Been struggling with this the whole day. This was happening for a fresh cordova android project. The issue was that the version 25.2.3 of the android build tools has been removed from all the repos(not sure why) but you can still get version 25.3.0 from mavenCentral.

build-tools are currently at 28.0.3; it ordinary even should ask to fetch them (whatever version). with current Android Studio the buildTools are chosen automatically; current version is Android Studio & Gradle plugin to 3.2.1. add Google's Maven Repository for the Java dependencies.

How To Download Android Sdk Tools

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Several packages were impacted, so our workaround was multiple parts. To fix individual package dependencies, we added this to end of our android/build.gradle file (note our four affected packages and adjust for your cases):

We also had to add the exoplayer repo to android/build.grade allprojects.repositories section. Basically, when your build encounters a failure, google the missing package, find where it's hosted now and add it to your build.gradle. I get the impression the broken repos will be fixed in a few days. But many of us don't have a few days.

(end update)

Yesterday, the build works. Today, it doesn't. No android config changes. We're using AppCenter, so the builds there have no local cache and dependencies are re-downloaded every time. This is how the problem is masked on my local. When I ran gradle with --refresh-dependencies, I got the error.

I don't know enough about this stuff to be certain or how to check. For now, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to force gradle to pull the library ( from somewhere that it does currently exist.

I don't know about your situation, but I can't just update to a new version of gradle (since 2.3.3 version is causing depencency) because it's a lower dependency that is pulling gradle 2.3.3 in the first place. My build.gradle is using

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'. Could not find Searched in the following locations: -25.3.3.pom -25.3.3.jar -25.3.3.pom -25.3.3.jar Required by: project : > > > project : > > > > project : > > > > project : > > > > project : > > > > project : > > > > > project : > > > > > project : > > > > > ```

I changed the wrapper setting to distributionUrl=https\:// then I changed my build.gradle dependency to classpath ''

They match up just vaguely enough in number, that you would think that my line uses gradle 7.5.1, but instead, Android Tools for Gradle is actually a separate entity, and at 7.3.3 as of typing this reply.

i'm working on a react-native project V 0.59.5i'm trying to uprgrade it to V 0.63.3i was trying to solve problems poping in android studio, i updated the android studio to 4.1.1 and then there was a message suggesting to upgrade gradle to version 4.1.1, i was using 3.5.3.

i upgraded the grale version and after that i have an error that i cannot solve and i couldn't find useful anser for it. i tried removing cache folder in .gradle folder and restarted android studio but didn't help. changing the gradle version didn't help either.this is the error:

The new react native now requires yarm and JDK between 17 and 20. I had 21, so I installed the 17. Then my new project was successfull with react-native doctor. I was ready to try npx react-native run-android. But again, it failed to install app with ./gradlew app:installDebug

after updating the android sdk manager every time the machine was booting in I got an error staying that something is wrong with the android-tools-adb & android-tools-fastboot. I thought I probably was due to corrupt installation so I tried to reinstall the packages but I kept getting an error:

I am trying to do Android development on my arch machine. I started following documentation instructions ( ) and I successfully installed the android SDK packages. However when I try to install android-tools package I get a corrupted file error: 

"error: android-tools: signature from "Anatol Pomozov " is unknown trust

:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/android-tools-8.0.0_r11-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))."

| (3) install-missing-android-tools@2.0.4 |


| id: install-missing-android-tools |

| version: 2.0.4 |

| collection: GitHub - bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib: New Bitrise StepLib |

| toolkit: go |

| time: 2017-10-31T15:12:40Z |


| |


To use cordova-android@12, SDK Platform 33 and SDK Build Tools 33.0.2 must be installed. Older build tools version can be uninstalled if older versions of cordova-android is no longer used in your projects.

The Tools tab displays a list of tools and extras. Use this tabto install the Android SDK tools, platform tools, and build tools.Also, you can install the Android Emulator, the low-level debugger(LLDB), the NDK, HAXM acceleration, and Google Play libraries.

Click Accept if you accept the Terms and Conditions. At the bottomof the window, a progress bar indicates download and installationprogress. After the installation completes, the Tools tab will showthat the selected tools and extras were installed.

By default, the Android SDK Manager downloads platform components andtools from a Microsoft-managed repository. If you need access toexperimental alpha/beta platforms and tools that are not yet availablein the Microsoft repository, you can switch the SDK Manager to useGoogle's repository. To make this switch, click the gear icon in thelower right-hand corner and select Repository > Google(Unsupported):

The Android Debug Bridge (adb) and fastboot are tools from the Android tools suite. With a USB connection between a PC and a device (your ARM board, a mobile phone, a tablet, ...) they allows to:

Having the Android development tools installed on your development system is required for developing Android apps using RAD Studio. To build mobile apps for the Android target platform, you also need to add an Android SDK to the RAD Studio SDK Manager.

If you installed the JDK yourself, Java might not be in your system path. For example, if Java is not in your system path, you must use android.bat to start the Android SDK Manager (instead of SDK Manager.exe).If you want to optimize for Android development, you should add Java to your system path environment variable.

Android is slowly entering the RISC-V era. So far we've seen Google say it wants to give the up-and-coming CPU architecture "tier-1" support in Android, putting RISC-V on equal footing with Arm. Qualcomm has announced the first mass-market RISC-V Android chip, a still-untitled Snapdragon Wear chip for smartwatches. Now Google has announced a timeline for developer tools via the Google Open Source Blog. The last post is titled "Android and RISC-V: What you need to know to be ready."

The tools/ script will bootstrap using depot_tools to download a version of gradle to use for building on the first run. This will produce a jar file: build/libs/r8.jar which contains both R8 and D8.

The option --lib is passing the bootclasspath for the targeted runtime. For targeting Android use an android.jar from the Android Platform SDK, typically located in ~/Android/Sdk/platforms/android-XX, where XX should be the latest Android version. 2351a5e196

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