBM monochrome monitor, and a parallel port for attachment of a printer, avoiding the need to purchase a separate card.[1]

The MDA was based on the IBM System/23 Datamaster's display system,[2] and was intended to support business and word processing use with its sharp, high-resolution characters. Each character is rendered in a box of 9  14 pixels, of which 7  11 depicts the character itself and the other pixels provide space between character columns and lines. Some characters, such as the lowercase "m", are rendered eight pixels across.[3]

The theoretical total screen display resolution of the MDA is 720  350 pixels, if the dimensions of all character cells are added up, but the MDA cannot address individual pixels to take full advantage of this resolution. Each character cell can be set to one of 256 bitmap characters stored in ROM on the card, and this character set cannot be altered from the built-in hardware code page 437. The only way to simulate "graphics" is through ASCII art, obtaining a low resolution 80  25 "pixels" screen, based on character positions.

Early versions of the MDA board have hardware capable of outputting red, green and blue TTL signals on the normally unconnected DE-9 video connector pins, theoretically allowing an 8-color display with a suitable monitor. The registers also allow the monochrome mode to be set on and off. No (widely) published software exists to actually control the feature.[4][1][5][6]

It is also possible to combine the values of output pins 6 (Video) and 7 (Intensity)[7][8][6], to generate four brightness levels. Video corresponds to 2/3 luminance and Intensity to 1/3 luminance),[9] but the actual display of these levels is monitor-dependent:[8]

The MDA was released alongside the IBM Color Graphics Adapter, and in fact could be installed alongside the CGA in the same computer. A command included with PC DOS permitted switching the primary display between the CGA and MDA cards.[10]

Another use for the MDA was as a secondary display for debugging. Applications like SoftICE[12] and the Windows debugger[13] permitted the simultaneous use of an MDA and another graphics card, with the MDA displaying a debugger interface while the other card was showing the primary display.

The author of an internal IBM publication stated in October 1981 that he had planned to purchase the CGA adapter but changed his mind after seeing its poor display quality. Describing MDA as beautiful, he observed that "you stare at text a whole lot more than you stare at color graphics".[15] MDA was more popular than CGA for business applications. The higher resolution of MDA's text and inclusion of a printer port made it more appealing for the business applications that were the focus of the original PC. However, dissatisfaction with its limitations quickly led to third parties releasing competing hardware.[16]

A well known example was the Hercules Graphics Card. Introduced in 1982, it offered both an MDA-compatible high resolution text mode and a monochrome graphics mode. The founder of Hercules Computer Technology, Van Suwannukul, created the Hercules Graphics Card so that he could work on his doctoral thesis on an IBM PC using the Thai alphabet, which was impossible at the low resolution of CGA or the fixed character set of MDA.[17] It could address individual pixels, and displayed a black and white picture of 720  348 pixels. This resolution was superior to the CGA card, yet offered pixel-addressable graphics, so despite lacking color capability, the Hercules adapter's offer of high resolution bitmap graphics combined with MDA-grade text quality made it a popular choice, which was even shipped with many clones.[18]

The EnumDisplayDevices documentation mentions that the dwFlags argument can be used to get a device ID which can be used with the SetupAPI functions. That API provide a whole range of functions to get device information. So maybe you can get the device ID from EnumDisplayDevices, stick that into some SetupAPI function to get the monitor device struct, and get the display adapter device ID from there.

UG7602HC can extend your image/video to an external display such as the projector, HDTV, or HDMI-based monitor, giving you additional display screen(s) you need to simplify multi-tasking and maximize your productivity.

Windows disables the video output if you have no monitor attached to it. Most modern laptops have a video port that is directly wired to your dGPU. Attach a real display to it, or a dummy plug (commonly available on amazon/ebay for a few $) to resolve this.

I have 534d:6021 MacroSilicon VGA Display Adapter which I want to connect my third screen through my usb 3 port. However it has only windows drivers. How can I setup this adapter with a suitable driver on my ubuntu 22.04.

All physical adapters in a link share the same process virtual address space, but each graphics processing unit (GPU) has its own page tables. Generally, the content of page tables is different on each GPU.

Each physical adapter is allowed to have its own GpuMmu capabilities (page table segment, page table update node, virtual address layout, the underlying page table format, size, etc.). The only restriction is that all physical adapters must have the same virtual address size. GpuMmuCaps.VirtualAddressBitCount must be the same for all adapters. The driver should clamp the address space size to the smallest of the physical GPUs.

This USB 3.0 Dual Display Adapter enables you to connect two more monitors, LCD or projectors to a computer with a USB 3.0 / 2.0 port. For desktop users adding the extra monitors via USB connection is easier than ever without having to open the computer chassis to install an internal video card. Once the installation is done, the USB-attached monitors soon wake up. No function key hassle to swap a second monitor. The adapter is USB 2.0 backward compatible.

 You can use both HDMI and DVI-I interface to add another displays. In case you need to connect SUB-VGA display you can do so with DVI-VGA adapter which is included in the package.

 HDMI interface enables you to transfer video with sound together. On the other hand DVI-I interface, you can use especially for connection to professional displays with the highest resolution support.

Question: I have a MacBook with an external 4K monitor connected. In native 4K resolution, the icons are too small, I want to change the display resolution on the monitor, but the image is either blurry or the cursor response is slower. ff782bc1db

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