Is there a way to enable an 'undo' function in the Smart Editor widget, similar to the one available in the standard 'Edit' widget? Or perhaps there is a way to lock the overall feature in place, and enable the movement of only individual vertices?

There is currently no option to undo/redo or lock the feature's position to only allow editing vertices, in Smart Editor. If you do not have auto-save enabled, the end-user should be able to cancel their changes by hitting the Close button in the widget pane.

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This would be one of the most perplexing and infuriating irritations about DropBox. Period!!! The method to do this simple task is amazing complex and most of the examples given in the help menu are not just frustrating, but do not work because the screen menu is different to what the help menu says. Never ever will I use this useless program again!! Seriously, why make it so complicated to simply undo a simple backup process and why in hell would you ever ask a computer to backup to DropBox and then once they are deleted from DropBox they are automatically deleted from your computer!!! WTF? And still after all this time I keep getting messages about upgrading my DropBox because its full and they hold you ransom because if you delete the damm application you lose all your data from your computer!! Nonsense!!

Is there any way to undo/redo work in Dropbox paper? I am working online at PC, so that may not be an option, but I wonder if it's possible. I am not talking about restoring an older version of a file. I want to know if I accidentally delete part of my work, can I just undo it or will I need to recreate what I lost.

I can confirm the same problem persists. It happens after some time working on a model. If I draw a box in a new file, move it and undo it, all works fine. But just now, I spent 30 minutes working on a drawing, accidentally moved a surface with an image texture, undid that, and it got stuck.

can i do more than 40 time undo please fast help i want to restore my work i deleted something by mistake and i want to restore it i undo the work but its stop because i do more than 40 undo pleaseeee help

I had a bit of time and was bored - I made 135 copies of a component in the web version and then hit the undo function. I can confirm that on 3 separate occasions the undo function worked 100 times before stopping, therefore I conclude that you may have done a save or something similar after you accidentally deleted it. I believe that unless you have a backup somewhere your work has been lost. However there are people here much more knowledgeable than I that may have different ideas and a possible work around.

I would be interested in this as well. I would suggest an undo button for the entire board, so if you change information, move a pulse, re-name a group, etc. It would undo the last item if you click on it once, and then if 2x for the next item back, and so on. Even if only one undo back is possible, that would help out immensely!

I totally agree. Ideally ctrl+z would be great, but I understand the complications of this in a shared environment. I think adding a simple undo or restore feature in the activity tab is the very least that could be done.


I'm using Virtuoso ICADVM 20.1 and my question is quite easy. In ADE Assembler (or in Explorer) if I accidentally delete an output, an expressions or if I do an action that I simply want to undo, how can I do that?

I've tried searching something in the Cadence help manual, but I haven't found anything useful, because the undo function is only referred to schematic editor. I suppose Assembler does not have this command. Is it possible?

You would contact customer support and ask for a duplicate of enhancement CCR 760181.There have already been numerous requests for this (implementing undo in a tool is a far from trivial task, so just because lots of people want it doesn't make it that easy to implement!)

Currently it works really well (as it is supposed to) in Sketcher mode but other than that it is closer to a joke. First day I train a new person to ProE/Creo I tell them save often and don't expect the undo command to work (when it does work it is like winning the lotto).

I go to move multiple draft entities but because it may be a short line I selected Creo assumes that I wanted the endpoint and it ends up extending the line in an impossible way to undo (even when I still have it selected I cannot unselect is too late)...I cannot undo! I think we could all add our own examples of not being able to undo in various areas of Creo, so feel free to add some more in the comments area.

If it didn't work at all there were be little confusion of what was undoable and what was not undoable. Because it is mixed I tell users pretend that it doesn't exist and don't depend on it. If you need it and it works thank God. Otherwise have the habit of saving frequently and if you are using PDMLink than check the time and use the Workspace frames.

Undo feature would be VERY useful, like it is in some features, Creo2 did seem to take a step in the right direction (even if a baby step), because when upgrading from WF4 to Creo2 I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was more actions that were undoable, though I could not list them now.

