Home workout

first day push up


Start down on all fours with your hands just wider than your shoulders. Find a comfortable spot on the floor to exercise and get on your hands and knees. Put your palms flat against the ground so they’re directly below your shoulders. Point your fingers point straight ahead. Look straight down, and try your best to keep your head and neck in line with your back.[1]


Extend your legs so they form a straight line with your back. Walk your feet back as far as you can. Position your feet right next to each other or a few inches apart, and balance your weight on the balls of your feet. Keep your legs and back as straight as possible throughout your entire set of push-ups.[2]


Lower yourself to the floor until your elbows are at 90 degrees. Engage your core and breathe in as you bend your elbows. Keep your back and legs straight as you bring your body down toward the ground. Stop when your chest is about 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) from the floor.[3]


Push yourself back up until your arms are straight. Breathe out as you push your hands firmly against the floor. Lift your body up without bending your knees, letting your hips sag, or raising your hips up. Once you straighten out your arms and are back in your starting position, you’ve completed 1 rep![


Try to do as many push-ups as you can with good form. See how many push-ups you can do in a row without breaking your form to find a good starting point. Add the exercise to your routine, and take a rest day between each time you do them. As the push-ups start getting more manageable, try adding more reps or additional sets to your routine to challenge yourself and build more muscle.[5]