How To Clear Up Your Acne – 7 Easy Ways

How To Clear Up Your Acne

Welcome to this post ”How To Clear Up Your Acne – 7 Easy Ways”. Are you out of your teens and still getting acne? Have no fear!

It’s not as uncommon as you think.

Did you know that as much as 55% of adults between 20-40 years old still have some form of acne? And you thought your high school days were long gone…

While some people have embraced their pimply skin, others are scrambling for something to conceal their face.

But what they don’t realize is that there are plenty of simple methods to defeating their acne.

In this post we will talk 7 Easy Ways To Clear Up Your Acne. What do I eat? How important is drinking water?

Wait, does it actually help to meditate? We’re talking all that AND more!

How To Clear Up Your Acne


You heard me correctly. No need to clean out your ears…

Focus on your face first. I didn’t for that to sound so brutal, but I digress.

How many of you meditate? All of you? Perfect!

Assuming your doing correctly, you’re breathing in and out as much as possible, right?

Well every time you breath, the oxygen you let in helps to repair damaged tissues.

Meditation adds oxygen to the skin, rejuvenating your cells. As your stress rate reduces, your blood pressure also lowers.

Over time, these effects will give your skin a much more glowing look. Oh, and did we mention you feel great afterwards? Get the mat out and give it a go.

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Green Tea – How To Clear Up Your Acne

You knew this was going to appear somewhere on the list. No skin care tips is complete without an appearance for our pal green tea!

I call it a “pal” because when it comes to skin care, it’s one of your best friends.

Green tea’s abilities in DNA repair is known to fight things like skin cancer, but for the sake of keeping it light, let’s just focus on acne.

Green tea acts as an antibacterial agent against pimples. Have you ever heard of polyphenols?

These are micronutrients found in plant based products that are essentially made to go to war with bacteria, unclogging your pores and helping your skin breath.

So if you’re too busy to meditate, get yourself a cup of green tea. Put those polyphenols to work.


This is a simple one. Well not if you actually go through with it. Exercise can be quite daunting at times.

It’s really the instructions that are straightforward… Try to exercise daily.

It doesn’t matter what kind of workout it is.

From push-ups to a light jog in the park, exercise gets the blood pumping. This activates the proper nutrients needed to repair your skin.

Your cells become refreshed as the blood flow increases. This is due to the cellular waste being flushed out of your system.

So if you have time to meditate, you may also have time to throw on your running shoes and head to the gym.

Steam – How To Clear Up Your Acne

Vegetables are not the only healthy thing you can steam? Believe it or not, face steaming has amazing effects on your skin.

Try steaming for five minutes, and then wipe your face with a soft towel or tissue. This helps open your pores, pushing away dead skin cells and bacteria.

Before we continue, are you looking for other ways to improve your health and wellbeing? Check out our video on 9 Unexpected Ways To Lose Weight.

Also, are you looking for a healthy stimulant for your body? Click on our clip detailing 9 Ways Cold Showers Benefit Your Health. Now let’s continue our list on 7 Easy Ways To Clean Up Your Acne.

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Eat Some Fish

In general, protein heavy foods serve as a great rebuilder of skin cells. But it is fish in particular that do wonders. Fish carry omega 3 fatty acids, which work to reduce inflammation.

Did you know that people who consume fish on the regular have a 32% less likelihood of developing severe acne?

While you could go ahead and eat any fish available, the fish that are most suggested are mackerel, salmon and sardines. You know, the tasty kinds…

Drink Lots of Water – How To Clear Up Your Acne

Over 60% of the human body is comprised of water. In order for your body to properly function, you need to consume a healthy amount every


If you fail to drink a sufficient quantity, your skin will be dehydrated. This gives you a very dry and dirty appearance, and who the heck wants to walk around like that?

If it’s left this way over time, your skin becomes vulnerable to wrinkling.

This is why it is essential to have a few glasses of water a day.

This way, the fluid will flush toxins out of your body, restoring your skin cells and allowing you to maintain glowing, healthy skin.

Cut The Junk Food!

This one should be a given, but I’ll touch on it anyways. Junk food… BAD! I believe the cavemen coined that.

Remember how I mentioned that 55% of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 have acne? Well you have all the sugary, salty garbage to thank for that.

The average American eats 4 pounds of potato chips in a year. Doesn’t seem like a lot?

Well imagine taking an old lady’s dumb bell and shoving that into your mouth. That’s the quantity of salty, oily potato you are consuming.

If we want to venture even further down the “say it ain’t so” ladder, let’s talk about how terrible burritos are for your skin. They may seem delicious, but looks can be deceiving.

One burrito contains so many carbohydrates, it can quickly cause your skin to breakout. A burritos ridiculously high sodium level can also make your skin dehydrated.

This probably won’t discourage you from eating them, but the next time you’re lined up at the burrito stand, at least order a bottle of water. Your skin will surely thank you.

Do you have acne? Have any of these methods ever helped? Tell us in the comment section.

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