Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 13: Very easy! Thief-style violent communication!

I peek at my base, Kaliva Great Tree, from the bushes.

There are three dirty men.

The makeshift oven I had put together with stones is lit and meat is grilling.

Meat... It’s meat!

Not the rat meat I always eat! It's a big chunk of meat, dripping in fat, and it smells great...!

The fragrant aroma surrounds me even at this distance.

Ahh! My enhanced sense of smell has never been so valuable!

It looks so delicious; I want to eat it so bad...!

Even the drifting smoke, I want to inhale it all...!

<<Emmy! I strongly agree with that feeling, but right now, those men are the issue!>>

Hah… That's right, Omake-sama! Who the heck are they?

Tattered clothes and similar leather armor… How to put it? Anyone wearing that equipment would look rough.

Compared to them, the drunken trash man in Trash Village might even look well-kept.

As a homeless child myself, it’s not like I can say anything though.

On their waists they carry large, dangerous-looking cleavers.

With thick arms like that, if they tried to cut me, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to put up a fight.

I wonder if those people are so-called "adventurers". Will they share the meat if I ask nicely (wishful thinking)?

<<No, any way you look at it, they’re the bandit type. If you go out there, sharing the meat would be the least of your worries. You’d be the meat getting split by that cleaver (cruel reality).>>

……Good point!

But, why did bandits come here all of a sudden…

<<Let’s watch for a little while.>>


"Aah! Shit, I’m pissed!!"

The man with the largest beard among the three, Megzam, the head of the bandits, gulped down his liquor and slammed the cup on the ground.

"You said it! What the hell is that cheeky red-haired brat!"

A man with a slender face, Megzam's underling number one, Andar sucks up to Megzam while rubbing his hands together.

"Seriously! I didn’t hear that there’s such a monster brat in that village!"

The square-faced man, Megzam's underling number two, Tappa also tries to follow the flow of the conversation.


However, he unknowingly touched Megzam’s reverse scale.

Megzam slugs Tappa's face with all his might and shouts.

"Tappa, you shithead! You saying my scouting wasn’t good enough, is that it!? Aah!?"

No one in this bandit group uses their head too much, but the leader, Megzam, is smartest.

Accordingly, Megzam thinks about the looting strategy and takes command.

This job… Attacking Fenoben Village and robbing the villagers of their crops and valuables, was Megzam’s plan as well.

"You idiots are! Stupid, stupid, hopelessly stupid! You’re so weak! And you’re just gonna complain? Aah!? I'll kill you!? You wanna get killed?!?"

"Nh, No… I’m sorry! I'm sorry, Boss! Fuh… Forgive me!!"

Tappa, knocked off his feet, rolls on the ground in pain as Megzam relentlessly tramples him.

With a nosebleed dripping down his face, Tappa has no choice but to apologize..

"…Chih. Oi, Andar! You stuck or something? Get over here too…"


Megzam settles his irritation by hitting Andar’s approaching face.

It is a scene of terrible domineering.


Andar cries out in pain.

…Unlike Tappa, he had done nothing wrong, so to some extent the blow was turned aside and the damage reduced, but what hurts hurts.

"Oi, Andar, Tappa, what are we?"

""Yessir! We are "Yabonove’s Mad Dogs"! Megzam bandits!!""

The two underlings shouted together.

"That's right!! We “Mad Dogs”!! Got made fools of by some brat and ran away!! Are we worthless!!?"

""Yessir! Worthless!!!""

"What’d you saaayyy!"


Megzam once again unreasonably attacks his underlings.

Among them, power is everything.

Megzam is the strongest of them, that is, he is allowed to do anything.

They let him.

Megzam was strong.

And he has the wisdom to not pick fights with someone stronger than he is, or rather, the ability to sniff out the strong.

At least the two underlings had never seen Megzam fight and lose.

That's why, all the way from the distant "Country of Thieves, Yabonove", they have been able to cross several mountains and get to this point.

That Megzam lost.

He was supposed to kill and plunder the villagers.

With a light blue haired girl as hostage, he tried to get the villagers to bring money.

However, that didn't work.

"…Don’t touch Caro!!"

Suddenly screaming, a red-haired boy kicked Megzam to help the girl!

Megzam, blown back about three meters from the impact, attacked the red-haired boy in a rage along with his two underlings.

……The result was a terrible defeat.

The red-haired boy confronted the Megzam Bandits’ cleavers with just a wooden sword.

With just a wooden sword!!

Even so, Megzam couldn't win.

They weren’t intimidating to the boy.

On the contrary, the boy was clearly going easy on them.

Megzam and his crew were repelled from the village uninjured.

Hiding in the forest near the village, they conveniently found someone’s camp, so they occupied it and rested.

(This isn’t good.)

Megzam thought so.

Megzam is a violent man who can only interact with people through violence.

Violence is the lifeblood of his relationships and a means to control his two underlings.

Even people as stupid as them have their own uses.

It would be a problem if they were disillusioned by his weakness and fled.

Megzam was impatient.

Therefore, what Megzam did to keep them in the crew was unreasonable violence against them.

He has to appeal to them with his strength.

He must show his dignity as the boss.

This was the violent communication that Megzam had cultivated in his life as a thief.


Megzam, who had calmed down a little after his outburst, spoke to the two underlings who were trembling on the ground.

"Staying beat by that brat doesn’t suit us. Am I right?"

“”Ye… Yeah…!””

"We’ll definitely get that brat. We can’t let it end while he’s still looking down on us. Revenge. We’ll kill everyone in the village. We’ll cut off that brat’s arms and legs and rape that blue-haired brat right in front of him!"


The Megzam Bandits’ devil-like future actions had been decided.

……At that moment!!

“””Myogoh!! Myogomyogomyogoh!! Shugoooooooh!!!!!”””

In the bush behind the bandits, a large amount of myogomyogoshugo started screaming all at once!!!