Policy-based recording enables organizations that adopt Microsoft Teams for callingand meetings to stipulate, using an administrative policy, when calls andonline meetings should be automatically recorded and captured forsubsequent processing and retention as required by relevant corporate orregulatory policy.

Teams provides various capabilities forconvenientand functional recording of meetings and live events. Organizationalrecording means enabling organizations that adopt Teams for calling andmeetings to stipulate, by way of an administrative policy, when calls and onlinemeetings should be automatically recorded and captured for subsequentprocessing and retention as required by relevant corporate or regulatorypolicy. Users under this policy will be aware that their digitalinteractions with Teams are being recorded but will not be able todisable the recording and will not have access to the recording once theinteraction is complete. The recording becomes part of theorganizational archive available to compliance and legal personnel foreDiscovery, legal hold, and other corporate retention uses.

How To Download Call Recording From Teams

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The core component of the compliance recording solution is the recorder.Recorders are built as scalable Azure-based services (bots) thatuse Microsoft's communicationsplatformand register as applications with Microsoft Graph. The recorder providesthe direct interaction with the Teams calls and meetingscommunications platformAPIsand provides the endpoint for media ingestion.

A sample compliance recorder application isavailablethat shows how to configure the bot, create the app instance and assignthe compliance policies. The sample also has examples on API usage forrecording specific interactions such as handlingincomingcall routing,changing recordingstates,and removing the user who is beingrecorded.Graph documentation on the specific APIs can be found here forupdateRecordingStatusandincomingContext.

IT Administrators can determine which users are to be recorded and whichrecorder will be used for each user, by creating and assigningcompliance recording policies. Recorders are automatically invited toparticipate in conversations based on the configuration of thesepolicies when a communication interaction takes place. Compliancerecording policies are managed using MicrosoftPowerShelland can be applied at the tenant, per-user, and security group level for eachorganization. You can find more information on Microsoft Learn forMeetingpolicies,callingpolicies and grouppolicies.

In addition to publishing publicly available APIs allowing partners to develop and integrate CCaaS solutions with Teams, we have developed the compliance recording for Microsoft Teams certification program to provide customers with the assurance that each participating partner's solution has been tested and verified to provide the quality, compatibility, and reliability they expect from Microsoft solutions.

A recording will expire and be automatically deleted after a set period of time. The length of time it's available is set by your admin, but you can change the expiration date of any given recording. For more info, see Manage the expiration of a meeting recording.

The owner of the recording will get an email when it expires. At that point, they'll have up to 90 days to recover it from the recycle bin. Once recovered, the recording will no longer expire automatically.

Note that, prior to April 12, 2021, this setting was controlled by the "Teams meeting policy". If you allowed recording for teams meeting by setting "AllowCloudRecording" to true. After May 31, 2021, this particular setting in "Meeting Policy" only works for recording a meeting, it does not work for call recording. 

End user experience:

 Where is the recording stored

The recording will be stored either in Stream or OneDrive for the user who initiated the recording. The "other" user - in this example, "Jane" will have read-only access to the recording. 

Both users will be notified when the recording is ready. It will show up in the chat window for the call - in this example, John called "Jane Doe" and Jane recorded the call. The link to recording appears on both their chat window and it can be played back right on the Teams client. 

In this case both John and Jane are in the same organization within the same Microsoft 365 tenant.

If the user who did not initiate the recording is an external user, then, this "recorded" user will not have access to the recording. The user who initiated the recording will have to share the recording with the user on the other organization. 

After July 7, 2021, all recordings will be stored in OneDrive by default, unless your organization decides to opt-out. Following article goes into details about recording and storage for both 1:1 calls and meeting recordings. 

Use OneDrive for Business and SharePoint for meeting recordings - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs

This feature is for end user and does not replace or complement compliance recording. The user who initiates the recording has access to the recorded file, which in certain situation can violate compliance. For example, in certain scenarios, just the notification that the user is being recorded may not meet compliance requirement, additional disclaimers might be necessary. Another possible scenario - certain users are not allowed to keep recordings of calls in their storage. In these cases, admins need to get formal approval from the compliance team before proceeding with this setting.

We want to have a single number that customers can call. They press 1 for sales, 2 for customer service etc. The call then gets routed to the correct team. A team member answers the calls via Teams and as soon as they answer the recording begins. 

I have purchased a US-based Phone Number and integrated it with Microsoft Teams. I want to record the incoming and outgoing calls on that phone number. How do I configure that?

I want the recordings to be saved so that I can review them later on

Call recording is one of the most important features many companies will need to leverage to remain compliant in any industry. Recording calls and meetings ensures you can not only look back over previous discussions in future, but preserve critical calls for a range of purposes.

Microsoft Teams offers a wide gamut of features for modern businesses, including the option to record calls and meetings. Notably, there are different levels of recording available depending on whether you want to capture information in a Teams meeting, or an external call.

Only meeting organisers and people from the same organisation can start and stop a meeting recording in teams. Guests and external users will not have control over the recording. The administrators in a Teams instance can also set policies for how recordings are saved and used.

Microsoft Teams is a chat-based collaboration platform that enables users to share documents, conduct online meetings, make voice/video calls, and more. It becomes the most unavoidable communication tool nowadays, because of the wide usage of its meeting and calling functionalities in this pandemic period. To enhance the user experience with Teams, Microsoft keeps improving the meeting and calling features. They have recently introduced the policy parameter for controlling the 1:1 call recording independently of Teams Meeting Recording.

Recording a call, meeting, or an event will be helpful for users to recollect it in the future. Also, the recording file can be shared with any users within and outside the organization. So, it will also be helpful for a newbie to refer to the previous discussions when required.

If you have enabled the teams 1:1 call recording feature for a Microsoft Teams calling policy, users or groups previously assigned with the policy will get a privilege to record 1:1 calls. You can assign these policies to users in the following ways.

Microsoft Teams recordings are stored on OneDrive for business and Sharepoint. However, for organisations within highly regulated industries, OneDrive and Sharepoint do not meet the strict security standards of storing communications data. These security standards are set up to specifically avoid data deletion or alteration of files during a retention period for example.

If your phone system administrator has allowed you to view and set your call recording preferences, you can set your preferences within Microsoft Teams to either record all calls, or to disable call recording.

I'm looking for something that would be ideal for around 10 users or so but potentially upwards of 50. I was working with Audiocodes for a bit on their call recording solution, but it's clearly designed for large enterprise with hundreds of employees, so not viable.

Comms Group Insights Call Recording as a Service solution (CRaaS) for the Microsoft Teams Phone System. Insights uses true Cloud technology to capture all customer/agent audio and screen interaction. Insights call recording software completely eliminates the cost of on-site hardware and back-up systems, effortlessly adjusting to the size of any business with scalable, affordable pricing.

Whether calls need to be recorded for compliance or security, dispute resolution, or staff training, Insights provides a secure, scalable and flexible call recording package for the Microsoft Teams Phone System. Using direct routing or with Microsoft, Insights delivers the Call Recording Package you need.

As Insights is offered as a CRaaS, it automatically includes all upgrades and 247 support. Insights Cloud Based call recording sits natively within the Teams environment and securely captures incoming and outgoing customer calls and stores them securely, and in accordance with all compliance standards. Calls are stored in the same location as your O365 tenancy, which is domiciled so your local data compliance is assured. ff782bc1db

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