Hossein Adeli 

Cognitive Science, Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist
Kriegeskorte lab
Zuckerman Institute for Brain Mind Behavior
Colubmia University
New York, NY

I am interested in using deep neural networks to study how the visual system combines top-down and attention modulations with bottom-up and lateral connectivity to efficiently group visual input into objects. At the Kriegeskorte lab, I am applying this approach to build computational hypotheses of the brain mechanisms of face perception and to evaluate them by building methods for optimizing controversial and adversarial stimuli to drive computational models’ and brain responses during face recognition.

Previously, I was a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in the Eye Cognition Lab at Stony Brook University psychology department, where I had also recieved my Ph.D. in Cognitive Science.

curriculum vitae  / google scholar / github