Important facts you need to know before having laser hair removal treatment

If you are considering home laser hair removal treatment, it is important to do your research. It can be easy to be lured in by the promise of a life without any stubble and say goodbye to shaving and waxing, but it is very important to read up on the facts before you make a decision. There are a lot of pros of having laser hair removal treatment beyond the hair removal aspect. If you have ingrown hairs that aggravate the skin and cause skin pigmentation, it can help to eliminate them. There are endless options for hair removal. From threading to waxing and tweezing to shaving, but the laser treatment is one of the few options that will offer a permanent approach to permanently getting rid of your body hair.

However, just like any other procedure you are doing to your body, it is an excellent idea to research the ins and outs of the process before starting a course. While the end result can be exciting, there are some things you should bear in mind and proven ways to prepare for the best experience. Here are a few facts you should know before you have laser hair removal.

The process is not as painful as it sounds

Laser hair removal sends laser lights through the pigment in the hair and the light converts to heat. The heat damages the hair bulb and hair follicle. You will experience a quick and sharp pain and you will feel more pain on thinner skins such as your chin, nose and temples.

However, IPL laser hair removal at home is not very painful. There are some devices that have a cooling mechanism which can be very helpful.

Patience will pay off

It will take at least two weeks after your first treatment to notice a difference. It will take up to 12 treatment sessions to get the desired results. You need to be regular with your appointment because hair follicles are at different stages of their growth. It is important to ensure you have a chance to get zapped.

The laser light will only target the hair that is in its active growth stage. People may find hair to appear less noticeable and finer after one treatment but you will need a course of treatments to see optimal results.

You should shave the area before your treatment

The laser can react with your hair on the surface of the skin and this causes some irritation and the dreaded burnt hair smell. You should do the necessary preparation before each treatment. You should ensure the area is cleanly shaved within a day before the treatment. Razors aren’t recommended as they leave the hair too long. Avoid waxing, tweezing or plucking the area being treated prior to or between sessions.

It is a fast process

Home laser hair removal is a fast process. It will only take at most 20 minutes. Before treatment, you should make sure you remove your makeup, oil and other things that may prevent you from achieving the best results.