The server installation section describes a single-node SonarQube instance from the ZIP file or from the Docker image. For a Kubernetes installation, see Deploy SonarQube on Kubernetes. For details on clustered setup, see Install the server as a cluster.

For optimal performance, the SonarQube server and database should be installed on separate hosts, and the server host should be dedicated. The server and database hosts should be located on the same network.

How To Download And Install Sonarqube In Windows 10


By default, the scripts will use the Java executable available in the PATH. If there are multiple versions of Java installed on your server, you may need to explicitly define which version of Java is used.

After the double click on MSI installer file we get welcome to the installation wizard for Java SE development kit 17.0.6 then click on next button again next and it will be install.

3. If you get the java error then make sure JAVA_HOME is set properly or manually update the wrapper.conf file which is present under conf folder of sonarqube installation directory to point to your java

Did you properly escape the \" signs in the command provided in the documentation ? I believe that xould well be the root cause of your problem. The value for the binPath parameter must be the full string "%SONARQUBE_HOME%\bin\windows-x86-64\wrapper.exe" -s "%SONARQUBE_HOME%\conf\wrapper.conf"

Do you have an environment variable set with the real path of the SonarQube installation ? The %SONARQUBE_HOME% env variable must best set to something meaningful. Do you confirm it is set properly ? Alternatively you can replace this env variable by the hardcoded path of your SonarQube installation like, if you SonarQube is installed in C:\sonarqube, the below:

The install itself is pretty straight forward. I used SonarQube CE 7.6 on a Windows Server 2016 VM with a SonarQube DB on SQL Server 2016. However, I did run into DB connection issues using Integrated Security, as indicated in logs\sonar.log. After downloading the Microsoft SQL JDBC driver package and copying sqljdbc_auth.dll to my path (C:\Windows\System32), I was able to get it started up. my connection string in looks like this:

In this elaborate guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up SonarQube in a project on your local machine, including downloading and installing SonarQube and its prerequisites, analyzing your code, interpreting the results, customizing rules and profiles, and integrating with your build process. By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of how to implement SonarQube in your project and how to utilize its powerful features to improve your code.

Installing SonarQube on windows machine with Sql Server express as back end is quite simple, but here is some information you should know to avoid some common problem with database layer (or at least avoid problem I had :) )

This template deploys an Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL DB, Windows Server 2012R2 VM (Standard DS1 v2) with SonarQube installed. This template can be deployed to a new resource group (recommended) or to an existing resource group.

This Beta release deploys a secure SonarQube installation by default, however we invoke a self-signed which you will have to replace with a trusted one for production use. It is not recommended to run a production server with this certificate.

Because CAs provide the various SSL certificate types at different price points, you should start by deciding what type of SSL certificate to buy. To secure a single domain name (, you just need a basic certificate. To secure multiple domain names ( and and, you need either a wildcard certificate or a certificate with Subject Alternate Name (subjectAltName).+

To install SonarQube on Windows, download the latest version, I got 6.2, from the website ( ). Unzip the contents of the zip file and put them somewhere. I simply unzipped the sonarqube-6.2 folder to C:\. Now, we need to hook up SonarQube to the database. This is actually exactly the same as in Linux. Open C:\sonarqube-6.2\conf\ (or wherever you have unzipped it) and change sonar.jdbc.username= and sonar.jdbc.password= to sonar.jdbc.username=sonar and sonar.jdbc.password=sonar. After that, scroll further down the file and you will find the settings for PostgreSQL. The only thing you need to do is uncomment the line #sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonar ...

Instead I chose to create a vanilla virtual machine using the Windows Server 2012 R2 base image and automate the installation of Java. This would allow me to reuse the same automation scripts with different operating systems and have more control over the version and updates to Java.

Java installation can be automated using the Chocolatey package manager.

The package manager is installed with one line of PowerShell and subsequent packages such as JRE8 can then be installed with one command e.g.

The Chocolatey JRE8 package will take care of locating the official download URL, downloading the latest JRE version 8 update, and installing it. However installing Chocolatey (and subesquent Chocolatey packages) can also be automated using PowerShell Desired State Configuration

Subsequent posts in this series will automate the startup of SonarQube to ensure SonarQube is always running, automate the installation of an Azure SQL Database, and automate the configuration of SonarQube to use the Azure SQL Database.

Open a command prompt as an administrator, go to \bin\windows-x86-64 inside your Sonar folder and run InstallNTService.bat. Because sonar service depends on the sql server we have to set this dependency.

Hi ,

I have installed sonarqube server(7.4) on azure centos 64 bit machine with POSTGRESQL database connection. Sonar Service is running with Elasticsearch and also in web logs i am able to see the web server is operational. With tcp port 9002 i could see the sonar service is up.

But the problem is , when i tried to connect with my DNS or public ip address like _ip:9002 or :9002 the sonar instance through web browser is not coming.

How can i access my sonar instance through public ip or dns on azure centos machine with POSTGRESQL database.

I have already installed MySQL database in my local system using XAMPP package. If you are not installed, then download MySQL and install it in your local system. Once you successfully installed MySQL database then start it.

Now you have successfully done all the configuration related things. Now go to Sonarqube bin folder, then select windows 32 or 64 bit folder based your OS & JDK, and run StartSonar.bat file to start Sonarqube server. Mine is 64 bit OS and also installed 64 bit JDK, So I will select C:sonarqubebinwindows-x86-64 folder.

We will now attempt an analysis with Jenkins. This step is not mandatory, and I would say do not make sense: our current installation of Jenkins knows only the Tomcat version of SonarQube, that we have just delete.

I experimented with different combinations of SonarQube and Jenkins installations, under Tomcat or as Windows services. I met some errors, and I will list two here, which I think might happen quite frequently. And you will understand why I insist on normalizing the slash at the end of the SonarQube url.

Since SonarQube is well versed with the docker compose environment, it would be easier to integrate the tool in your build project. In this article, we will learn to set up a SonarQube server with Docker without having to spend much time in installing and configuration.

You do not have to alter your workflow or learn new tools to install SonarQube since it can easily be integrated with common build tools such as Ant, Maven, Make, Gradle, MS Build etc. All you have to do is add appropriate plugins for a smoother analysis in your build process.

In the older versions of SonarQube you got a dedicated InstallNTService.bat file to install the Windows Service of SonarQube. This file is no longer shipped with a current SonarQube installation. Instead, we must run SonarService.bat with the install option to run SonarQube as a Windows Service:

It is important to make sure that the SonarScanner $install_directory/bin location is added to the system $PATH environment variable. This will ensure that sonar-scanner command will be resolved by the customScanner, and prevent the error:

The SonarLint solution can be installed to analyze code in real time and gain live feedback on the go. SonarCloud enables developers to review and report changes to code on version control software, as well as evaluate code for production. SonarQube, which we have seen, has the same features as SonarCloud, with the difference being enterprise features as against self-managed ones.

In this article, we provided an overview of the Sonar ecosystem and how SonarQube functions. We also demonstrated how to install SonarQube on Docker and then use it to build and test a Go application.

1.1 Visit the archived runner page to get runner-2.4, compatible up to SonarQube 5.5; if you are installing a newer version of SonarQube, then visit SonarQube official site for the latest version (renamed as sonar-scanner)

On other platforms and if a Java runtime is already installed on your computer, SonarLint should automatically find and use it. Here is how SonarLint will search for an installed JRE (in priority order): 2351a5e196

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