More undo-redo would be helpful but I trying to help people understand how to maximize their current situation by understanding the general logic that PTC has employed. Let's take a scenario of creating an extrude:

Hey, I got an idea! Let's update Creo to the 21st century! I understand the challenge of updating the core functionality in all areas of Creo, however that understanding doesn't make it any less painful for the user when they go from modern software to Creo (which actually has perfect undo functionality in model sketcher mode, just not good anywhere else) and then back again. The contrast is painful.

I am with Lawrence Scheeler in this case - i don't think that the problem is caused by an PLM software. In my first job I worked as an designer for a small company and had to handle several customer Creo-environments with different PDM/PLM-softwares in the backround. There was no difference...if there is logic within the part brought into by an IF-Relation redo/undo was not useable any more. Same problem with the MASSPROP-Relation although that can be solved by deleting it.

In the part or assembly created from default template you may check that undo/redo functions should work properly. In my experience, company sometimes sets a start template with problematic PLM parameters which caused this issue in every part and assembly created from them. Let me know if you find it useful, if so I can cover and share this issue in more detail for others. Thanks.

The No undo with Zotero situation was a known bug at the time of original posting from @scottsp. He went to the Zotero forums and posted the issue, and got directions towards resolution. Alas, the solution seems to have been lost with newer Zotero versions.

That said, I tested with overwriting 370 pages of pure text, multiple subsequent edits/undo entries, and it was perfectly recovered by undo. IOW, I am unable to reproduce the issue on my system without involving Zotero.

To begin to undo, type C-/ (or its aliases, C-_ orC-x u)6. This undoes the most recent change in the buffer,and moves point back to where it was before that change. Consecutive repetitions of C-/ (or its aliases) undo earlierand earlier changes in the current buffer. If all the recordedchanges have already been undone, the undo command signals an error.

Any command other than an undo command breaks the sequence of undocommands. Starting from that moment, the entire sequence of undocommands that you have just performed are themselves placed into theundo record. Therefore, to re-apply changes you have undone, typeC-f or any other command that harmlessly breaks the sequence ofundoing; then type C-/ one or more times to undo some of theundo commands.

Alternatively, if you want to resume undoing, without redoingprevious undo commands, use M-x undo-only. This is likeundo, but will not redo changes you have just undone. Tocomplement it, M-x undo-redo will undo previous undo commands(and will not record itself as an undoable command).

If you notice that a buffer has been modified accidentally, theeasiest way to recover is to type C-/ repeatedly until the starsdisappear from the front of the mode line (see The Mode Line).Whenever an undo command makes the stars disappear from the mode line,it means that the buffer contents are the same as they were when thefile was last read in or saved. If you do not remember whether youchanged the buffer deliberately, type C-/ once. When you seethe last change you made undone, you will see whether it was anintentional change. If it was an accident, leave it undone. If itwas deliberate, redo the change as described above.

When there is an active region, any use of undo performsselective undo: it undoes the most recent change within theregion, instead of the entire buffer. However, when Transient Markmode is off (see Disabling Transient Mark Mode), C-/ alwaysoperates on the entire buffer, ignoring the region. In this case, youcan perform selective undo by supplying a prefix argument to theundo command: C-u C-/. To undo further changes in thesame region, repeat the undo command (no prefix argument isneeded).

When the undo information for a buffer becomes too large, Emacs discardsthe oldest records from time to time (during garbagecollection). You can specify how much undo information to keep bysetting the variables undo-limit, undo-strong-limit, andundo-outer-limit. Their values are expressed in bytes.

The variable undo-limit sets a soft limit: Emacs keeps undodata for enough commands to reach this size, and perhaps exceed it,but does not keep data for any earlier commands beyond that. Itsdefault value is 160000. The variable undo-strong-limit sets astricter limit: any previous command (though not the most recent one)that pushes the size past this amount is forgotten. The default valueof undo-strong-limit is 240000. 2351a5e196

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