My client wants this video as his homepage background. Looks fine on desktop, but the sides are cropped on mobile. I get that Squarespace thinks I want the mobile to be full height just like on desktop, but I actually want the original aspect ratio of the video to remain on mobile.

I am having the same issue, and when I used the code supplied above it looks good in the squarespace mobile preview on my computer but when I test it on a phone, it just goes to my mobile fallback image. I test it on a tablet and it looks fine in landscape, but when the tablet is portrait, it cuts off still. I'm new to webdesign and css so I'm not sure I'm following the different parts of the code, but I appreciate all your help.

How I Download Videos From Youtube In Mobile

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Worked perfectly. I did run into one problem on one page ( I have a button that is an overlay on the background photo. In mobile view, the button covers the words in the picture.

I wondered whether I could get help with resizing my loading page on my sit for mobile? I have a spinner animation that shows up in the center on my desktop when my sections are loading but the position of it on mobile is pushed to the left I'd like it to be in the center of the page.

One other question. The way they set up the pages, the video gets hidden behind the top navigation on the desktop. I know I can change the settings from "fill" to "insert" and then adjust the page margins, but do you know a code that I can increase the top padding of the video, so it is contain within the page, and not hidden behind my top menu?

Provides mobile access to PHMSA's Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in 49 CFR parts 100-185 for the classifying/handling/packaging of hazmat by highway, rail, aircraft, and vessel. Provides on-line access to PHMSA's Pipeline Safety Regulations in 49 CFR parts 190-199. Apps available free on Android and iOS. On-line versions also available.

Our institution uses embedded videos in all our courses, hosted on a 3rd-party service called Vzaar. This was working fine in the Canvas mobile app until one day a few weeks ago, when all our embedded videos stopped showing up in the app, making it more or less useless for our students.

I did some testing and enquired with Canvas Support, and according to them there are NO video platforms that are working in the Canvas mobile app any longer, with the sole exception of YouTube. They said developers are looking into it but can't tell me when/if this might be fixed.

Is anyone else grappling with this problem out there? I can only assume from what they've told me that there must be many more institutions affected, but I haven't seen anything about it here on the Canvas Community.

We were just about to make a major push to let make all our written + image content responsive so it would look good on mobile, but our plans are dead in the water at the moment as none of our video content is visible.

I did some more testing myself and found that public YouTube and Vimeo embeds work, but neither public or private embeds from Vzaar and Wistia appear any longer. Canvas support has done some more testing and told me that the only platform that found that WAS still working was YouTube.

You can upload videos to YouTube in a few easy steps. Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile device. Uploading may not be available with supervised experiences on YouTube. Learn more here.

I'm trying to load a different video based on whether or not the user is on desktop (landscape) or mobile (portrait).The URL is www.bubina.comIf you load this on a mobile, it just loads the side of the video, but on desktop it's fine. I have a separate, portrait version of the video that I need to load for mobile.I've been trying to solve this with a number of fixes I found online: var javascript to call in different videos, using a media tag, etc, but I just can't get it to work. I'd appreciate any help please.

And I don't understand what to put where it says "display video for desktop" and "display video for mobile". What sort of code goes there? Where do the URLs for the video go? I need more explanation than that - I'm really limited on javascript knowledge, but I do know CSS and HTML.

Important: Deleting photos and videos from the Google Photos app deletes the same items from your device. If these items are backed up, the same content will be deleted on all devices with backup turned on. Learn how to remove backed up photos & videos from Google Photos but not your device.

At this time, there is no function within the app to remove videos or screenshots from the cloud backup. If you'd like, you can share this suggestion on our ideas page. There, other users and developers are able to share their suggestions with each other to improve the VR experience and Meta accounts associated with those devices for all our users.

If you don't want to delete the file completely from your headset, you can instead manually unsync individual files. You can do this by following the steps above, and selecting "Unsync" instead of "Delete" on each individual file.

Hi again! We wanted to check in to see if you were able to delete and/or unsync your files in your mobile app with the steps we provided. Just let us know if you need any more help, we're here for you!

I have, unfortunately, done the same thing as above. I took photos, synced them with the mobile app, and then deleted them from the quest device without unsyncing them. I really do not want to factory reset my device and lose any other data, I just want to remove the photos from the mobile app. Is there any way to do that?

Thank you for your response. The problem, however, is that I have deleted them from the headset without first unsyncing them from the mobile app. The pictures are no longer available on the headset but they are still in the mobile app. How do I remove them from the mobile app?

Please not that factory reset won't remove content you've purchased or downloaded from your account. If the issue still persists after this, reach out to our Online Support Team so they can get to the bottom of this for ya!

I created a custom liquid section for my home page in my Dawn theme to display a video(the video was uploaded to my store files, not from Youtube), below is the code :(the code was from some where on internet, I know only a bit about coding)

I have created the power app. it can view the pictures and video. I run it from pc version power app and no problem find with play video. but when I using mobile access to power app, it cannot view the video, please see the screens. and hope can help me to find the solution asap. thanks

A mobile app sends the URL "out into the wild" to see what comes back. If any authentication is required, it will be nothing. The app (currently) does not have the capacity to log in to a site simply because a control wants to display something and even if logged into SharePoint on an app or browser on the device, it cannot "see" anything else going on outside the app (or does not look ?).

What is the source of your pictures and video - is it SharePoint? Logging into your PowerApp does not log you into SharePoint, so if the source for your pictures/videos is a link to an file in a SharePoint library it may not work, particularly on mobile.

For images the workaround is to get the image thumbnail through your App: add the library to your PowerApp as a datasource and use a LookUp or Gallery based on that datasource to show the file's thumbnail. The thumbnail images (as the name suggests) are lower resolution but probably OK for most mobile needs).

if I put the video into other web such YouTube othe other, then I need to copy or upload to those website everything if got any new. then that power app mobile won't work video to get the video file from share point.

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