Hongxu Chen

Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Professor Renjun Duan.

I am interested in analysis of PDE, in particular, the kinetic theory and fluid equation.  

I graduated from Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. My Ph.D advisors are Professor Chanwoo Kim and Professor Qin Li. 

Email: hongxuchen.math@gmail.com.    

Here is my CV.

Publication and preprint

1. A numerical method for coupling the BGK model and Euler equation through the linearized Knudsen layer (Q.Li, J.Lu). J. Comput. Phys. 

2. Cercignani-Lampis boundary in the Boltzmann theory. Kinetic & Related Models.

3. Local Well-posedness of Vlasov-Possion-Boltzmann system with generalized diffuse boundary condition (Q.Li, C.Kim). Journal of Statistical Physics.

4. Regularity of Stationary Boltzmann equation in Convex Domains  (C.Kim).  Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.

5. Regularity of Boltzmann equation with Cercignani-Lampis boundary in convex domain. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.

6. Improving fairness via federated learning (Y.Zeng, H.Chen, K.Lee). MLSys 2022 Workshop, 2023 ISIT. 

7. GenLabel: Mixup Relabeling using Generative Models  (J. Sohn, L. Shang, H.Chen, J. Moon, D. Papailiopoulos, K. Lee). ICML 2022.

8. Gradient decay in the Boltzmann theory of Non-isothermal boundary.  (C.Kim) Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.

9. Macroscopic estimate of the linear Boltzmann and Landau equations with Specular reflection boundary. (C. Kim) Kinetic & Related Models.

10. Boltzmann equation with mixed boundary condition. (R. Duan) Submitted.

11. On regularity of a Kinetic Boundary layer.  Submitted.