You just need to call gdb with the executable (it does not matter if it is yours or a 3rd party one). Here is an example where I debug the ls command and set a breakpoint in the (shared) c library. This example uses gdb 6.8 which supports deferred (pending) breakpoints which makes this easy:

Normally the procedure for debugging a shared library is much the same as for debugging an executable - the main difference is that you may be unable to set a breakpoint until the shared library is loaded into memory. You attach the debugger to the main executable.

How To Debug Shared Library Using Gdb

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If you are debugging an application that is not owned by you, but is using your module in a plugin architecture, you still use the same method. Make sure (as always) that you have debugging information available for your shared library. In windows, you would generate a .pdb file. With gcc, I think you specify a special compiler flag (-g?) to ensure that debugging information is supplied. You attach the debugger to the third party application.

I'm running tests on a dynamic library (compiled from test.c) in Linux using python and python's unit-testing library unittest called tests/ (naming scheme is a bit monotone, I realise that now)

I remember testing shared libraries by creating a mock app that used it. If you are willing to do a lot of work, you could create a second, mock shared library that just collects information about how the library is being used by the third party app, and then have your mock app replay that information.

You might want to try recompiling the library with a -g option. It's saying it can't find the debug info. -g provides for debugging info if you are using gcc. This is the first thing i'd check. If the library is big this may take awhile.

I can debug the application itself, but the application dynamically links to a shared library which implements an in house communications protocol. I want to be able to set breakpoints within the shared library functions so try to figure out some device discovery problems.

I have made sure that the library is compiled with debug symbols and is loaded by gdb on the host side, I can list functions within the library and even set the breakpoints but as soon as I try to run the application I get an error message to the effect of:

where X is the breakpoint number in gdb and [Hex address] is an address far to small to be valid.

I am using the new library on both the target and the host machine, but via mount -o bind newlib oldlib on the target from an nfs mount.

Does anyone have an idea about what could be wrong?Thanks in advance.

Instead of explicitly loading it into GDB, use "set stop-on-solib-event on", wait for the library to get loaded (info shared will tell you current list of loaded libraries), and then set the breakpoints.

Sadly you can not use "set stop-on-solib-event on" for gdbserver remote debugging since gdbserver does not recognize/send solib events. I have had to just issue a set solib-search-path or set sysroot command to get gdb to load all of the shared library symbols after hitting a breakpoint on main.

I'm trying to verify the functionality of functions in a shared object library. In programs with a main function, I would simply start the program and gdb would automatically breakpoint on main, but that's obviously not available here.

I have created a lib crate that acts as a Rust interface/wrapper to/around a C shared library. I am now programming a binary crate that uses said library crate. As is customary, I want to debug the binary crate, and I'd like to use CodeLLDB in VS code to do so, as it already has some Rust support. However, when I press F5 to debug the crate, I am hit with "error while loading shared libraries: .so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". This is weird to me, as I can run the executable produced by "cargo build" just fine, and I can also debug the executable with GDB, so I have correctly specified the location and name to the shared library file.

5. From the Project Explorer window, select OperateDebug Application or Shared Library to display the Debug Application or Shared Library dialog box. The dialog box displays a list of applications and shared libraries with debugging enabled.

Normally, GDB will load the shared library symbols automatically. You can control this behavior using set auto-solib-add command. However, in some cases (e.g. when debugging with gdbserver and having incompatible symbols or using old Android toolchains) GDB will not load the symbols automatically. In this case you can use the info sharedlibrary command to list the loaded shared libraries and the sharedlibrary command to force the symbols to be loaded.

On linux, using rust-gdb, I have tried debugging a shared library written in rust and called from a program written in rust, it's very easy.

However, when the rust shared library called from C caller, the rust source code can't appear.My steps like this:

rust-gdb c_prog

b main


Now it hit on main of c_prog, and I set a breakpoint in rust so.

b rustfunc1

when rustfunc1 hits, the rust source code can't appear, I use "show language" it says current source language is "auto; currently c", I use "set language rust", it doesn't work.

Btw, the symbol and source code dir of the shared library are set correctly.

Is there someone can help? Many thanks.

If you are debugging a shared object library, avoid specifying the .so file as a symbol file. With .so as a symbol file, the debugger resolves the source location to two places: one to the actual address in memory, and the other to a file address within the .so file, which is not a valid memory address. As a result, stepping and other debugging actions do not work correctly.

