Impressed by the plot of Kashi Yatre, the author's grandmother Krishtakka would listen to the story as her granddaughter (the author) read the episodes to her. She was so touched as she related with the main character. She could repeat the entire text by heart. She never went to school and so, she couldn't read it by herself. Afterwards, she used to join her friends at the temple park and would discuss the latest episodes.

After Sudha returns from enjoying a week-long wedding with her cousins, she finds her grandmother in tears. When she asks her what the matter was, her grandmother expresses her grief of getting married very early and therefore not getting a chance to receive an education. She explains that while the author was away, Karmaveera came in as usual, but she couldn't read a single alphabet and felt very embarrassed, helpless and dependent. After this, she firmly decides that she will learn to read the Kannada alphabet from the next day onwards and keep the day of Saraswati Puja as the deadline. That day she would be able to read a novel by herself.

How I Taught My Grandmother To Read Class 9 Pdf Download

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As a result, from the next day the author started her tuition and found her grandmother to be a very intelligent and hardworking student. She diligently did her homework and slowly learnt to read, repeat, write and recite.

When the Dussehra festival came as usual, the writer secretly bought Kashi Yatre which had been published as a novel by that time. Then suddenly her grandmother bent down and touched her feet. The author found this as extremely bizarre since elders never touch the feet of youngsters and thought that her grandmother had broken the rules of the tradition. But in response to that, her grandmother replied that she was touching the feet of a Guru (teacher), not her 12-year-old granddaughter as it was the custom that a teacher should be respected, irrespective of gender and age. She explained that her granddaughter was a very caring and loving teacher who taught her so well that she could easily read any novel confidently. This way, the author had helped her grandmother to become independent.

Question 1.

Write about the following memories or experiences. Share your views with the class.

(i) A memorable holiday spent with your grandmother

(ii) A story told by your grandmother

(ii) The things you admire the most about your grandmother

(iv) The difference between your mother and your grandmother


(i) A memorable holiday spent with my grandmother

Grandmothers are more than mothers. I still remember how I spent a holiday with my grandmother. It was quite a long time since I met her. I found her standing at the village bus-stand to receive me. She was really excited. She had prepared some of my favourite dishes only for me. She took me to the fields. We stopped at the canal. What a sight! Children were diving into it from a wooden bridge. I enjoyed fresh sugarcanes. It was evening. A herd of cattle was returning home. My grandmother would not let me sleep early. She had many interesting stories to tell. She talked of her youth, her good old times and her hobbies. She kissed me affectionately before I went to bed.

(iii) The things I admire the most about my grandmother

My grandmother is my role-model. I am very much impressed with her personality. But there are certain things which I admire the most in her character. The first thing is her sense of discipline. She is very regular and punctual. She gets up at 5 a.m. in the morning. She is ready for her prayers before 6 a.m. She has always a fixed time for everything. I like her deep faith in God. Her sense of cleanliness is extremely praiseworthy. She looks noble and dignified in her spotless white clothes. All these things make her a very pleasing and dignified personality.

(b) The grandmother never went to school. She was totally illiterate. So she could not read. Her granddaughter would read the next episode of Kashi Yatre when the weekly Karmaveera came. The grandmother depended on her granddaughter to know the story.

(d) Yes, the grandmother did succeed in accomplishing her desire to read. Being illiterate, she felt very dependent and helpless. She was determined to overcome that obstacle and learn the Kannada language. She made her granddaughter her teacher and did amazing amount of homework. She set Saraswati Pooja day as the deadline. She came out with flying colours. She could now read Kashi Yatre on her own.

Question 14:

The grandmother touched the feet of her granddaughter. How did she justify this gesture of hers?

(Value Based Question) (Board Term 1,2010, Set 64)


It is a part of our culture that we touch the feet of God, elders and teachers as a mark of respect. But the grandmother touched the feet of her granddaughter. She justified the gesture by saying that she had not touched the feet of her little granddaughter but that she had given respect to the teacher who had taught her so well that she became literate.

At the same time I inhaled books, blowing through them as fast as the librarians could give them to me, buying whatever ones I could afford with the change I got for turning in pop bottles. I read illustrated versions of classics like Robinson Crusoe, The Prince and the Pauper, the Arthurian legends. In my Pittsburgh ghetto, we never saw white people unless we took the bus downtown. I only saw them on the covers of my books.

Question 5.

Why was grandmother unhappy?


Grandmother was unhappy because she found herself helpless and dependent Her favorite story (Kashi Yatra) was in front of her but she was unable to read the lines.

Question 7.

How was grandmother a wonderful student?


The amount of homework she did was amazing. She would read, repeat and recite. Very soon she learnt to read the Kannada alphabet.

The little girl : ready to teach her grand mother, has sympathy for her grandmother loves her very much, teaches her the Kannada alpha bet.

Grandmother : unhappy at being illiterate, determined to learn, asks the help of her granddaughter to teach her, gives her granddaughter a gift when she learns to read.

After reading this story, encourage your students to write their very own procedure for reading time in your classroom. Encourage them to think of a student who has never entered their classroom before and what information they may need to know about the process of reading time in your classroom.

Why not set a home task of your students to find a recipe that they cook with their grandmother, mother or someone special? They can then write it out and as a class, you can create your very own recipe book! This recipe book template can provide a scaffold for getting them started, and you can include a review of recipe procedure writing vocabulary too.

These components will vary depending on country conditions such as institutional capacity, the level of language complexity, and text and book availability. For example, in fragile, conflict and violence affected settings, the use of technology through virtual classrooms and mobile apps can help deliver literacy programs even when there are teacher shortages. In countries where learning poverty is very high, more instruction time focused on reading must be put in place. As students master basic reading skills, instruction time will gradually include other more complex subjects.

The grandmother felt frustrated and was upset because she could not read the next episode of herfavourite story that was serialized in the magazine, thus, she had to wait for her granddaughter toreturn and read it out.

We know that the grandmother was determined to read as it was her who approached hergranddaughter to teach her, keeping her embarrassment aside. She also set a deadline by which shewould learn to read, and started the process from the very next day.

The grandmother is a determined person. I feel so because she not only showedher curiosity to learn reading but also decided the dead line for her own. She, inorder to learn reading, grasped things very quickly, and did all the assigned workon time.

Grandmother gave a frock material to the granddaughter. It was a mark ofaffection, love and respect. Her granddaughter had taken on the role of a teacherand had patiently taught her to read. Grandmother wanted to show her gratitudeand also wanted to please the little girl who was now her teacher.

Eighteen-year-old Victor Foster was raised in Houston by his grandmother who taught him to read and count before kindergarten, and to do long division a year before Victor learned it in school. She helped him gain admittance to a strong-performing middle school and supported him to endure long commutes from his neighborhood to what Victor considered a better high school in a richer part of town.

(c) Pick out two sentences which state that the grandmother was desperate to know what happened in the story.

 Ans: (1) I waited eagerly to return.

 (2) I even thought off going to the village and asking you to read for me. 17dc91bb1f

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