Like chat, channel info also has a place to pin posts, which are shown below the member list. Note that only the three most recent pinned posts are visible in channel info. To see all pinned posts, select Pinned posts.

If you're a team owner or channel moderator and you want to allow channel members to pin posts, select More options at the top right of the channel, then select Manage channel , and then in the drop-down menu under Channel moderation, choose On. Select the Allow members to pin channel messages check box.

How Do I Download A List Of Members From Teams Channel


This shows recent team and channel updates, such as the addition of new members. If an update includes a drop-down arrow, select it to see more entries from the contributor.

To see all recent updates from the past 12 months, select See all.

The connectors first paramater is "Thread type" which can be "GroupChat" or custom. Group Chat doesn't work with teams, only chats. If using custom and guessing "2" then the UI lets you choose a team and a channel, but then errors on saving complaining that the Threat type parameter can only be GroupChat.

Why does the thread type syntax does not work? If - suggested in the documentation - you enter the custom value "channel" I even am allowed to select the specific team + channel that I want to retrieve the member data from, but once I try to save I get the error mentioned above.

I encountered issues too this morning when trying to use Microsoft Teams connector 'list members' action with Azure Logic Apps (the same connector used in Power Automate). I'm able to input Thread Type 'channel' when connector prompts for both Team and Channel id like it should. However when running the Logic App the operation gives following error so it seems there are issues with GraphAPI permission which connector uses on background. In my case the channel i'm trying to list members from is a private channel but the account I use is a member of team and channel so it shouldn't be issue. This seems like a bug and/or really bad documentation and it really needs to fixed by Microsoft. In my case operation would be crucial for my solution.

"message": "Missing scope permissions on the request. API requires one of 'ChannelMember.Read.All, ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All, Group.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All'. Scopes on the request 'Calendars.ReadWrite, Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared, Channel.Create, Channel.ReadBasic.All, ChannelMessage.Read.All, ChannelMessage.ReadWrite, ChannelMessage.Send, Chat.Create, Chat.Read, Chat.ReadWrite, ChatMessage.Send, GroupMember.Read.All, Presence.Read.All, Presence.ReadWrite, Team.Create, Team.ReadBasic.All, TeamMember.ReadWrite.All, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForChat, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser, TeamSettings.Read.All, TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All, TeamworkTag.Read, TeamworkTag.ReadWrite, User.Read, User.Read.All'",

@LaurensM is an exceptional contributor to the Power Platform Community. Super Users like Laurens inspire others through their example, encouragement, and active participation. We are excited to celebrated Laurens as our Super User of the Month for May 2024. Consistent Engagement: He consistently engages with the community by answering forum questions, sharing insights, and providing solutions. Laurens dedication helps other users find answers and overcome challenges. Community Expertise: As a Super User, Laurens plays a crucial role in maintaining a knowledge sharing environment. Always ensuring a positive experience for everyone. Leadership: He shares valuable insights on community growth, engagement, and future trends. Their contributions help shape the Power Platform Community. Congratulations, Laurens Martens, for your outstanding work! Keep inspiring others and making a difference in the community! Keep up the fantastic work!

We are excited to share that the all-new Copilot Cookbook Gallery for Power Apps is now available in the Power Apps Community, full of tips and tricks on how to best use Microsoft Copilot as you develop and create in Power Apps. The new Copilot Cookbook is your go-to resource when you need inspiration--or when you're stuck--and aren't sure how to best partner with Copilot while creating apps. Whether you're looking for the best prompts or just want to know about responsible AI use, visit Copilot Cookbook for regular updates you can rely on--while also serving up some of your greatest tips and tricks for the Community. Check Out the new Copilot Cookbook for Power Apps today: Copilot Cookbook - Power Platform Community. We can't wait to see what you "cook" up!

One of my users has reported a discrepancy in the amount of team members in a few of his private channels and the team members count. I have included a screenshot as an example - the count says there are 6 student members within this private channel but 8 names are listed. How is this possible and how can I fix it?

Try signing out and back in manually (top right corner) to refresh. If it's only an issue in the desktop app it could be cache related and then you can reset the app by typing %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams (via Start) and delete the content in the Teams folder. To just clear the cache you would need to be selective, but it works just fine removing everything.

A quick fix/workaround :

Go to the Channel and Choose "Manage Channel" or "Manage Team" then click the "Analytics" tab.

That should update everything so the Member Count is corrected.

I'm in an major I.T. company and we were doing some testing for a webinar on Teams. Our test user clicks leave channel and it displays wrong. We've done the wait 24 hours (and 48, 72 etc), we've done the wait over the weekend and the week, still the same. We've done the analytics (still insists 3 members when there are now 2 and user 3 can no longer see/access the private channel).

Literally the only way it corrects is when you add another user and therefore update the o365 group. I'm pretty sure given that Teams sites are essentially underpinned/driven by the o365 group functionality that like soft delete for sites, the glitch occurs due to the system waiting some random period (or for the group itself to be updated).

Enabling B2B direct connect allows admins to add external users to shared channels, which can be valuable for joint projects, partnerships, and other collaborative efforts that involve members from different organizations.

To ensure that only authorized users can access confidential information and to prevent any security breaches, admins must closely monitor the shared channels in their organization and keep track of their membership details.

You can use the above format to run the script as scheduled task in Windows Task Scheduler. If the admin account has MFA, you need to disable MFA using the Conditional Access policy to make this method work.

Shared channels in Microsoft Teams can contain sensitive or confidential information that should only be accessible to authorized individuals. Monitoring changes to membership ensures that only authorized users can access the information. If an unauthorized party gains access to a shared channel, they could potentially view or edit confidential information or disrupt collaboration on joint projects. Therefore, tracking shared channel membership changes is crucial.

The report provides valuable information about changes in team and channel memberships. You can use the built-in filters to generate more granular reports, such as those that show shared channel membership changes, private channel membership changes, and Teams membership changes, among others.

We hope that our PowerShell script will help you effectively manage your shared channels in Microsoft Teams. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for enhancements, please feel free to leave a comment and we will be happy to address your concerns.

I am building a flow where I need to fetch all private channel members. I am able to get the appropiate channel using teams connector. Now I need to access private channel member list. In google some people explains how to do it using Microsoft Graph. Connectors available to do this are in Premium version. I dont'have it. Anyone knows another way to get them?

To view and manage team information, navigate to System Console > Teams. Teams can be managed by Group Sync or Invite Only. The type of management in use may affect the management options available for that team.

System Admins can archive or unarchive the team from within User Management > Teams > Team Management. Archiving a team makes its contents inaccessible for all users. All related information is archived, including posts from the database. Before archiving a team, we recommend that you perform a database backup.

A list of all members in a channel is visible to System Admins. Members can be added and removed from the team members and be promoted or demoted to a Team Admin/Member role. Use the role Filter to refine your search results. You can use one filter, or combine filters to search by multiple roles:

To view and manage channel information, navigate to System Console > Channels. Channels can be managed by Group Sync or Manual Invites. The type of management in use may affect the management options available for that channel. Use the Filter to refine your search results. You can use one filter, or combine filters to search by channel and management type:

These settings are applicable only to Guests and Members. System, Team, and Channel Admins are not affected. If you wish to grant posting ability to a specific member, you must first promote that member to Channel Admin.

The availability of channel moderation settings can also be affected by existing system and team permissions configurations. If there are existing configurations that override the channel settings you would like to apply, it will be indicated in the user interface. These settings can then be adjusted in the relevant panel in the Permissions section of the System Console. 152ee80cbc

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