SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure, from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database. SSMS provides tools to configure, monitor, and administer instances of SQL Server and databases. Use SSMS to deploy, monitor, and upgrade the data-tier components used by your applications and build queries and scripts.

Management Studio provides an Analysis Services Script project in which you develop and save scripts written in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), Data Mining Extensions (DMX), and XML for Analysis (XMLA). You use Analysis Services Scripts projects to perform management tasks or re-create objects, such as database and cubes, on Analysis Services instances. For example, you can develop an XMLA script in an Analysis Services Script project that creates new objects directly on an existing Analysis Services instance. The Analysis Services Scripts projects can be saved as part of a solution and integrated with source code control.

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You manage shared schedules by using the Shared Schedules folder, and manage report server databases (ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB). You also create a RSExecRole in the master system database when you move a report server database to a new or different Database Engine. For more information about these tasks, see the following articles:

I have set up Linked servers to 'Active Directory', 'MySQL', other MS SQL Servers, and "Advantage Databases"I have not set up a linked server on SQL SERVER 2012, But I have the steps here for doing so from SQL SERVER 2014

My guess for why this process is slower than SQL server management studio would be the fact that it is perhaps generating the .csv file on the server machine and then passing the file across to your local computer (providing that you are indeed running the query on your machine).

Right now we have a workflow that is taking around 24-27 minutes, 20-22 of which is just the database extraction. It is runs every 30 minutes in the Alteryx server. So if the workflow is delayed for some reason (busy database, too busy Alteryx server, etc.) for just a couple minutes, we lose one data processing cycle in the hour. And around 88% of the time is spent download, not processing the data.

Finally, input a Text Tool with four columns in the Python Script: Driver, Server, Database, SQL. In the first row just below the column headers you put the ODBC Driver String, the server name or address, the database (usually master), and the SQL code.

In SQL Server Management Studio, when I right click my database and click properties, a window opens showing the permissions users have on the database. I have recently added a user to active directory with the intention of granting this user permission on my database. The problem is, in active directory, I see a lot of users, but in SQL Server Management Studio, I only see very few of these users. The user I just created doesn't show up either when I hit search->browse or when I search for the exact name. What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't SQL Server be able to connect with Active Directory to get the user list? Additionally, it seems like all of the users that are showing up, are all from one group in AD...

Basically what you should be doing is add the ADuser as a SQL Server login(so that he will be authenticated to the server) and create a user in the database who is associated with the login and give this user a permission to do stuff(read, write, update etc) on your database(authorization). You can acieve this using somethingin in line of this:

Sometimes you can see users which are not associated with any logins due to the fact that the database which is taken in another server might be restored here or the login is deleted with out removing the associated users.

Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Just adding on to what has been previously said. I had the same issue of not being able to connect to the server (client and server on the same desktop) and I ran through all the steps listed here trying to fix it. However, I eventually found out what the issue was. All I had to do was go into SQL server management studio and click "SQL server services" and then single-click the server I needed to connect to. Then click the green 'run' button. I'm not sure if this was specific to me since my computer was both running and accessing the server, hope it helps anyone else out there though!

Anyone have any issues with not being able to connect to database servers using SQL Server Management Studio 17/18 using ZPA? We have no issues over our old Cisco AnyConnect VPN client that ZPA is replacing and RDP/SMB into the same servers running SQL Server with no issues. Thanks!

Most of us, developers, love to write SQL code on our local machines not only because they're executed faster, but also because we have a lot more control over the data as it is used only by us and is not team dependent. This was the case in my team until recently when the policy has changed and the new policy requires us to develop using a centralized database that was being hosted on one of the on-premise servers rather than using local SQL Servers for each individual developers.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to this approach. You can free up some space and RAM from your local machine by disabling the SQL Server Services, which can be an advantage for some. However, you'd need to connect to the server now and write queries keeping in mind that other developers are also using the same database. So, one should be aware of making any changes to the data.

Now that everything has been set up properly to allow inbound traffic over the firewall, we are ready to connect to this machine from any other machine in the network. For this, we need to get the correct IP Address of the machine and the Instance Name of the database (only in case of a named instance).

I'm setting up a Web-GIS using ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard. I'm now trying to add a database server in ArcCatalog, however, I receive the error "Register Database Server. Cannot connect to the database server. Failed to connect to Database Server.".

So far a virtual machine (VM) has been set up, on which the SQL Server Express 2014 has been installed, authorized and enabledfor geodatabase storage. The Firewall on the VM has been changed to have port 1433 and 1434 open. Furthermore, in SQL Server Configuration Manager the TCP/IP has been enabled, IPALL set to port 1433 and the Dynamic option is left blank. Both the SQLServer and SQLBrowseris running. Also, the SQL server client (I've checked that it's the right version) has been installed on the client where ArcGIS desktop is installed.

If SSMS is on the server machine, it ArcCatalog as well? Or, are you trying to connect from another machine? If the latter, the fact that SSMS can connect doesn't give the full picture because you haven't established the client can properly communicate the server.

Edit: The VM belonged to a Workgroup, changing it to the same domain as the client (and the server) resolved the issue. Although the status of the database server in ArcCatalog is "unknown" I'm now able to add geodatabases and add data to those. Thanks again!

Develop, build, test and publish your database from a source controlled project, just like you develop your application code. Start from scratch with a new Database project, or import an existing database with a few clicks.

Oracle SQL Developer is a free, integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and Cloud deployments. SQL Developer offers complete end-to-end development of your PL/SQL applications, a worksheet for running queries and scripts, a DBA console for managing the database, a reports interface, a complete data modeling solution, and a migration platform for moving your 3rd party databases to Oracle.

You can use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to connect your MySQL data to an SQL Server instance. Linked Server is a tool of MS SQL Server that allows to execute distributed queries to refer tables stored on non-SQL Server datbase in a single query. With linked servers, you can execute commands against different data sources such as MySQL and merge them with your SQL Server database. You can create a linked server with one of these methods: by using the options in the Object Explorer or by executing stored procedures.

The ability to connect other database instances on the same or remote server.The ability to run distributed queries on heterogeneous data sources across the organization.The ability to work with diverse data sources in the same way.How to configure a SQL Server Linked Server to connect to MySQLYou can follow the steps to create a linked server for MySQL in SQL Server Management Studio by using Object Explorer:

Note: Remember to download the SQL client to the same device from which you created the RDS DB Instance. The security group your database is placed in is configured to allow connection only from the device from which you created the DB instance.

Linked servers allow submitting a T-SQL statement on a SQL Server instance, which returns data from other SQL Server instances. A linked server allows joining data from several SQL Server instances using a single T-SQL statement when data exists on multiple databases on different SQL instances. By using a linked server to retrieve data from several SQL instances, the only thing that should be done is to connect to one SQL instance. 17dc91bb1f

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