
Therapy Based On Acupuncture

Prostate review 2022

Two new things how to take care of the prostate. And we will try to talk more slowly. Hello, my name is Gonzalo Ernesto Diaz Morillo, doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the National University of Colombia, specialist in ultrasound for 38 years, time during which I have dedicated myself to such surgeries, biopsies and radiation, dangerous and unnecessary interventions. Today we are going to talk about how to take care of the prostate. This is very important, as prostatitis is extremely common and difficult to cure and prostate surgery is taking its toll, as is prostate biopsy. What is the first thing to take into account to take care of the prostate? Infections. The contamination that exists in water, in places where you are, in all the places where you can get some liquid inside the urinary tract. For example, if you go to a very crowded beach, it is very possible that there is contamination of feces, urine and all that can enter while you are in that water, for example, in crowded beaches.

The same happens in rivers that bring dirty water from high places.

During their journey they have picked up a lot of contamination from factories, from villages and this can cause prostate infections. Another thing they have to be very careful about is sexual intercourse. It is obvious, if you have sexual intercourse you are going to have an exchange of fluid with your partner. And in that exchange of fluid you transmit infections and you receive infections. Another very important thing is the type of relationship. For example, in cases of filia, it is very possible that you are going to get infected and with prostatitis in anal intercourse, if you do not have a cleanliness you can even end up with parasites that have been found worms in the prostatic tissue. Another thing they should be very aware of is contamination. For example, diesel and gas. They are proven to cause prostate cancer. They produce cancer in the rest of the body. But if you drive a vehicle, they say or a gas vehicle, you are going to have a greater chance of developing cancer. We have talked a lot about this in various pollution videos and we are seeing a five-month increase in cancer cases in two years.

In the city where we live, we increase the number of buses exponentially and the use of gas during the last years. Another thing to be careful in the consumption of alcohol is the permanent alcohol consumption. It is going to produce an irritation in the bladder and it is irritation in the bladder. It's going to cause prostate problems. People who suffer from prostate maybe have noticed that when they go for a drink with friends, sometimes they are going to have urinary retention or burning problems. All that happens because of irritation in the prostate. The same thing happens not only with alcohol, but with excess vitamins, calcium and a number of things that I formulate for you. What you take by self-formulation and necessarily as vitamins are, can produce stones. Those stones located near the prostate, in the prostate or in the urethra will irritate you. The prostate will cause problems. But what is the most important thing to avoid? Everything. Everything I have told you. Going to the urologist unnecessarily.

Why? Because the chances that you will end up having surgery or a prostate biopsy when you go to a urologist are extremely high. Therefore, if you have urinary symptoms, the best thing to do is to go to a good private physician. It can be a general practitioner, it can be a general surgeon who is not going to operate on your prostate and you consult him. Now, if he treats you well for whatever you have, you will certainly take very good care of your prostate, but avoid going to a urologist. I repeat, unless you have a precise diagnosis, unless you have a hypertrophy, let us say that it is producing a residue, because it mentions a very large residue that most likely, if it cannot be cured with medication, will produce an imperative need to take physical measures and one of these is surgery in order to be able to urinate. There are alternatives, but you are not always going to know them, because your urologist if not you can know them here in these videos as is the Medicaid and there are other things that can help a lot to take care of your prostate and it is very simple, it is not expensive, in fact it can be even cheaper than what you do to damage your prostate.

Instead of taking so many vitamins, have a natural diet, consume plenty of liquids, lots of fruit, lots of vegetables, avoid alcohol excesses, have orgasms, you have to have them, because if you make coitus interruptus and abstain from sexual intercourse, you will keep those liquids that are normally in the prostate and are expelled during sexual intercourse. You are going to keep them permanently and it is going to irritate your prostate. So. Have a normal life, exercise, ride a bicycle and we explain in a video that there is no danger. You can ride a horse, you can ride a bicycle, all the exercise, of course, like riding a horse and later horse that for you. But try to exercise like swimming in a clean pool. Eye, if you do not end up with prostatitis, use for your bath a lot of soap, soaps in the penis area. That is a healthy measure in the exercises you can do. I recommend, for example, running, this exercise will be very good for you.

Just be careful with your diet. I repeat, a lot of liquid, a lot of fruit, a lot of vegetables and they like meat.

It doesn't matter, eat meat if you like fish. Be careful with mercury, especially large fish, which can poison you, and keep these instructions in a place where you can make them permanent for yourselves. Do not make this a habit, do not make this just a video that passed through your life and you forgot about it and continued acquiring prostatitis. Do not make this a habit, watch this video two or three times and then you will remember when you go to eat, when you go to have a drink, better not drink so much, exercise with sexual relations and avoid abnormal things like suffering and things like that. Thank you very much for part of the video and if you can put a like and your series will get more videos like this good day.

