Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 23: Please make me your disciple

{M: I’m keeping ‘seiza’ since it’d be annoying to change. If you don’t know what it is, look it up.}

"Please make me, your disciple."


After the latest of who knows how many requests to become his disciple, grandpa, yet again, neither nods nor shakes his head; he just completely ignores me.

He sits with his back to me, sanding down and polishing the elekdeer’s antlers.

Clouds smother the starry sky, blotting out even the moonlight; it is a dark and quiet night.

Warm light from candles and the hearth (-like thing) cast a gentle illumination on grandpa’s outline.

Ever since he took me hunting, my desire to learn grandpa's skills has become stronger and stronger.

Learning his techniques will definitely help me become stronger, and above all, grandpa was really cool fighting that deer.

But grandpa won’t listen to my request…

<<Why doesn’t he accept you? Is there something like a requirement to join the school?>>

Hmm, I’m not sure…?

Well, no matter how much I think about it, I won’t guess the reason.

The important thing is to get grandpa to nod his head!

If sincerely asking him doesn’t work, I'll have to resort to a slightly evil method here!


As grandpa silently works, I wrap around to his front and sit down in seiza.

And… I offer him the pouch that I’ve used for a long time.

At the moment, the pouch is filled to about the size of a softball..


Grandpa stops working and asks me what this is with his eyes.


I reply with my eyes that he’ll know once he opens it.


Grandpa pulls open the bag’s mouth and tries to take out the contents.

And a giant pill bug rolls out!

This is the guy I caught as a snack in the morning!

He’ll probably think it’s delicious once he eats it!


Ah! Hold on, don't throw it away, grandpa! Don't just silently throw away the pill bug!

If you roast it, it’s absolutely delicious!?

It tastes like shrimp or crab I think!?

Damn it! The bribe operation is a failure, huh.

<<You should have at least cooked it before serving it to him…!>>

Un, you’re right, Omake-sama…

But for the time being, let’s ask again.

"Please make me, your disciple."


Quietly, grandpa heaves a sigh.


And in a trailing voice, muttered so.

!! This… Is this the effect of the pill bug??

Negotiations have progressed!?

I can’t miss this opportunity!!

"Because I want, to be strong."


"I don't want to die. I want to be strong."

"……It doesn't have to be me, does it."

"Grandpa is good."


"Because grandpa is kind and cool."


"I want grandpa to teach me."


And silence.

Under the flickering candle flame’s unsteady light, grandpa does not make the slightest movement.

His arms are folded, eyes closed, and face looking down.

The room remains soundless.

The occasional popping of firewood in the hearth is the only break in the silence.


Has it been about an hour since then?

Grandpa suddenly opens his eyes, stares at me, and slowly rises to his feet.

He walks like that toward the wall.

<<…What’s happening?>>

He’s going to do something.

I can feel that much, so I concentrate on not overlooking a single one of grandpa's movements.

[Magic vision] activate.

When grandpa reaches the end of the room, he just puts the soles of his foot on the wall, and…



As if he were walking on the floor, grandpa starts walking vertically up the wall.

And when he steps onto the ceiling, he continues walking upside down..

Eh? What? What's happening? What am I being shown?

Grandpa who "circled" the room in an unprecedented way comes back in front of my dumbstruck self and speaks one word.


With that, he starts polishing his elekdeer antlers once more.

Omake-sama, just now was…

<<He was demonstrating a technique, wasn’t he…?>>

Silverfish… [silverfish], huh.

He showed me his skill.

I see.

…In other words, he accepted me as his student.


However, before anything, he wants me to try this [silverfish].


If I can’t do at least that, it wouldn't be worth it for him to continue training me.

<<Wait, Emmy?>>

…Understood, I’ll do it.

<<O~i, hold on?>>

I will clear this test for sure.

<<What are you talking about?>>

We’ll prove that I’m a disciple worthy of you!


Once again, I look forward to learning from you… Master!!

<<Um, were you really accepted as his disciple? Is that perception correct?>>

No doubt! I know since my and Master’s minds are connected!

<<Please just talk using words!!>>