For new developers, it generally takes a few months to become trusted. Eventually, we strive for all developers with compliant extensions to reach this status upon meeting our developer program policies.

We will begin disabling Manifest V2 extensions in pre-stable versions of Chrome (Dev, Canary, and Beta) as early as June 2024, in Chrome 127 and later. Users impacted by the rollout will see Manifest V2 extensions automatically disabled in their browser and will no longer be able to install Manifest V2 extensions from the Chrome Web Store. Also in June 2024, Manifest V2 extensions will lose their Featured badge in the Chrome Web Store if they currently have one.

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We will gradually roll out this change, gathering user feedback and collecting data to make sure Chrome users understand the change and what actions they can take to find alternative, up-to-date extensions.

Enterprises using the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy to ensure the continued functioning of Manifest V2 extensions in their organization will have one additional year - until June 2025 - to migrate the Manifest V2 extensions in their organization. Browsers with the policy enabled will not be impacted by the rollout of the deprecation until that time.

Chrome Web Store stopped accepting new Manifest V2 extensions with visibility setto "Public" or "Unlisted". The ability to change Manifest V2 extensions from "Private" to "Public"or "Unlisted" was removed.

An Extensions API consists of a namespace containing methods and properties for doing extensions work, and usually, but notalways, manifest fields for the manifest.json file. For example, the chrome.action namespace requires an "action" objectin the manifest. Many APIs also require permissions in the manifest.

Use the chrome.accessibilityFeatures API to manage Chrome's accessibility features. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting individual accessibility features. In order to get feature states the extension must request permission. For modifying feature state, the extension needs accessibilityFeatures.modify permission. Note that accessibilityFeatures.modify does not imply permission.

Use the chrome.contentSettings API to change settings that control whether websites can use features such as cookies, JavaScript, and plugins. More generally speaking, content settings allow you to customize Chrome's behavior on a per-site basis instead of globally.

The chrome.debugger API serves as an alternate transport for Chrome's remote debugging protocol. Use chrome.debugger to attach to one or more tabs to instrument network interaction, debug JavaScript, mutate the DOM and CSS, etc. Use the Debuggee tabId to target tabs with sendCommand and route events by tabId from onEvent callbacks.

The chrome.declarativeNetRequest API is used to block or modify network requests by specifying declarative rules. This lets extensions modify network requests without intercepting them and viewing their content, thus providing more privacy.

Use the chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow API to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of the inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of resources within the page.

Use the chrome.enterprise.hardwarePlatform API to get the manufacturer and model of the hardware platform where the browser runs. Note: This API is only available to extensions installed by enterprise policy.

Use the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API to generate keys and install certificates for these keys. The certificates will be managed by the platform and can be used for TLS authentication, network access or by other extension through {@link platformKeys chrome.platformKeys}.

The chrome.extension API has utilities that can be used by any extension page. It includes support for exchanging messages between an extension and its content scripts or between extensions, as described in detail in Message Passing.

Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages.

Use the chrome.permissions API to request declared optional permissions at run time rather than install time, so users understand why the permissions are needed and grant only those that are necessary.

Use the chrome.platformKeys API to access client certificates managed by the platform. If the user or policy grants the permission, an extension can use such a certficate in its custom authentication protocol. E.g. this allows usage of platform managed certificates in third party VPNs (see {@link vpnProvider chrome.vpnProvider}).

Use the chrome.privacy API to control usage of the features in Chrome that can affect a user's privacy. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting Chrome's configuration.

Use the chrome.runtime API to retrieve the service worker, return details about the manifest, and listen for and respond to events in the app or extension lifecycle. You can also use this API to convert the relative path of URLs to fully-qualified URLs.

Use the chrome.tabGroups API to interact with the browser's tab grouping system. You can use this API to modify and rearrange tab groups in the browser. To group and ungroup tabs, or to query what tabs are in groups, use the chrome.tabs API.

Use the chrome.ttsEngine API to implement a text-to-speech(TTS) engine using an extension. If your extension registers using this API, it will receive events containing an utterance to be spoken and other parameters when any extension or Chrome App uses the {@link tts} API to generate speech. Your extension can then use any available web technology to synthesize and output the speech, and send events back to the calling function to report the status.

Switching from Visual Studio 2015 to 2017 I find that launching a Web API project now starts a clean, separate Chrome window. For the most part I like that, and I certainly like the idea, however: this also means extensions are missing in Chrome.

Because Visual Studio 2017 use an instance of Chrome for debug mode when you hit F5, so you can leave that debug mode instance with remote debugging protocol open, and use your default Chrome instance with full extensions. Just copy and paste the link into your favorite Chrome instance.

Mobile versions of Google Chrome do not support extensions. The best you can do is find a Chromium-based browser that does support them and then install a VPN extension as you would on the desktop version.

This is still an issue with latest Chrome version. Sometimes the CPU usage is fairly normal but other times the CPU usage skyrockets to 100% on Xeon E3-1280 v2 and another Ryzen 7 2700X system I have. Only happens with chrome and this extension installed.

I'm exposed to the idea of creating a Chrome extension using the Flutter framework. While I have experience with Flutter app development, I'm fairly new to the world of Chrome extensions. I've heard that it's possible to build a Chrome extension using Flutter, but I'm uncertain about the steps involved.

To be honest, I'm starting from scratch in this area. I haven't attempted anything yet because I'm not sure where to begin. My Flutter knowledge is fairly solid, but I'm not sure how to adapt it for building Chrome extensions.

This chrome extension is praised for its ability to save time in the online shopping experience while offering valuable insights on product comparisons. Frequent online shopping, product research, and the decision-making process is made a little bit easier with the Vetted AI chrome extension.

You can find the Browser Exstension for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on our web application's integrations page, simply head over to Integrations on your navigation panel and click on the Browser extensions tab at the top.

Microsoft Edge (as well as other Chromium-based browsers) have support for Chromium extensions, so you can use the Toggl Track browser extension on those browsers by downloading it from the Chrome Store. 

The WAVE Chrome, Firefox, and Edge extensions allows you to evaluate web content for accessibility issues directly within your browser. Because the extension runs entirely within your web browser, no information is sent to the WAVE server. This ensures 100% private and secure accessibility reporting. The extension can check intranet, password-protected, dynamically generated, or sensitive web pages. Also, because the WAVE extension evaluates the rendered version of your page, locally displayed styles and dynamically-generated content from scripts or AJAX can be evaluated.

My @momentumdash this morning is gorgeous. For those that don't know it's an extension that displays a picture and other info when you open a new tab in chrome. My 'todo' for the day is to conquer it.

The release announcement was originally scheduled for September 3, 2008, and a comic by Scott McCloud was to be sent to journalists and bloggers explaining the features within the new browser.[29] Copies intended for Europe were shipped early and German blogger Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped made a scanned copy of the 38-page comic available on his website after receiving it on September 1, 2008.[30][31] Google subsequently made the comic available on Google Books,[32] and mentioned it on their official blog along with an explanation for the early release.[33] The product was named "Chrome" as an initial development project code name, because it is associated with fast cars and speed. Google kept the development project name as the final release name, as a "cheeky" or ironic moniker, as one of the main aims was to minimize the user interface chrome.[34][35] 17dc91bb1f

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