Distance Learning Curriculum

Spring 2020

Welcome to Odessa R-7 home-based curriculum for the spring of 2020. You will find your school building tab at the top of the page. You may access your student's grade level material by week. Please contact your student's teacher with any questions.

Trouble Shooting - If you continue to have trouble, contact your teacher or Dr. Volmer at avolmer@odessar7.net

  1. Trouble opening a document, not all content is appearing, or content is jumbled.

    1. Highlight the document with one click. Does it say PDF on the bottom? If it does, either right-click on it or two-finger click the pad on a Chromebook. Choose OPEN WITH and open with either Lumin or DocHub.


    1. Highlight the document with one click. Does the bottom have a W? If so, either right-click on it or two-finger click the pad on a Chromebook. Choose OPEN WITH and open with Google Docs.

  1. You open a website and it says "Turn Off Pop-Up Blocker"

    1. Go to the top bar and click on the icon that looks like a stop sign and says ABP. Slide over the blue radio button that says "This Website." Refresh your website.

  2. You want to type on the document, but you don't have edit access

    1. You do NOT need to ask for editing access. Open the document. Go to FILE in the top left corner. Wait a few seconds for all options to show. Click on Make a Copy. Title it with your name and the doc name. Share it with your teacher.