堀内 進之介  (ホリウチ  シンノスケ)


単著に『データ管理は私たちを幸福にするか? 自己追跡の倫理学』(光文社新書、2022年)・『善意という暴力』(幻冬舎新書、2019年)・『人工知能時代を〈善く生きる〉技術』(集英社新書、2018年)・『感情で釣られる人々』(集英社新書、2016年)・『知と情意の政治学』(教育評論社)、共著に『AIアシスタントのコア・コンセプト: 人工知能時代の意思決定プロセスデザイン』・『人生を危険にさらせ!』(幻冬舎)ほか多数。翻訳書に『アメコミヒーローの倫理学』(パルコ出版、2019年)・『魂を統治する』(以文社、2016)がある。


近著論文 1


   The utilization of human enhancement technology (henceforth referred to as HE) holds 

the potential to alter physical, cognitive, and moral characteristics in individuals. Despite its 

myriad forms and novel nature, HE remains a contentious topic. 

 However, reports indicate that a significant number of students within the educational 

system are utilizing ADHD medication without a prescription to augment cognitive abilities 

such as attention, concentration, and memory. As a result, the discourse surrounding the pros 

and cons of HE has emerged within Japanese pedagogy. 

Regrettably, these discussions frequently fail to adequately reference prior ethical 

considerations, and thus, frequently evaluating HE in a broadly negative light. This poses a 

potential risk for those who may stand to benefit from the application of HE within the realm 

of education. 

 Thus, this paper aims to clarify why previous studies have tended to evaluate HE in a 

general and negative manner by referencing the ongoing controversy in ethics, specifically 

arguments made by proponents of HE. Additionally, the paper presents defenses for the 

utilization of HE in educational settings. 

 Through the examination presented in this paper, it becomes clear that the problem with 

previous studies lies in the definition of HE they adopt and the understanding of "better than 

well" that derives from it. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the definition of HE posited by 

its proponents, which conceptualizes it as an intervention aimed at enhancing the potential for 

a fulfilling life, is a valid framework for evaluating the implementation of HE within education.

近著論文  2


  The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the necessity and possibility of "love enhancement" by reviewing the evidence of the arguments of the leading Neuroenhancement of Love and Marriage (hereinafter referred to as "love enhancement").  

 The background to this theme is research aimed at improving or enhancing human qualities and abilities using science, technology, and biomedical science, referred to as Human Enhancement (HE).  

 In the techno-progressives who promote this research, HE has often been advocated as a way to solve a mountain of social problems, where HE is positioned as a way to improve and strengthen moral relationships to an arbitrary third party. On the other hand, HE as "love enhancement" aims to improve and strengthen intimate relationships with specific, irreplaceable others, such as private relationships involving sexual behavior and parent-child relationships.  

 Although these two are qualitatively different, the latter, in particular, considers the possibility of not only strengthening relationships with intimate others, but also reducing them, thereby dissolving problematic interpersonal relationships and leading to new encounters and the establishment of new interpersonal relationships. This indicates that HE is more about social relationships than about individual abilities and qualities, as are traditional methods such as religion, literature, ethics, and education.  

 In this paper, I address HE as a sociological theme, and in the next section, I clarify on what basis the claims about the necessity and possibility of "love enhancement" are based. In the next section, I will clarify on what basis the claims about the necessity and possibility of "love enhancement" are based. Then, in section 3, I will discuss some of the major criticisms of "love enhancement" and their counter-arguments, and identify their challenges. In the final section, I discuss the impact of "love enhancement" or HE on social science, based on the above discussion.






第1章 「分かる」と「できる」の間の深い溝

第2章 定量化される自己

第3章 定量化される関係性

第4章 測定されるものは管理される

第5章 セルフトラッキングの可能性

第6章 道徳性を補完するテクノロジー

最終章 慎重で開放的なスタンス


























雑誌・ 新聞・その他














    (第1話 2020.10.20(火) / 第2話 10.27(火)  / 第3話 11.3(火)  / 第4話 11.10(火) / 第5話 11.17(火) / 第6話 11.24(火) 配信)

    (第1章 2020.2.11(火) 2.18(火) / 第1章 2.25(火) 3.3(火) / 第3章 3.10(火) 3.17(火) / 第4章 3.24(火) 3.31(火) 配信)









