Home access center Tomball Isd | Login website
The Home Access Center Tomball Isd provides an online grade book where parents and guardians can view helpful student information to support and guide their children through the educational process. From home or work, at any time of the day or night, parents can access the Web portal to track academic achievement. E-mail links are also available throughout the portal so parents can communicate with the school and teachers.
Home Access Center Tomball Isd LOGIN
Home Access Center Tomball Isd allows access to a student’s various information, including schedule, assignments, scores and attendance.
Email Teachers | Home access center Tomball
Email the teacher of one of your student’s classes by either going to the Interim Progress or Report Card screens in the Home Access Center. If you have an email application that auto-opens when you click on an email address (Outlook), the teacher’s email address will automatically fill the “To:” field of the email. If you use a web-based email provider (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) right-click on the teacher’s name and then select Properties in the pop-up that appears. Then you can select the email address, copy it, and paste it into your email.
Tomball ISD has turned on the feature in Home Access Center that allows a parent to update their phone numbers and email address, so they do not need to contact the Registrar to change their phone numbers of email address. Below is a screenshot of what the parents can update.
To update their information, the parent needs to log into Home Access Center and click on the Registration link located in the left-hand menu. Once at the Registration scree, the parent needs to click on Edit Information. Once the information has been updated, click Save.
A parent can only update their information of their child’s information. They cannot change the other parent’s contact information. When a phone number or email address is changed of the guardian the student lives with, the Registrar is notified via email.
To change an address, the parent must come into the school and speak with the Registrar. Parents cannot update address information through Home Access Center.