I am trying to change the location in Preferences - Advanced, but every time I do it (and I've tried various different locations), the location is accepted BUT after I close iTunes and re open it, the location is being reset to the default path (C:\Users\\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media). This is really frustrating and making iTunes unusable for me as all my music is located on a different drive.

By default your backups are located under ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ on your Mac. While you won't be able to change the default backup location, you can navigate to this folder and move the backup to another folder or external HDD/SSD. When restoring said backup though, you'll need to place it back in it's default location or Finder won't be able to locate the backup.

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I have had this ongoing issue with iTunes. Since my C drive has limited space, I install iTunes to C drive, then go into Advanced Preferences and change the iTunes Media Folder Location to F\iTunes. However, EVERY TIME I open iTunes, this has reverted back to the original C:\users\xxxx\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media folder.

There is an ongoing bug with iTunes for Windows that, for some users at least, seems to prevent it saving the media folder location when it is anything other than the standard path of an iTunes Media folder in the same folder as the .itl file. See Make a split library portable - Apple Community for background. Where is the library now? Where would you like to move it to? I'd generally recommend the root of a drive with plenty of room if it isn't going to be inside the usual location of User's Music.

One thing I forgot to mention (if it has any relevance to this issue), I have tried changing the install location at the beginning of installation to another drive, and again, it will not accept this, forces it back to the C: location.

I did let it install to the designated/standard file location of C:\users\xxxx\Music\iTunes\ and the library stores in that sequence. I am trying to put it in my external Seagate 8TB media drive which is F:\iTunes\Media Library.

We will use the examples below to show you how to change the location of your account (in this case US account) on your iOS and Android devices. In case you don't want to do it for your primary account, you can also set up a new secondary account just for testing purposes and change the country/region.

I cut and pasted my entire local music file directory(s) on the hard drive (Windows 7) to a new location on the same hard drive. These are all my songs and not on or from iTunes. Naturally, all music files listed in local iTunes now display '!' as no longer linked.

Which was fine for me since based upon my prior queries here if I somehow corrected this condition and allowed itunes to create it's own library of my library then I'd end up with 2 sets of music libraries--a ton of unnecessary GB's.

I dont know if this is still a problem, but I will tell you what I did. I wanted to simply change the name of the music folder I use to store my music. I do not store all my music in itunes as my music started with a Zune player and I like having it organized my way, not iTunes way. Anyway, I wanted to make a simple rename of the folder from MP3 (started this folder 16 years ago) to Music. of course it broke all the links and couldnt find the music. So what I did was:

6) Reopened iTunes and changed the music folder location in the preferences-advanced to the new folder name. I have the "Keep Itunes media folder organized" checked, and when it asked me if I wanted Itunes to keep it organized (or some crap), I selected yes.

When I finished, it now knew where all the songs were located and when I checked the info it points to the new location. I imagine this could be used for any transfer of folder location or name by just searching and replacing with the correct location or name.

This is not needed any more complex things and scripts. Now in Itunes 11 its simple! you just search the file path for 2 or 3 songs of different folders in your new location within Itunes where the " ! " sign appears. Close the application, open it again, give 3 or 10 minutes (depending on the amount of music you have) to Itunes to auto-re-determine new location and voil! You are done.

For anyone doing this on a Mac or Unix / Linux machine with standard command line utilities installed (mainly: sed or perl), you can use a simple find & replace command rather than a text editor (otherwise, the process is very similar to @raysinred's instructions, and you can in fact follow those instructions instead!) The following instructions are especially helpful if you did not choose to let iTunes manage your music files, and you store them in your own location and simply want to move them to another drive or location.

Just find yourself 1 song manually. After that Itunes will tell you if you want to look for the rest of the missing songs in the same folder. Press Yes and itunes will automatically look for the songs. If you have all or most of the songs in the same folder your problem is solved. It happend to me when I moved my library from my old computer to my new one and all my songs had the ! and said not found. I have more than 800 songs so I was not going to look manually for them. After trying multiple options and not getting any results I started the process manually. Right after finding the first song, itunes gave me the option of looking automatically for the remaining missing songs in that same location. Most of my songs where on the same folder, so Itunes automatically found around 650 songs. Luckily, I didn't have to look for the 800 songs.

I tried to change the iTunes Media Location folder in Settings I changed the location of the iTunes folder from C:\Users\Jim\Music\iTunes to C:\Users\Jim\OneDrive\Music\iTunes to make it easier to move music. (my plan is that CDs that I would import would go into the OneDrive iTunes folder and then sync automatically to my new computer).

iTunes is not designed to play nicely with content in a OneDrive or other cloud sharing location. Recent builds of iTunes may also fail to register an alternate media folder location and revert to iTunes Media in the same folder as the .itl file. If both computers are on the same network you can create a shared folder so you can copy new and changed data over the local network. See Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy - Apple Community for a method I use to sync my library to an external drive. This works equally well across network shares.

You should be able to move the iTunes folder from the OneDrive location back to C:\Users\Jim\Music\iTunes, then hold down shift as you launch iTunes to reconnect to it. No need to uninstall or reinstall iTunes. Once there you can share the Music folder on the network so you can access it from the other computer as \\\Music.

The default iTunes backup location is set to the PC or Mac's primary disk, and in macOS 10.15, iOS backups as created by Finder are stored in the same place. Users often want to change this when they run low on disk space. This article shows you how.

The default iTunes backup location is set to the PC or Mac's primary disk, and in macOS 10.15, iOS backups as created by Finder are stored in the same place. Many users have large backups or backups from a number of iOS devices, and as a consequence they find themselves running low on disk space.

Simply put, this is done by replacing the iTunes backup folder with a symbolic link to the desired location. This is an easily reversible change, so it is possible to restore the default backup location to its original directory.

We've had some users reach out who have already moved their iTunes backup folder to another location -- simply by dragging it -- and now lack the necessary symlink for iTunes to be able to see the backup.

I've got the symbolic link created, but my iPhone back up still goes to the original C: drive location. When I look on my k: drive, I do not see the symbolic link file subdirectory even though it said it was created.

Hi Colleen, thanks for commenting. If you use the functionality in iPhone Backup Extractor to change location, you can make the change simply by browsing to the folder you want. That might be easier! ?

So I'm trying to change the backup path on Windows, and of course get the "insufficient privilege" error in the regular Powershell. So I ran it as administrator by typing it in the search bar and it said it created the symbolic link to the location, so I restarted my PC & tried updating iOs but the backup still went through to the original location (my hard drive, while I wanna change it to an external one simply 'cause I don't have enough space left on the former, lol).

So I guess my question is: how do I run Powershell in the MobileSync window as admin/how do I get the one I open through the search bar as admin to go to the MobileSync folder location so I can properly create the symbolic link & switch it up? :/

P.S. I did skip step one if I'm being honest, but only did so 'cause I already found the location manually, then proceeded to follow the instructions w/ renaming the folder, etc. Might this be the reason why it's not working? If so, shall I re-rename it to its original "Backup" name and try it again with the 1st step? I doubt it since I can't get the Powershell to go to the MobileSync location while I run it as admin to begin with/can't change it without running it as admin in the aforementioned window...Then again what do I know, lol. e24fc04721


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