Welcome to Data Science In Action


Welcome to my website. I am a trained engineer, statistician with passion in machine learning, artificial intelligence.

Solve the real world problems and add value to your team by using my expertise and business experiences.

Please feel free to contact me: stanghong@gmail.com


Data Visualization

Data Query, Visualization and PowerBI Dashboards

Power query and SQL queries to enable sustainable data cleaning

Dynamic filter, join, merge, groupby data allow interactive slice and dice large data set and extract insights

Python based machine learning algorithm reduce cycle time and improve business decision quality

Industry Machine Learning Projects

ML significantly improve efficiency

Use PCA and ML methods, we are able to reduce data processing time from days to hours

High prediction accuracy enables timely business decision and great cost saving

EDA of real health app data to improve customer engagement during holiday season

Smart Drilling from ML study

Successful application of neural network for rock facies classification in a carbonate field saved million dollars in infill drilling and data acquisition

Big discovery from ML Prediction

Successful application of classification and geostatistics methods results in a big discovery of a volcanic clastic reservoir

ML model to predict show-no show for hospital appointments

Multiple methods for feature engineering, feature selection, model selection, hyperparameter tunning and finally model development

Classification Hands on Projects

More on Neural Network and Parameter Tuning

Recommendation System

Regression, Dimension Reduction and Fun

Learning Journey


§ Programming Languages

Python(NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Scikit-learn), R, SAS, MATLAB, C, VBA

§ ML Algorithms (Proficient)

Regression, Discriminate analysis, Clustering analysis, PCA

KNN, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forrest, Naïve Bayes

Artificial Neural Network (Back Propagation, Probabilistic Neural Network)

§ ML Algorithms (Skillful/Aware)

XGBoost, NLP, CNN, Time Series Analysis, DataBot (H2O), Tensorflow, Recommendation System

§ Query/ Visualization

SQL, Power Query /Power BI, Spotfire

§ Other Statistic Tools

Experimental Design, Response Surface, ANOVA, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Multipoint Statistics, Sequential Gaussian Simulation, Object based modeling