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~6 GB of disk space.

Hot Pursuit Challenges requires a little more than what was needed to run original NFS MW (2005), but it does depend on what kind of setup you have. If you had problems running original game, it's going to get even more complicated with the mod. If you had no problems before, HPC is unlikely to cause any.

If you need any further help with the installation process, continue reading this page.

How I can install this mod?

Click on download button

It's simple - click on a link of your preferred service!

Important note

Due to Microsoft not knowing about HPC and its files, they will flag it as possibly unsafe (NOT malware, but UNSAFE). That happens because those files (which include installer) are obscure to them, and they want to give a warning before you may continue.

HPC is never intended to be in any way a harmful software or even a malware, it is only a mod for a game.

Run installer

Open "HPC_Setup.exe" to start installation process.

It's likely going to cause Windows warn you about obscurity and possible unsafety of the program, but that happens because it's actually unknown to Windows, and to get rid of that warning this program needs to be launched by lots of people, so it will automatically go through verification process.

Until then - you will need to manually allow Windows to proceed with it. To continue, click on "More info", then on button bellow "Run anyway".

Read, Do, Press "Next", Repeat

Check out little demonstration on the side to get a basic idea.

On each stage of installation it's recommended to read all the text before doing anything. Every stage is described in the way that you can easily understand what it's about and what you need to do.

Run Launcher

After you're done with installation, you can start launcher, where you can configure several game settings and start the game itself.

When you're ready - press "Play" button to start the game.

Settings here include options, divided into categories: Video, Graphics, Other. Each option has a quick description on the side of the window. You may need to take a look into settings in these cases:

First start

Click on "Play" button in launcher to start the game. Once you're in, create a new profile (MW05 ones won't work properly!)


You're ready to play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Challenges!

If you have any issues with the launch of the game, check out "Troubleshooting" section in Launcher! Otherwise (and in any other cases) consider joining discord server to ask question in public chat, where people can try to help you!

Important note: You may be denied support if it turns out that you didn't follow installation & first start instructions, and requirements of the mod.