Omake no Tensei-sha

I don't want good world building to be forgotten and go to waste. Here's where I'll compile a ton of stuff that is probably mostly unimportant in the long run but I think might be good to have as reference. there will be a few spoilers up to the current raw chapters. I add to this when I translate and when I read new releases.



Golden Continent

Fenoben Village Ruins

Naso Forest

Kaliva Great Tree

Saikanan Highway

Tenidis Province

Sacred Mountain Zahanu

Reibreik Province

Demes Province- Tovelle Count House


Country of Thieves Yabonove

Zamargo Forest

Nagan'ahate Country

Fantasy Continent

Dark Continent


Adventurers' Guild

Special Grade Adventurer: Golden Arkus

Megzam Bandits

Leader: Megzam

Members: Andar, Tappa

Purple no Futatsuwa

Leader: Dahachie Ambishus

Reincarnated People


Formerly: Aihara Runa

Companion: Omake

Torch Fenoben

Formerly: Suzudo Shota

Divine Protection: Holy Goddess Raintoria

son of Fenoben Village mayor

red hair


Patron God: Evil God Bahalia

raised as a sister to Torch

light blue hair

<First Name> Tovelle

Patron God: Death God Arogoros

youngest daughter of Tovelle family

white hair


Patron God: Fate God Alofa

stole away the body of Emmy's only friend. literally the worst

Ijiwar Deswa

Patron God: Fate God Alofa

daughter of the Duke of Deswa


Formerly: Goki Takeda

Patron God: Thief God Yabo



Holy God Raintoria

Evil God Bahalia

Death God Arogoros

Water God Willow

Fate God Alofa

Adventure God Dorantos

Creator God

Combat God

Magic God

Hunting God

Culinary God

Muscle God

Liquor God


naked nasty rat

a hairless green rat

20cm long body


shirasu looking things

live in damp areas in the forest using weak water magic

may migrate during rainfall


it's a cicada

sounds vary by region

reaper wolf

will follow

polite enough to let you know when it attacks

tree-eating caterpillar

actually a snail with no shell

white, caterpillar-like

delicious, crisp, good for soup stock


yellow deer

shoots lightning magic from its antlers

pill bug

shellfish like flavor when roasted


Human Race

the usual

Demon Race

created artificially with strict individual limits


floating sphere?

Beast Race

more in Part 2

Emmy's Techniques

[body strengthening]

using magical power to reinforce the body

[presence concealment]

blocking the leakage of magical power to the surroundings

[stone throwing]

throwing the stone


use magical power to cause a chemical reaction, starting a fire


use magical power to remove moisture


use magical power to gather, bind and condense the moisture in the air into drinkable water

[magic vision]

allows the visual perception of magical power


similar to [condensation], binds and solidifies the ground into a hard surface


[solidification] forms a stable platform

[body strengthening] empowers the jump

magical power generates a repulsive force from the ground

enables a high speed and high altitude jump


uses magical power as an adhesive to stick to a surface

enables walking on walls and ceilings


releases magical power tainted by negative emotions and killing intent

atrophies the target and can cause fear

[magic strike]

releases destructive magical power

can increase the force of a blow
