
 I am an associate professor at Information Photonics Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan. My research area is information photonics, especially, computational imaging, computational photography, and computational optical sensing and imaging.

 This website is a personal archive of my research activities.

E-mail: horisaki[at]

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July  1, 2024 Our new paper about decision making has been published in IEICE (NOLTA).

June  12, 2024 My collaborative work on spectroscopy has been published in Optics Letters.

April  30, 2024 Our new paper reviewing computational imaging has been published in Optical Review.

April  26, 2024 Our new paper about imaging through scattering media has been published in Optics Letters.

April  3, 2024 Our new paper about decision making has been published in Optics Express.