I believe I've tried what you are saying but maybe I did it

incorrectly.steps therefore are:

in the emulator i run: gdbserver --attach pid to run it on a currently

running application

in the host machine i then run: gdbclient ? (I could use more

specifics here)So is gdbclient able to execute/connect to an app's process rather

then supplying the executable name? If this is true that would be

great since i'm not trying to debug a C/C++ standalone application but

rather trying to debug a C/C++ library.I'm aware that gdbclient is part of Android's OS source code (platform

dev kit), so would I need to obtain that in order to proceed.

I've been using the arm-eabi-gdb.exe from the ndk with no luck in

getting it to work properly.

Thanks again and I appreciate the help from everyone.

On Feb 8, 1:32 pm, Nalin Savara wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:12 AM, fadden wrote:

> > On Feb 5, 10:52 am, robl2e wrote:

> > > I know this topic has been discussed many times before and there are

> > > solutions that exist (not very good ones however), but I could use a

> > > straight answer to this. I created the hello-jni example application

> > > through eclipse. My question is it possible to debug the native c

> > > code (the shared library) with gdb/gdbserver? Since the native code

> > > is a library and not a executable can you debug it while it's

> > > running? The solutions I've found online using gdb/gdbserver to debug

> > > seem to debug native c code that was an executable that had a main().

> > > When I try to use run in gdb it says it' doesn't know how to run.


> > You can attach to the process after it starts running. The binary you

> > want is called "app_process".


> So is gdbclient able to execute/connect to an app's process rather

> then supplying the executable name? If this is true that would be

> great since i'm not trying to debug a C/C++ standalone application but

> rather trying to debug a C/C++ library.

After doing much, much research and headaches, I believe I got

debugging to work FINALLY. I want to thank everyone here for there

responses. For those that want to try this, this is what I did:note: The way I'm debugging here is on a simple mixed java/native c++

app (app that uses jni) using gdb. Most guides regarding this topic

of debugging native code involved a independent standalone c/c++

executable (runs from android shell), this is not the case here. This

is debugging on a java app that makes calls to code in c/c++.setup: To do this you need an os that can get and build the android os

source, so linux or mac. For windows you can use a virtual machine of

linux (thats what I did vm linux mint)the app: SimpleJNI (this sample app is part of android os source

located in development/sample/SimpleJNI), it demonstrates the concept1. First get the Android OS source following the instructions here

 you need to get it and make it.

2. Next follow the instructions here -eclipse

to setup the eclipse and add the SimpleJNI app to the build path (most

important part to note here is adding the app to build path)

3. Now you need edit the app's to add debugging symbols for

gdb. Go to SimpleJNI/jni folder in and look for this line

"LOCAL_CFLAGS +=" change it to read "LOCAL_CFLAGS += -g"

4. cd /path/to/android/root and do "make SimpleJNI" to make the app.

5. Back in the Using Eclipse link follow these instructions from the

debugging with eclipse:cd /path/to/android/root

. build/

lunch 1 # to build the emulator

make # if you didn't already do this

emulator # you should see a GUI picture of a phoneNote: if your terminal can't seem to recognize the commands make sure

you are in the android root, and rerun ". build/" and "lunch

1" commands6. Next you need to install the app, from another terminal use this:

adb install -r ./out/target/product/generic/system/app/SimpleJNI.apk7. You also need to push gdbserver in the emulator too, this will go

in /data/local directory

adb push ./out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/

gdbserver_intermediates/gdbserver /data/local8. run the app SimpleJNI in the emulator, so it's running.9. Follow the instructions here -pdk/guide/debugging_gdb.html,

use the method of attaching to pid instead of executable10. To see it work set a breakpoint i.e. b native.cpp:26, now since

there is no main() you can't just use run, so what I found that

works is click "back" on the emulator and go back to android

homescreen. Then click open SimpleJNI again and gdb should break at

the breakpoint in this case line 26 in gdb.11. In the emulator there should be no result displayed except for the

title SimpleJNI if you breaked at line 2612. In the gdb window type "continue" or "c" and the app should resume

displaying some operation.Thats it. I hope this was helpful because I felt there wasn't any

clear steps on how to debug w/ gdb/gdbserver on a java/jni app

scenario. I do think this method is very cumbersome and hopefully the

ndk later on will provide a better solution for debuging native code.


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