Many times, you tell me that I talk more about women than men. Well, it's a bit because I use myself as an example, but you know that most of the pathologies I talk about affect both men and women. However, in today's case, it's different, and we're going to talk about the prostate, which is exclusive to men, and we'll see how the diet should be to avoid the biggest risk to the prostate, which is prostate cancer.

Problems with the prostate in men can have different origins and be more or less severe. In fact, prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, is generally caused by a bacterial infection. When there's a bacterial infection, the main treatment is usually antibiotics, which are specific medication to eliminate those harmful bacteria. There's also what is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is an enlargement that causes discomfort but is not harmful and is generally associated with aging. So, in these cases, let's forget about them and focus on the most serious pathology of the prostate, which is prostate cancer. How do we prevent or reduce the incidence of prostate cancer? Well, science and existing research tell us that there are some foods that can reduce the appearance or at least the frequency of prostate cancer in men. These foods should be part of the regular diet of men, regardless of age, although it's true that the appearance of prostate cancer is more frequent in older ages.

So, let's review the diet a bit, but I'll tell you in advance that almost all these foods I'm going to talk about are included in a dietary pattern based on the classic Mediterranean diet, a highly studied dietary pattern that, despite being named Mediterranean diet and associated with a specific geographical area where it was initially studied for various reasons, the principles can be applied anywhere in the world. It's a diet rich in plant-based foods, with a special emphasis on olive oil and the consumption of nuts. It also includes mainly lean meats, fish, some red meat, and fermented dairy products, such as yogurt. These are premises that we can practically fulfill anywhere in the world.

Now, let's get a little more specific within that Mediterranean diet. Which foods protect us more or help us reduce the incidence of prostate cancer? On one hand, we have oily fish, but it's not specifically the oily fish that reduces the incidence, but rather the Omega-3 fatty acids it contains. And there are other foods that we should increase the consumption of, such as Omega-3 fatty acids in general. For example, if I have a male patient who doesn't consume fish due to anisakiasis, I have to propose other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which may not always be equally bioavailable but should be present in the diet. These foods that also provide high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids are flax seeds and chia seeds. So, what I really want is a good consumption or coverage of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet."

"Perfectly meeting my requirements for Omega-3 fatty acids within those typical Mediterranean diet foods, the studies also highlight the role of tomatoes, specifically salad tomatoes, and a substance called lycopene. While we often think of fresh tomatoes as healthier, such as slices of a good tomato with olive oil, which is delightful and great for our health, to enhance lycopene absorption, tomato sauce is more beneficial. Not just any tomato sauce, though. Homemade tomato sauce with a good sauté of garlic and onion, a generous amount of ripe tomatoes, and minimal added sugars is ideal. A good sauté of onion already provides natural sweetness to the tomato sauce. Lycopene is better absorbed when there's some fat, such as olive oil, in both cases, and when the sauce is warm, even better than in fresh tomatoes.

Red berries, which are among the foods richest in antioxidants and vitamin C, are highly recommended for preventing the incidence of prostate cancer. These foods are very beneficial for men, especially older men who may have a higher predisposition to the growth and development of neoplastic cells in the prostate. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, known for their sulfur compounds, also decrease the risk of cancerous cell formation. Thus, they are completely recommended for men as a preventive measure against prostate problems.

Furthermore, we cannot overlook an ingredient that, while typical of the Mediterranean diet, is not the only source of the nutrient I want to discuss—zinc. Nuts and dried fruits are a good source of zinc in the diet, but we can also obtain it easily through the consumption of meats, fish, and especially seafood. The food that provides us with the most zinc, which is also related to male health as it promotes testosterone creation and reduces the incidence of prostate cancer, is oysters. While they may be pricey, including them in the diet occasionally can help supply zinc, though we can also get it from other foods like nuts, walnuts, fish, and certain meats with higher zinc content.

Lastly, something that might seem curious but I find very suitable for reducing the incidence of prostate cancer is green tea consumption. Statistics show that prostate cancer incidence is much higher in Western countries compared to Eastern countries, and when researchers analyzed the diet, they discovered that green tea consumption was more frequent and habitual in Eastern cultures but not as much in Western cultures. Scientific studies have shown that habitual consumption of green tea reduces the incidence of prostate cancer, so when you feel hungry between meals or want to have something to drink, a green tea infusion would be a great choice to include those beneficial antioxidants in your diet.