Housing Matters is an all-volunteer organization focusing on affordable housing in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. We provide education on existing affordable housing programs and discuss ways to create additional housing throughout Kalamazoo County.  Our goal is to bring people together from all the different agencies and organizations that care about housing--housing agency staff, support services staff, housing advocates and volunteers--so we know each other and work well together to respond with compassion and equity to all members of our community who need safe, stable homes.  We are non-political, in that we do not advocate for an particular party or candidate.  We do, however, advocate for issues, policies and ballot proposals intended to increase affordable housing and decrease homelessness


On the second Wednesday of the month (see dates), from noon to 1:30 Eastern Time, we hold a forum addressing a specific housing topic.  These forums are open to all who are interested. No RSVP required.  To receive announcements of upcoming forums, see Email List below. Currently, all our forums are via Zoom.