I have a sheet where our colleagues are listing their projects. There is a row for the name of the project leader. This row is defined as "Dropdown list" with the setting "Restrict to dropdown values only". The cool thing is, that when I switch to "Card view" I can use the button "view by project leader" to sort the card and see how much projects (viewed as cards) every project leader is doing.

Sometimes we have more than one project leader. Since the last update there is the great function "Contact list" and the setting "allow multiple contacts per cell". So now I can assign several people to one project.

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I think there is an issue at the moment because of how Smartsheet handles single or multi contacts. They are treated as two different column types. I'll update my post if I find the information about it.

You are correct that only single-contact columns will appear as lane options in card view. If you want to use your "Project Leader" field as a lane in card view, I would suggest leaving it as a single-contact column in all of your sheets. You could add a second column called "Project team members" (and turn on "Allow multiple contacts per cell" in that column) in order to track any additional people. That way, you always have a single leader that you can show in card view & can add as many additional team members as you want in the other column.

For context, we don't currently allow multi-contact fields as lanes, because there isn't as clear a way to visualize these lanes in card view that would be unambiguous and useful for customers. That said, we'd love to know how you would expect this to work. For a card that's assigned to multiple people, would you expect the card to appear multiple times, under each person's lane? Or would you expect there to be a separate lane for each permutation of assignees, e.g., Person A, Person B, Person A & Person B (though this could lead to quite a few permutations with more people)? Or something else?

Like Max, I immediately desired the same functionality. My use case is nearly identical to his. With my company, we keep a "Master Project List" sheet which lists out all of our projects and includes information like status, budget, duration, and project engineer. Many of our projects involve multiple team members and I would love to see all the projects for each team member in the card lane view. My team is 8 people and this view would give me a quick idea of whose doing what and whether they are overloaded or not. I've always wanted to list multiple people under the "Project Engineer" column and when I realized that you guys had recently added the functionality, I immediately proceeded to try the card lane view only to be disappointed that it's not compatible.

My suggestion is this. If a contact list column contains more than one person, just duplicate the card and include it in the lane for each person. If the information on the card is edited for one person, then it changes for the other persons as well. In the end, you're just representing the same card under multiple people. Definitely, do not do the permutations. That would be quite a mess!

Totally agree! The task or 'card' should show under the lane for each person. The idea is that you can see what each person is assigned to in the card view, so having the task cards duplicated makes sense. I just spent a ton of time creating a task list using the multiple contacts option only to find out that the one view I was looking for (card view by person) was not an option. Now I have to try to figure out a different way to replicate what I have in Smartsheet in a manual way to show a grid by person. I often need this type of view which isn't meant to do true resource allocation calculations, just a view of who is working on what.

This option is only helpful if you have one project lead and don't care about a card view that shows each team member and all the tasks they are working on. I have had to abandon Smartsheet for many of my projects because of the inability to assign multiple contacts. I was thrilled to see this as a recent enhancement, but am now blocked by the inability to use the card view. Would love to see a solution where each team member has a lane and tasks show under each and every person they are assigned to. This would duplicate the cards, but makes sense for this use case.

Hello, as others have mentioned, enabling card view for multiple assigned member is absolutely critical for my team. The suggestion of simply duplicating the card when associated with multiple assignments will be very helpful. Do we have an update on whether this is considered for development?

Hello. I have this exact problem and i'm trying to figure out a way around but can't seem too.... many of our projects have couple of leads and multiple "active" members, "support" members, etc... so the "allow multiple contacts" is perfect for listing all team members names in the cell, but i can't seem to figure out a way to build any sort of reporting by NAME, i.e. understand where every person is involved and at what level. Dealing with a team of 100 employees here, so any sort of suggestion would be amazing... Reports don't work, dashboard dont, and card view either...

This has been around a while, but adding my two cents. Its not just the lanes in card view, but also any sorting or grouping does not work with multiple contact fields. To be honest, I do not have a strong preference one way or the other (having a row duplicated under each contact, or having a grouping/card/sort that uses all the contacts), but I would at least like it to do something. In our situation, we have a column for team lead, and a column for team members. I cannot pull any useful reports that group or sort based on the team member column. I will submit an enhancement request, but would like to see more discussion on this to hear ideas. Thanks!

Our company also has run into this issue and I'm disappointed to see that after over 3 years Smartsheet has not addressed it. Duplicating the cards (while not duplicating rows in the table) would make the most sense for us because the main use-case is to see all the projects assigned to each team member while also comparing across team members.

Smartsheet is advertised as a robust task management solution but I'm perplexed by this limitation. I can't imagine it would be that hard to have the same card show up in multiple lanes despite originating from one row in the table. It looks like this flaw was brought up over 3 years ago and still hasn't been addressed. Is there any plan to add this functionality?

Contacts automatically creates a contact card for you when you set up your Mac. You can change the information on your card, use a different picture, and even add a nickname for Siri to use instead of your first name.

It's definitely a Facebook problem. I had same issue. I fixed it by going to settings, contacts and changed My Info to my contact in address book. Then, went back to settings under Facebook, disabled all allowances/permissions. Restarted device. It showed no My Card person in Contacts. So, then I re-enabled all Facebook permissions in settings. I tapped on the Update all Facebook contacts and viola! It now shows myself as home person in my contacts.

I had the same problem....I had another person's name as my card even though I had reset it. When I pushed on my card it showed my data underneath the cover of someone else wrong. I scrolled down a bit and saw a suggestion to delete the Facebook app and restart the phone. For some stupid/unknown reason, that worked...

My wife would populate as me, my son would become my daughter according to Siri, my iPad would become my wife's iPad, some of my VIP contacts that are also on Facebook wouldn't text via Siri but I'd get a message that either contact has. I available mobile numbers (when they clearly have an iPhone), or I'd get "here's the phone numbers for so-and-so" then list an iPhone and an email for this person. Stupid.

Anyway, I nuked my Facebook & Messenger apps and magically, I am me again. I had to delete and add again those contacts that didn't work but all is ok so far now. I am going to add Facebook back in but set the permissions to. It sync with contacts. I believe that's where the problem lies.

I've already tried making another contact for myself - which will save in my "contacts" but my phone identity is still the wrong person with the wrong name and picture. I did edit the picture so it isn't her picture anymore but it reverts to her name even when I change it to mine - I took out her address, phone number, name but I can't remove her email address or her link to facebook - it is eternally linked to mine and that is extremely troubling to me! Also I hate having my phone think I'm her!!

I can't delete all contacts! I can't even delete that wrong one, which I want to delete - there is no delete option at the bottom of the page. I do think if I could delete it and then restart my phone it might be fixed but I have a feeling restarting my phone without deleting it is not going to help but I may try it anyway.

Someone said I have to temporarily delete my FB app from my phone in order to have the ability to remove the link to the other Susan's FB messenger and her email address - although I don't know how that will free up the email address - as it is neither has a delete or change option - it is impossible to remove them - mine are on there, but so are hers! I need to get all links to her off of my card info. How do I delete the facebook app? I know how to reinstall it, but don't know how to delete it. - also how do I see if anyone answers this?

Contact. (Your name) and info. Go to controls, select the new contact you created. Now tap the phone icon, then the contact button. It should take you to your contacts and your name should appear there.

My Card continuously assigns my son's card to my profile. Same first and last names, different middle name and address (we live about 1,000 miles apart. I don't want to delete his card. How can I make it "freeze" My Card to my profile? 9af72c28ce

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