How Indigestion impacts Your Oral Health

For many, indigestion or heartburn is a burning sensation from gastric acid in your esophagus. A lot of us have it, and sometimes, we get it for simple reasons such as eating way too much. But, it actually can be a sign of a larger problem, such as acid reflux disease. It might be seen as a minor problem, but according to your Eagle Rock dentist, it can negatively impact your oral health, among other various complications as well. How do you ask? Well, you’re about to find out.

It actually can damage your teeth. If you have a repeated occurrence of gastric acid, it can actually cause damage to the tissues, and you’ll feel the pain. However, it can travel as far as where your mouth is, and it will raise the pH of the saliva in your mouth. Now, the problem with that, is that dental enamel isn’t made to treat stomach fluids that are super acidic. When it becomes too much, it can dissolve this, and that is called dental erosion.

You might notice it from an increased sensitivity to sweet foods, and even the heat, but as it progresses, it becomes seen in the form of discoloration, various indentations, and even chips and cracks in the teeth. Now, the worst part of this, is that some people will have this happen without heartburn, and it’s called a “silent reflex” and that means that the teeth and esophagus can be having trouble without the knowledge that you have. It isn’t unusual, but it definitely is something that you should consider if you notice something is off about your oral health.

Now you might wonder what you can do about it. Well, the thing is, while enamel is strong, it can’t grow back. Once the acid is exposed by stripping away the protective coating, your teeth become more prone to decay. You might need some reconstructive dentistry to help with further damage and reduce your cavities.

If you think that you’re suffering from this, talk to your dentist about this. Even if the Eagle Rock dentist might see it on your teeth, it’s important to tell them, since this can help to treat you and prevent further damage to the enamel. It’s super important that you say this as well, so that the dentist knows the source of erosion and to give you the advice on how to address it. cleanings that happen a lot are also a great way to protect your teeth and help to reduce the occurrence of the risk that does accompany this type of decay.

Now, lifestyle changes are also in order as well. You might need to do this to reduce the symptoms that are associated with this. If you heat a ton of larger meals, try to break these down into smaller ones that are more frequent. There are also a few that do cause these to flare up as well, such as tomatoes, chocolate, citrus, alcohol, and even spicy foods and coffee. If you do see this happening, you should try to consume these in a sparing manner. Also, making sure that you do lose a bit of weight can help a lot. Even just a little bit can affect this, and gaining as little as 5-10 kilos can actually make the risk of heartburn three times as likely.

You might believe this is a separate health issue, but your oral health has a huge impact on the body. So, don’t let this sit by and slide, and don’t let this get in the way of your future. Instead, what you want to do is to make sure that you take the time to ensure that you take care of your body by going to the dentist, and getting everything checked out. Heartburn isn’t fun, and it shouldn’t be something you should live with. However, by taking care of your body, you’ll be able to improve your overall nature, and make your life so much better than it has ever been before. You should definitely watch out for heartburn, since it is something that you should consider if you’re noticing dental decay as well.