comparateur hotel

Never imagined I'd be so in close proximity and personal with France, the way in which I imagined in my own dreams. My fantasies got the visual expression on my recent visit to France. In the first place, I don't have sufficient words to state my feelings and exhilaration that I felt when I toured around France. It had been an awesome trip, a thing that I'll remember forever.

For quite sometime I was planning to go abroad with my children, but could not find out one proper place, because my dream destination was more compare hotel to the regular mountains, beaches and historical attractions. I needed a spot, which has a little bit of everything- the right mix of modernity and antiquity; where centuries old history is steeping from every corner, a spot where my sight meets an exceptional beauty and have an array of attractions to watch-out for.

For a time I thought I'm asking for a touch too much but then I made a decision to take help of my laptop. I surfed the web extensively to learn the absolute most traveled tourist destination of the world. To be able to make my dream become a reality I surfed several sites, and to my surprise, France was ranked as the number one tourist destination in nearly every site. I instantly decided the destination of my next summer vacations, has to stay France. I didn't do much to convince my family. I showed them beautiful pictures of France countryside and they were gasping.

We planned a week long tour and booked three tickets to France. Being the absolute most visited country, accommodation in the best hotels in France was our big concern. But that too was solved, when I ran across this very interesting site This page offered France best hotel's online booking services and I too, booked my resort rooms in France through this website, from my house. I booked two premium rooms in a four star hotel of France, at very competitive rates.

Finally the day came when I landed in France. I immediately checked directly into my booking hotel room and after refreshing myself, started my France de tour. My first stop was the Eiffel Tower. I gasped! the moment I saw this iconic structure. 1000s of tourists were flocking here and its garden was swarming with love birds cuddling with each other. The following destination I saw the world-famous Louvre Museum(remember, movie Da Vinci Code).

It preserved centuries old historical artifacts, paintings and sculpture. Another hot-spots I visited was Fontainebleau Forest and Castle, Monte-Carlo rock, Château de Versailles Gardens, Disneyland (I had a rocking time swirling in joy rides) and last but not minimal, superb beaches where I rubbed suntan on my body and enjoyed water currents lapping my feet.